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My sister was gripping my wrist tightly, her face morphed with pain. I didn't tell her that she was practically crushing my bones when we sat in Aquasky waiting for Marcus to arrive. Nixon was already reassuring my sister, his fingers finding her tense muscles in her back and massaging it out.

I sent him a grateful look, to which he returned with his normal charming grin.

"Is this how you felt when you went to meet Dad?" Kaitlyn asked, her voice slightly shaky.

"Yes," I reassured her, my tone slightly bitter from the idea of my father. It ended pretty well, if I do say so myself. I soon calmed down and realize that although he had a choice, it was a very difficult one to make. He thought he was doing the right thing, and perhaps he was. My objective was to gain closure from my Dad, and I got it. We reconciled and settled on the fact we will try to stay in contact, though I did warn him that it may take me a while to get used to it. He couldn't expect me to sink into the change so easily, especially without it for eleven years. We also agreed on a few meetings a year. I agreed to let him back into my life because I didn't want to be bitter anymore.

"I don't—"

"Closure." One word was enough to silence her. Closure was something we always needed, especially when we were left hanging.

Kaitlyn sighed. From my peripheral vision, I saw Marcus coming into the shop, his hair slicked back and his eyes dull. His lips were pressed into a thin line when he saw us, regret flashing through his eyes when his gaze landed on his ex-fiancé.

"You guys should go to the back," Ian suggested, holding open the door as the three of us entered the familiar room. Marcus had his hands stuffed in his pockets, his eyes darting around nervously. He had been here multiple times, but he had seen this place before it got renovated. "Kaia," Ian said softly, gesturing for me to come out.

I pressed my lips together and looked at Kaitlyn, who looked slightly pale but manageable. Nixon had slipped his hand into hers, squeezing softly, if the veins popping in his arms were any indication. Kaitlyn nodded, though her eyes demonstrated unexplainable pain. I was proud that she hasn't faltered yet, just upon seeing Marcus.

Opening my mouth, I directed my words at Marcus. "You better watch what you say. Any wrong move and you won't see daylight again," I threatened, scowling at him. It was funny to think that at one time, he had almost seemed like family, filling that fatherless hole that I had.

He chuckled nervously, his eyes gleaming. "Oh, Kaia. You know you can never be that threatening."

My scowl deepened, my fists beginning to ball up.

"Calm down. I'm sure your boyfriend will make sure that I don't step out of line."

"If you step out of the line, Nixon wouldn't be the only one after you," I said grimly, nodding at Ian, who had a guarded look towards Marcus.

"I get it. I have my hands tied."

"Yes, you do."

"But since you don't get to hear what I have to say..." he said softly, his voice expressing nothing but sincerity. "I truly am sorry, okay? I know that I've hurt you too, Kaia."

"Don't get fucking cocky. I don't need you in my life," I sneered before slamming the door a little harder than intended. But not without sending my sister another worried look.

"That was pretty badass," Ian commented when my attention zoomed in on him. He had one eyebrow quirked, his hands busy doing his business.

I sighed. "I hate what happened to Kaitlyn because of him."

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