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Again, I was acquainted with the usual sky blue walls painting the interior of Aquasky, having to suffer my unbearable cousin.

"Feels like it's been forever since I've been in here." I glowered at Ian, who shrugged in response. I couldn't despise him for forcing me to hang out with Nixon because it turned out to be one of the best experiences of my life, as it led to the development of Nixon and my friendship. However, that didn't mean I wouldn't jump at any chance to antagonize Ian.

"It's only been a few days. Stop being so melodramatic." He rolled his eyes in response, arranging the items in the back and at the counter. It was still the morning, so business was sluggish. Although many people visited the beach in the morning, nobody had plans to enter the shop for a snack. The only people that we see in the mornings are those here to buy swimsuits or other beach necessities. "Besides, I know you enjoy Nixon's presence."

Speaking of Nixon, we couldn't live in our picture perfect bubble forever. Though his schedules were often cleared out, he was clearly slacking on the job, and so was I; however, it was Ian's fault for constantly convincing me to go outside. I didn't know if Auntie Madison knew about the fact that Ian was pretty much kicking me out half the time, but I knew she wouldn't have the fondest reaction.

Nixon and I resumed our work, as it is the source of our income. He filled up his schedule a bit more to accommodate for the lessons he'd cleared up the last few days, realizing that he needed the money and he couldn't afford to keep slacking. With him gone, I was back to my post at Aquasky. However, he promised that he would still join me in pizza deliveries, which I had grinned at. His company was something I treasured in a car that only had pizzas as my company. I was grateful that he was sticking around because it felt good to have some humanitarian interaction when I was delivering the pizzas. Brief exchanges at the doorstep does not count.

I scowled playfully at Ian, something that he just waved off. Now, he had a mop in his hands, and he was cleaning up the floor on the inside. There was not much for us to do in the morning except to stand our post, waiting to greet and serve customers. We were stuck with each other's company, at least until Kaitlyn arrives later on.

As if on cue, Ian asked, "Kaitlyn is coming today, right?"

"Of course," I said, sounding a little too proud. Kaitlyn had certainly been coming out of her bubble, though it had been only a number of days. Her determination didn't seem to falter and the lack of interactions with Marcus only bettered her case.

Ian's concern for Kaitlyn was heartwarming, but he always asked me the same question over and over again. I knew he was just scared that she was recluse away in her room, refusing to come out. However, both of us had confidence that wasn't going to happen again, but that doesn't mean the possibility doesn't stand.

"She's been doing alright at home?"

I nodded. I hadn't checked up on her too often, but her coming down for supper and lingering outside her room for longer than before indicates her improvement. "I've been in there to make sure she kept her binds open and lights at the brightest. Whenever I go in, though, it's already adjusted."

A light smile toyed at Ian's lips, and his gaze casted downwards. "That's good to hear."

Speaking of the devil, Kaitlyn walked through the door, a small smile frozen on her lips. Her cheeks were rosy pink from the already sweltering weather and her hair was pulled up into a fixed bun. "Hey. I didn't miss too much, did I?"

"Nope. Business is slow in the morning," I breathed out. "As usual."

"Nice seeing you here after you ditched the last few days," she joked, her eyes twinkling. Despite her recovery, I could still see elements from before, like the dark eye bags she tried to conceal with makeup or that glimmer of exhaustion hiding behind her eyes. Those don't go away as quickly as she—or we—may hope it does.

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