"Did you eat yet?" was the first thing my mother asked when I walked through the door. I felt my stomach rumble, indicating that I was hungry.

I shook my head. "Has Kaitlyn?"

She shook her head this time. "She's been in her room, and Ian just left. She didn't come out for dinner today. Have you any idea what happened?" Concern flashed through my mother's eyes, and I could suddenly see her old age all over again. She had always tried to conceal it with makeup, but it didn't help the wrinkles that were forming on her skin and the tiredness reflected in her eyes.

"Marcus. He entered the shop today," I said calmly, anger rising now that Nixon's gone. "He ruined everything! Kaitlyn was doing fine, and Ian was helping her move past the moping stage and finally be able to move on, but Marcus just has to fucking come and ruin it all!" My voice rose the more I talked, and I could feel tears burning at the back of my eyes.

I hated crying because I was never one to cry. I had all my shit together, and I don't break down, but already, I had wanted to cry for three times today. I felt weak.

"Oh, Kaia," my mother sighed, walking over to me and hugging me before her fingers found mine. She used her strength to pry my fingers away from my palm, and it was only then that I realized I was clenching my fists.

"Mom," I said as steadily as I can. She pulled away before staring at me intently. "Will Kaitlyn ever get better?" I asked, my voice breaking at the end.

"Yes, she will," my mother insisted. "She will. Now, her door's unlocked, so bring her some food and come down for dinner, alright?"

I nodded, scraping some food onto a plate before grabbing some utensils and heading upstairs to my sister. It wasn't a surprise to find her with her knees pulled to her chest and a type of tiredness overlooking her face, but it still hurt all the same.


I shook my head, laying the food down on her before walking over to embrace her and plant a gentle kiss on her forehead. She leaned into my embrace, her body shaking slightly. "How are you feeling?" I asked, though it was useless question.

"Like shit," she responded immediately. "I didn't expect to see Marcus."

"Neither did I," I murmured in the quiet room. I couldn't help but notice that her curtains were drawn close again and her lights were dim, making the pink seem almost purple. I sighed, but instead of sitting around and moping about the fact that she wasn't getting any better, I walked over to the curtains and pulled it open halfway. "So, you know when it's morning."

"Kaia... I feel so fucking selfish," she muttered, her voice breaking. She sucked in an unsteady breath. "This wasn't only a bad experience for me."

"It's alright. I'm good," I assured her before adding the next part without thinking. "I have Nixon."

"And I have Ian," she said dryly. "So why am I allowed to be in here moping when you're out there trying to get over it?"

"It's so much worse for you, Kaitlyn, and it's alright to feel. Just promise me that you'll get better."

"Kaia, I will," she said solemnly, her tired eyes boring into mine.

"And get some sleep. Really."

"I'll try."

"And eat."

"Yes, I get it."

I clicked her light a few times, making sure that they were at the brightest setting, so her room was suddenly filled with more optimism. "We're all waiting for you."

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