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We found ourselves in a similar position as a few days ago, sitting in a black sedan parked and ready to face another person of my past. Despite the worry that rushed through me, I couldn't help but feel thankfulness knowing that Nixon has been here through the entire time, not just for me but for my sister too.

"You ready?" he asked, grinning widely at me. I knew this time wasn't going to be as difficult as last time because it wasn't my family.

I sucked in a deep breath before nodding slowly. Nixon's eyes found mine, and we stayed like that in silence for a few moments before he reached over and pulled me into one of his embraces. This embrace was awkward because of the thing blocking us in the middle, but it felt heartwarming nonetheless.

"I'm so proud of you," he whispered into my ear. I shivered at his throaty voice.

"Thank you," I whispered back.

He pulled away before getting out of the car. Next thing we knew, we were standing on the porch of Lincoln's house. Nixon held out his hand to me, and I let my fingers intertwine with his. He was like an anchor. He made sure I was stuck in reality, and he was a stable substance that made me feel grounded.

Nixon was the one who helped me press the doorbell. Nerves racked me because I hadn't seen Lincoln in years, excluding that day at the park. After sophomore year, I didn't bother talking to him. He was no longer popular in junior year, but I didn't bother finding out why. In fact, I just didn't bother with him at all. I was dealing with my own grief that I couldn't care less about him, but I would still see him in the hallways or in my classes.

Once we graduated, Lincoln was permanently erased from my life, but not particularly from my thoughts. Nixon was right because I did blame him for Riley's death. I remembered Marcus's words and I shut my eyes for a moment. Lincoln is human too, and he has his own reasons. The least I could do was let him explain his story. That was why he even bothered giving me his number in the first place, right?

My heart clenched when the door opened and the blond hair boy appeared, his lips pressed into a tight line. His blue eyes were blazing, and it found my eyes before softening. He widened the door before gesturing for us to enter.

After the three of us were safely in the house, he shut the door and led us to the kitchen. "Water?" he asked, picking up a jug and a few cups.

"No, thank you," I said immediately, but he didn't bother listening. The next thing I knew, there were three glasses of water on the table. He seated himself across from us, his hands resting on the table.

"So... I can guess why you wanted to see me," he said grimly, taking a sip of his water. I didn't realize how tired he looked until now. His eye bags were prominently deep and the circles around his eyes were especially dark.

My heart pulled at the sight of him, but I couldn't tell if it was from empathy or anger. "You're probably right."

Lincoln wetted his lips before offering a hand to the Asian boy next to me. "I'm sure Kaia has told you about me, considering how you're here too. My name is Lincoln, and yours is..."

"Nixon," Nixon said immediately, taking Lincoln's hands with his free one. I found it slightly amusing how similar this entire situation was compared to my dad. However, I didn't believe I would be walking out of here with Lincoln as my friend.

Lincoln grinned, but it didn't reach his eyes. "Interesting name."

"So I've been told."

"Are you Kaia's boyfriend?"

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