8: Surprise!

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Brooklyn's POV:

I woke up at about 6 am Mickey was still fast asleep considering hadn't got much sleep the last few days. His arm was wrapped around mine and his head still on my chest. I liked the way his head moved up and down with the rhythm of my breathing and how his light snores filled the empty room.

Brooklyn stop! I can't think like this. I love jack.

It's true I do love jack he means the world to me. I would do anything for that boy but Mikey is my best friend I don't like him in that way.

My thoughts had scared me away. I decided to try to lightly move Mikey of off me. I luckily succeeded then snuck out the room. I knew it was a bad idea to come visit him. I felt so bad. I was playing him. Messing him around. After last night he must have gotten the wrong idea by my staying. How could I be so stupid. So careless.

I walked into the flat at 6:40 so thankfully most of the boys were still fast asleep. I tried to lay on Mikey's bed to sleep instead of climbing in with jack and waking him up but it was too late...

Jack turned around to face me and before I realised he knew I had just come back he said.
"Where have you been brook?" He said it in a cocky voice because he knew he had caught me out.

"I err was at the toilet" I yawned trying to convince him but failing miserably.

"Brooklyn don't play that game! you've just came in! You never came home last night. I stayed up. I couldn't sleep. You never text. You never called. Where were you!?"He forced sternly getting angrier than I had ever seen him.

I turned to look at him shocked by his reply.
"Look my best mate is in hospital because of me. I was just trying to support him!" I admitted.

"What do you mean 'in hospital because of you'?" He questioned. That's when I realised I had really fucked up.

Why did Jack always have to do this. He always had to pick on stupid, unimportant things. He always had to be so curious.
"Jack it doesn't matter okay just leave it." I said bluntly before turning back around to face the wall.

"It does matter. Of course it fucking matters. Just tell me brook. Why is Mikey really in hospital?" Jack snapped.

I sighed. "He's not been eating or sleeping for the past week. He's been at the gym working out tirelessly and then constantly being moaned at by all of us because he's not been working hard enough. We all failed to realise that he was upset and struggling. We all failed him. And now he's got a fucking broken hand and wrist because of it. Because we all treat him like shit! When was the last time any of us asked if he was okay? Asked if anyone was okay?!" I cried, screaming at him furious with emotion.

I was so angry that I hadn't cared about the fact that it was not even 7 in the morning and all the other boys where sleeping. I had been so caught up in the moment that I completely lost it trashing the room and screaming causing everyone to wake up startled. I stormed back out the house in just a hoodie and sweats going a walk to try cool off a little.

I cried and cried and cried. I just felt awful. For everything. For the way I had made everyone feel. I very rarely cried but when I did it would often bring up all the emotions from past dramas that would cause me to cry even more until I made myself physically ill and depressed.

It was 4pm before I decided to head back to the flat mentally preparing myself for the lectures and arguments that stretched in front of me.

I got in and slumped back into Mikey's bed ignoring the many stares I was receiving. To my surprise Rye climbed down from his bunk and sat next to me resting a hand on my shoulder. He quietly asked Andy and Jack for a second alone as they reluctantly walked out the room.

"Brooklyn... I know this is hard and I'm not gonna sit here and say that I know how you feel because I don't but I can only imagine how upsetting this must be. I can see that you clearly love Jack and are torn because you don't want to let Mikey down but he also knows how much you love Jack. What you said this morning about none of us ever asking each other how we are doing was right. We never do and sadly Mikey just lost it. Today you lost it. Everyone does. And yeah we do have to start looking out for each other more but deep down We all know that we can talk to one another and we will always support you guys no matter what. Okay?" Rye was always so understanding and sympathetic. I sobbed into the pillow with every word knowing that it was all true.

I sat up and looked at him my eyes red and puffy and tears still streaming down my cheeks. I opened my mouth to say something but no words would come out. Instead rye just pulled me into a tight hug and at this moment the others walked in and joined the hug.

"I'm so sorry Brooklyn for everything... I love you" Jack said slowly cupping my face with his hand and bringing his soft, warm lips to meet mine.

When we looked away Andy looked taken aback but not surprised. Considering he was the only one who never knew.

"Surprise..." I mumbled looking at him awkwardly. He smiled and pulled me into a hug.

"I always knew. I'm proud of you both." He smiled putting his arm around Rye.

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