12: Safe place...

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Jack's POV:

I can't believe that he's just standing there pretending he doesn't know why I'm upset. I've honestly never felt so betrayed but I also questioned if I was just being overprotective and a jealous dick. No. I wasn't. I am not in the wrong here. He is.

I stormed out tears flooding down my cheeks. It was pouring rain but I didn't care I needed to be alone. I decided to go to my 'quite place'. A place I went to clear my head and think.

A large hill overlooking countless fields and an everlasting skyline. It was usually sunny and bright but this time it was dark. Misty. Gray. Rainy. Depressing.
I sat at on the hill for about 30 minutes before my phone started buzzing. I looked down at it and saw a photo of Brooklyn trying to call me.

I swiped the decline button.

Brooklyn's POV:

"JACK! JACK PLEASE BABY! IM SORRY!! JACK! JA-ck..." I shouted his name for what felt like a lifetime. Eventually straining my throat so much I could hardly speak.

I phoned him and he declined. I tried again and again. I was so worried for him. Where was he. It was now raining even heavier and it looked as though thunder and lightning was going to start.

After an hour or so I went back to the flat. The boys were now back and when they saw me walk in the flat drenched and crying they were shocked and full of concern.

"Brooklyn what the hell happened to you!" Andy shouted in worry.
Rye ran out the room and came back seconds later wrapping a towel around me.

"J-ack..." I stuttered through my shivers.

"What do you mean? Where is he? What happened? Is he okay?!" Rye said with high concern.

I just shook my head and looked down at the ground before completely breaking down into tears.
I felt and arm wrap around my soaked body and pull me into a tight, warm hug.
I looked up and saw I was in Mikey's arms.
I didn't care I just snuggled my head into him and continued to cry into him shoulder.

The boys tried to phone jack countless times but with no luck their concern increased.
We all decided to go out and try to find him. With no clue where to start and the weather quickly getting worse we began the long search for jack.

It was 11pm. We had been looking for jack for about 3 hours now. Where had he gone. I could tell how worried all the boys were and I felt overly guilty. We reached a huge hill at the very edge of the town. Rye took one look at it and sighed.

"Let's go home...he's not gonna be there"
He started walking away.

"WAIT!" I shouted with all my strength and ran up the hill slipping and sliding.

I reached the top of the hill and saw the love of my life sitting there. Shivering.

"Jack...!" I half screamed half whispered in disbelief.

As he turned his head I saw how broken and hurt he looked. I had never seen him in such a state. Shivering. Cold. Tired. Starved. Lifeless.
His eyes puffy ready and his face as white as a ghost. The thin black Top he was wearing was completely drenched. Stuck to his body from the water. He looked up at me. His eyes meeting in mine letting a tear roll down his cheek.

I ran over to him engulfing him in a sorry filled hug. He buried his head into my chest unable to move from the cold. I put the spare hoodie over him and picked him up carrying him down the hill and back to the flat with the others.

Laying him in his bed he looked almost dead. Pale and sick. I felt so bad. But I was also so happy he was home and safe at last.


Sorry I've not updated in a while I've been on holiday so haven't found much time but I'll try to be more active.
Got some ideas 💡☺️!

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