20: the truth.

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Brooklyn's POV:

I heard jack come in. At first I was hesitant but I soon creeped through to the hall when I heard him and Rye shouting. I stood by the wall peaking my head around the door watching them and listening carefully.

"So where did you go?" Rye asked.

"A bar." Jack replied casually.

"And what happened?" Rye questioned.

"What do you mean?! Nothing happened rye!!" Jack shouted getting really frustrated.

"Well where did you get that hickey?" Rye said smugly. I backed away. He has a hickey! What happened. I'm jealous. I'm hurt. I hate the thought of him with anyone but me.

"What hickey?" Jack tried.

"Jack!! What did you do?!" Rye shouted impatiently.

"Fine i met a girl named Layla and I almost slept with her!!happy now!" Jack shouted. I stepped back again and fell against the wall. He almost slept with someone. A girl. I though he was gay. I thought he was mine. I cried to myself silently

"I can't believe you.... Tell Brooklyn or I will." I heard Rye say as he started to his room again. I quickly darted to my room before he saw me not knowing what to do. What to think. What to feel.

Jack doesn't love me anymore. He's over me.

The next morning the tension between Rye, Jack and I was boiling up.

The didn't know that I knew and I was unsure if they would tell me.

We were out filming a music video when Jack and I had a duet together. As we filmed it Rye stood at the side glaring at Jack.

"Can you stop fucking glaring at me Rye!" Jack shouted storming over to him leaving me standing talking to Andy and Mickey.

"Tell him and maybe I will!" Rye shouted pushing Jack slightly. Andy quickly ran over to try and tame his boyfriend.

"I will in my own time!" Said jack not backing down.

"Tell who what!?" MIKEY shouted grabbing Jack away from Rye.

At this Jack snapped around out of Mikeys grip.

"Don't touch me! This wouldn't have happened if it weren't for you!" He screamed.

"Jack!! Don't fucking speak at him like that!" I shouted standing in front of Mikey.

"Oh are you sticking up for your boyfriend!" He said pushing me.

"He's my best friend. And at least I don't pretend to be gay then sleep with some random girl!!" I shouted feeling the tears and anger build up inside of me.

Jack stepped back looking pale and shocked.

"That's right I know! I heard you two fighting last night!" I shouted.

"Wait... Can someone please expla-" Andy started.

"Not right now babe" rye said cutting him off.

"How could you do this Jack..." I said fighting back the tears.

"I-i didn't sleep with her. I-I'm sor- wait why am I saying sorry you're the one who started all of this. You're the one who cheated on me." He said tears filling his eyes.

"I made a mistake Jack! Can't you get that! Mikey and I. It meant nothing. We kissed nothing mo-" I was cut off by Mikey.

"I came onto him. I kissed him. He was upset about the fight you two had and I was trying to be a good friend. Yeah I'm bisexual. Surprise. I don't like Brooklyn in that way. I'll admit at first I had feelings for him but not anymore. You guys are perfect for each other. Anyone can see that. Your right Jack. I'm just a selfish prick and none of this would have happened if it weren't for me... But it did happen and I want you to know that I am so so sorry and I always will be." Tears were running down his face as Rye went over to comfort him.

"We're proud of you for coming out bro" Rye said hugging him.

"Mikey I-I'm so sorry. I didn't mean... This wasn't... It's all my fault." Jack sighed.

I looked at him confused.

"Jack you didn-"
He cut me off.

"I was jealous. I always have been. I saw how close you guys were and I was scared. I was scared of loosing you brook. When I found out that yous kissed I just couldn't handle it. I thought you didn't love me anymore. I'm so sorry. " he said tears streaming down his face.

I sighed and pulled him into a hug.
"Jack I'm so sorry. For everything. Can you ever forgive me."

He nodded and pulled away. he walked over to Mikey and stood in front of him for a minute.

"I'm so sorry Mikey I really am. All those things I called you and said to you aren't true. I'm sor-" Jack was cut off by Mikey swinging his arms around him and pulling him into a tight hug.

"It's okay Jack... I'm sorry too" Mikey said.

"So is everyone friends again?" Andy laughed as he stood leaning against rye.

We all nodded and laughed.

"FINALLY !!" He shouted as we all went into one big group hug.

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