"Dance with me!" shouted Ian. He dropped his phone in a bucket to amplify the sound of the song playing as he swayed to the music. I shook my head fervently, not wanting to embarrass myself, even though the three of us were hiding out in the back since business was low right now.

Kaitlyn laughed lightly before joining in, her lips pulled into a light smile as her body moved along to the beat. This is why it felt like Kaitlyn and Ian were so close. They had so much in common, and they couldn't resist each other in a way that either of them can easily persuade the other to do something, even if they didn't want to. I leaned against the door, watching in amusement as the two of the moved along to the music.

I soon felt my own toe tapping with the beat. "You are so lame!" Ian laughed, looking at my position.

"I'd rather be lame than dance," I stated, continuing watching the two move around awkwardly but still thoroughly enjoying themselves.

To say I was grateful for Ian was an understatement. Kaitlyn being out and about for the last four days really pushed her progress because she seemed to be much livelier than she was four days ago, and while I'd like to thank the sun and the beach air, it was partially because of Ian. Ian had forced her to get out of her comfort zone, and she couldn't say no to him. Slowly but surely, she was pulling out of her moping stage.

That didn't mean that she was new altogether. Half the time, Kaitlyn still looked like she was trapped in the past, her eyes looking off into space and her lips pursed. She still had her heavy eye bags and her dark circles, but they've gotten better because she managed to sleep more recently. She also started to work up an appetite, finally gaining the nutrients she needed.

Sometimes, Ian would stay over for dinner or at least stay until Kaitlyn fell asleep just to make sure that she was doing alright. He would hum songs to her and pat her back until she dozed off before leaving our house, and I couldn't have been more grateful.

Kaitlyn was really starting to change. This time around, her curtains were half drawn, and she reveled in her pink environment. Her lights were brighter. It still wasn't at the highest setting, but it most definitely wasn't the lowest one either. Her door was always open now, and she would come down for dinner, even if she looked like she really didn't want to.

Mom was overjoyed to see Kaitlyn out more. Mom had truly been worried sick about my sister and being able to finally see more glimpses of the Kaitlyn we knew before, we were both relieved.

And it was insane to think all this happened in four days, compared to the month she spent stuck in her room with no such progress.

"I'm tired," Kaitlyn suddenly stated, inhaling sharply. Since she had lost a lot of sleep over the month that she was stuck in her room, the sleep she was getting now still couldn't make up for it all. "I need to go to the restroom and get a drink of water," she informed us, breathing heavily even though she had barely moved.

Ian and I nodded to tell her that we knew, and she disappeared into the front. With only Ian and I in the room, I couldn't help but feel an overwhelming feeling of gratitude towards my cousin. Closing the space between us in five long strides, I hugged him to my chest, wrapping my arms around his torso and resting my cheek on his chest.

I felt him rumble with soft laughter before he snaked his arms around my waist, leaning into the embrace. "Since when were you the affectionate person?" he asked, thoroughly amused.

Ignoring his comment, I murmured against his skin, "Thank you."

Ian pulled away, gripping my shoulders and facing me in a way that his eyes could penetrate mine. "It's the least I could do. Sometimes, I think that if I hadn't left and that I persisted, she would've been out of her room much earlier."

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