"Mom, I'm home!" I listened to my voice echo throughout the house, wondering where my mother had disappeared off to. She was usually in the kitchen when I returned home, but today, I returned a lot later than normal.

The kitchen lights were switched off, and so were the lights in the living room. There was one hallway light on, and I knew that was a considerate idea from my mom, knowing that it being pure darkness when I returned home may not be safe.

I clutched the pink penguin, which I had named Blossom the minute I had walked through the front door of the house. There was innocent look on Blossom's face that encouraged me to choose that name for her, though half the reason was her color.

Me: I chose Blossom. What do you think?

Nixon: Hmm... good choice. What do you think mine should be? It should really correspond with yours, especially since the colors are sort of corresponding if I do say so myself.

Me: Bloom!

Nixon: A boy name, Kaia.

Me: Hey, it can be a boy name if you want it to be. Besides, it corresponds really well with Blossom.

Nixon: argh

Me: oi come on!

Nixon: fine *grumbles*

Me: Yay! Bloom and blossom. It's cute!

Nixon: Sure is.

Me: That better not be sarcasm I'm detecting, mister.

Nixon: no, ma'am, it isn't :)

"Who are you texting?" my mother's voice startled me and I felt my body jolt a bit. Closing off my phone, I slid it back into the pocket of my pants, shrugging.

"It's just Nixon." I had explained Nixon to my mother weeks ago, though I admittedly did feel a little embarrassed telling her. It was almost like telling her that I had a new boyfriend—for real this time—but it wasn't like that.

My mother padded down the stairs lightly, joining me at the bottom. Her lips were quirked up into a small smile, but her eyes expressed exhaustion.

"Did I disturb your sleep?" I asked, a twinge of guilt flowing through me as I saw her dressed in her night gown.

She shook her head immediately after. "Of course not. I was waiting for you to come home."

"Oh. You can just go to sleep, you know?"

"Can't a mother worry?" Mom asked tiredly, and I was aware that half of it had to do with Kaitlyn and her condition, though she had been doing better now. Her determination was definitely a huge factor, as she was always on alert, making sure not to falter.

I grinned a little at that. "Sure."

"Have you been ditching Aquasky again?" my mother asked lightheartedly, her eyes twinkling in the dim light. She eyed Blossom, who was secured in my arms.

"No... well, yes, but not for Blossom."


"The penguin!" I said cheerfully, holding the stuffed animal out to her before returning it to my hearth.

"You know Aunt Madison wouldn't quite appreciate it if you were ditching all the time," my mother joked, but I knew she was right. "She is paying you for doing nothing at this point."

"Hey!" I opposed. "Besides, Ian is trying to kick me out. I swear."

My mother actually seemed convinced, but it was true anyway. She walked closer to me, inspecting me closely before rubbing a thumb down my cheek. She then pulled me into a one armed hug, dragging me closer to her chest.

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