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Nixon walked back to us, handing us the soda before shooting both of us a mock disgusted look. "Can't believe both of you like Coca Cola," he immediately scowled, taking a seat next to me. I chuckled at his disgust as he popped open his Sprite can.

Kaitlyn took it gratefully before popping open her own can, sticking a straw into it and taking a sip of it. "Can't believe you like Sprite." Her eyes twinkled as she wrinkled her nose at Nixon.

I couldn't explain how happy I was to see Kaitlyn nearly back to her original state, with more humor and life in her. Riley was also like Kaitlyn. She was a beacon of light in my life, so when she left, I depended more on Kaitlyn. When Kaitlyn disappeared, it felt like everything just wasn't right anymore, but now with her smile returning and the permanent twinkle in her eyes actually permanent this time, everything seemed to fit right back.

"Exactly," I wrinkled my nose at Nixon, seeing him roll his eyes at both of us.

"Typical Jacobs' sisters, huh?"

After that day of heavy heart-to-heart—well, just heart-to-Nixon, really—the dynamics of Nixon and my relationship shifted. He seemed to treat me almost like I was porcelain, extremely easy to break, until I was sick of it and told him to stop.

But despite that, I feel like our understanding for each other deepened, and we crossed barriers that other people haven't crossed. I felt like we were closer in an emotional sense.

"Yes," Kaitlyn beamed.

"You feeling alright?" I couldn't help but ask. As much as it made me guilty to admit, other than occasionally bedroom checks at night, I didn't tend to Kaitlyn very often. I, in a sense, threw the responsibility in Ian's hands, which reminded me that I had to thank him once more.

Kaitlyn rolled her eyes at that question, chuckling lightly. "Yeah," she said, her voice foamy. "I swear, it's the sunshine and the work."

"I told you to keep your blinds open."

"That's an entirely different situation."

"It is, in a sense, the same."

"I guess," she relented. "But what's the real reason the two of you invited me out? I'm not sure Ian's too happy with the fact that both of us are gone and he's required to tend to Aquasky alone. I'm also not too sure about what Nixon's coworkers have to say about his absence."

Nixon shrugged. "I doubt they care."

"What about your students?" she asked pointedly.

"If I needed to clear my schedule, I hand them off to my coworkers. Don't stress about it," he chuckled. "I have it all under control, you know?" He then picked up the Sprite bottle and brought it to his lips, chugging a bit of it before setting the can down and coughing violently.

I grimaced at the thought of the liquid burning at his throat and gently patted his back for support. "Bad idea."

"Mhm," he choked out, his eyes slightly redder.

I couldn't help but laugh at his current state, to which he glared at.

"Anyway," he said after his coughing fest was over. "We're here to talk about Marcus."

I could visibly see my sister pale, and the temptation to slap Nixon was a little over the top. However, I just plastered on a reassuring smile for my sister, using my eyes to tell her to relax. From the corner of my eye, I could see Nixon's gaze soften as he drunk in Kaitlyn's reaction.

"The thing is," I took over. "I told Nixon about everything that had happened, and that may sound bad, but he thinks he has a solution."

My sister blinked. "Everything. Even Riley?"

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