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The bright blue building caught my eye from faraway, and I worked my way in that direction. After turning a corner and sidestepping some sand, I found myself at the front of Aquasky, a newly renovated shop owned by my aunt.

I was disappointed when I saw the building up close. It used to be made of wooden planks and gave off a smell that I absolutely adored, but now, it was built of boring brick just like every other building. Sucking in a breath, I pulled open the door, grimacing when the bell installed at the top of the door rang. Aquasky before the renovation didn't have it, so it would take some getting used to.

"Please don't tell me that the boy that came in earlier today to yell at me was not one of your ex-boyfriends," a voice groaned. I turned my head to find Ian, my partner-in-crime for a good portion of my summer. Auntie Madison had asked me to help her man Aquasky since she had to travel to Europe for business purposes. Both fortunately and unfortunately, my cousin was assigned as my co-worker.

"Which one?" I asked innocently, moving towards the counter and jumping past it, my legs flying in the air before landing safely on the other side.

Ian sent me a look that said Don't do that again, but mister goody-two-shoes wasn't going to spoil my fun. "Harry?"

"Harry Dane?"

He shot me an exasperated look before sighing, "How many Harrys have you dated anyway?"

I grinned widely before slapping him on the shoulder. "I was only playing around."


"He was the last boyfriend in my entire college career. It was a special position, really," I informed my cousin, stringing an apron over my head and tying it securely behind my back.

"And you dumped him on the day of the commencement ceremony?"

"I'm not making any commitments over this summer, Ian. School's over, and I'm still trying to find out what I want to do with my life. Besides, this summer's probably going to be the last one where I feel even somewhat free. My other summers would be tied down to boring work that I just can't get enough of."

"Aren't you working right now?" Ian queried, cocking an eyebrow when I glanced his way.

"Yeah, but it's different. It's a family shop, and I'm not that tied down yet. I'm not going to waste it on boys. I don't need boys. Ever."

"But you need me," he winked.

"Without you, I'd be manning this shop alone, so yes, I need you," I deadpanned. "Happy?"

Ian didn't get a chance to respond because soon after, a huge group of boisterous boys entered the shop, all shirtless. Auntie Madison had placed a sign at the front of the shop that explicitly told our customers to be fully dressed upon entering the shop, but nobody ever listened. It's a relief that no one entered naked, though, that's for sure.

"Ugh, you get them?" I looked at him pleadingly, not wanting to deal with the ten to twenty boys crowding the corner of the shop. Realistically, Aquasky wasn't only a shop because we also sold ice cream bars, ice pops, ice cream sandwiches, etc. We were similar to a diner or café with the chairs and tables set up in the little space we had, but we still called Aquasky a shop, not particularly keen on delving into the specifics.

"No way!" he exclaimed. "I call out." My cousin, with wide eyes, held two hands up.

"I technically called first."

"You're getting them."

"You're a male! You're literally one of them!"

"You're a female! You're literally not one of them!"

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