Chapter Two

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"Nature Dragon, Cold Fist!" I shout, nailing Natsu in his face. Natsu stumbles backwards and hits the ground with a thud. I turn around just to get tackled by Natsu. My hood almost falls off but I use my vines to hold it in place. Just in case, I pull my scarf over the lower half off my face. Natsu punches me in the gut over and over. I knee him in his thigh and he falls off me. I bolt to my feet and pick Natsu up by his scarf. I throw him at the wall, collapsing it. I force the grass to grow faster by holding my open palm outward. I bend the long blades around Natsu and harden them by closing my hand into a fist. Natsu is pinned to the ground.

Natsu tries to burn the vines but fails. I walk over to him. I pull Natsu off the ground and use the vines to push him against the wall. I reinforce the vines. I move the blades from over his mouth with a swish of my hand. "So, how's it feel?" I ask.

"What do you mean?" Natsu asks me.

"How's it feel to be beaten by blood?" I ask, smirking. But, he can't see it because of the hood.

"What do you mean 'by blood'?" Natsu asks.

"Well, you all know me as Liz Deathwalker, but that is not my true name. I have trust issues so I gave you an alias. But. You have all proven that I can trust you. So. I will reveal my face and name." I explain. I drop the vines around Natsu. "Be good, little dragon. Oh, and thanks for keeping this a secret Bixlow." Bix nods.

"So? Tell us, spill the beans, Liz!" Erza yells. I close my eyes. I take a deep breath and sigh. I remove the vines around my hood and pull it down. My salmon pink hair flows out from under my hood. I spread my feet shoulder length apart, ready to attack if nessacary. I place my hands on my scarf and pull it down. Gasps are heard throughout the guild.

"My name is Elizabeth Dragneel, formally known as Green Blaze, a man that would ruthlessly kill anyone in his way. But truth be told, I never killed a single person. I just teleported them away and erased their memories. I am still wanted but I can finally turn myself in." I explain. Natsu stares at me wide eyed.

"What...?" Natsu mumbles to himself.

"Attack me if you want, I only wanted to find my brother. Now, I can serve my time at peace with myself knowing my brother has found a good home." I explain. The first to attack is Erza. Erza charges me as she transforms to her Flame Empress armor. I sprout vines from the ground and wrap them around everyone. A tear falls from my eye.

"Well, I will remove my guild mark, right here in this spot. This is where I part ways from you. The closest thing to family I can remember. Thank you for taking me in....... I will miss you. Have fun during the S class trials. Also I warn you now, you have a painful fight to endure while you are there. Don't ever give up." I state. Natsu chews through the vines on his mouth.

"Liz, don't leave!" Natsu yells. I recover his mouth. I painfully remove my guild mark from my neck and I scream. I place the mark on the ground beneath my feet. I place a lasting seal on it so no matter what it can't be moved or covered. The tears keep falling and I can't stop them.

"A wise man once told me; pain makes you stronger, tears make you braver and heart break makes you wiser. So, I thank Fairy Tail for making my future brighter." I say, the tears not slowing. I tear off my cloak and it disappears. My black scale scarf falls around my neck. My white vest flows in the wind as I throw open the guild doors. My chest bandage slightly unravels. My black shorts and train flow gently in the wind.

"I'm not great at goodbyes..." I start. "So, see you later, my family. Don't die on me." I walk out the guild doors, despite my friends muffled cries. As I leave the guild I cover the lower half of my face with my scarf.

I lower the vines on them and sigh. I grow a thick plant beneath me, slowly rising with it. I stand on top of the pillar. "I AM THE ALMIGHTY GREEN BLAZE, NO ONE CAN STOP ME!!!" I shout to the scared civilians below. I hear screams and laugh evilly. I see my friends gathered at the bottom of the pillar, working destroy it. Natsu shoves everyone and cuts the plant from the ground in five slashes. I make the plant disappear before it falls to the ground.

I slowly float to the ground. The Magic Council finally arrives. I hear a voice in my head. "Surrender peacefully and we won't hurt you." The voice says. I sigh and stop thinking. My mind goes blank. I land in front of the council and place my fists side by side in front of me. I lower my head.

"Arrest me, bastards." I say. Five men step forward and place magic cancellation cuffs on my pale wrists. Two men begin to drag me to the back of a carriage. Then, I hear men groan. I stop moving. I look up to see Natsu and Gray fighting the Magic Council. I lower my head again. "Erza, stop them. Mirajane, help her."

The grunts fade as I hear shouts of protest. I look behind me. I see both men concealed by the powerful women. The men pulling me continue moving. They shove me into the carriage and leave me alone after that. I hear Natsu and Gray's protests fade.


I wake up to hear talking. I am being dragged towards two large doors. The doors are swung open and I am greeted with the Magic Council themselves. I groan. "Just sentence me so I can live a peaceful life." I groan. The council looks at me surprised.

"Green Blaze, you are sentenced to seven and a half years in maximum security prison for theivery, misuse of magic power-" One man says. I cut him off.

"I get it, I did wrong. Now, put me behind bars. So, I can be stuck with my malicious thoughts." I whisper. The man raises an eyebrow. "Also, may I please have my scarf back, it's important to me."

"You may have it after we personally inspect it. We need to make sure it can't help you escape." A woman explains. I groan.

"Take her away boys." The man from before says and I was dragged away.


I wake up inside this blue box. I stand up and sigh. I touch the walls and feel for the magic energy. The walls send chills up my spine. I pull my hands away and sit back down. I pull my knees to my chest and rest my chin on my knees. I hug my legs. I close my eyes.

'What you gonna do, orphan, poke me?' A boy asks a young girl. She shakes her head as she continues to be beaten relentlessly by the boy's friends.

I shiver at the memory. I look up to see a frog thing looking at me. I squeal and scoot closer to the back wall. "What is a little girl like you doing in here?" The frog thing asks. I stand up and walk as close to him as I can from in the cage. I wave a finger in it's face.

"First, I am an adult, frog. And second, I am known as the Green Blaze." I scold. The frog gulps.

"The Green Blaze... the same Green Blaze that killed and stole thousands of people and items. His power is said to be limitless. But, the Green Blaze is a man." The frog rambles.

"Actually, no one can confirm that. I am actually a woman." I say. The frog nods. "Are you supposed to be talking to prisoners?"

"Well, we can, it's just not recommended. You should see who your cell mate is. Bye, Green." The frog man says, floating away. I groan and look to my left. I see the one and only Jellal. It looks as if our cells just combined recently.

"Hi, I didn't know you get cell mates here." I whisper the last part to myself. Jellal continues looking down.

"They don't want people going insane, so they gave people cell mates. But, only the people they were worried about." Jellal whispers. I sit next to him. I copy his position and take in his features. He looks beaten and it's seems as if he hasn't eaten in a while.

"Are you okay, you look terrible?" I ask, mumbling.

"The physical pain is nothing compared to the emotional pain. My memory is slowly coming back and I regret everything I did." Jellal mumbles.

"I regret everything I did as well. I lost my brother and my mother. I turned to a life of crime. I have never killed a person, against contrary belief. I did, however steal all the things I said I did, but returned them after I quit crime and became a member of Fairy Tail. That guild truly changed me." I confess quietly.

"That guild has also changed me." Jellal mumbles vaguely.

Then, the cell falls silent, both lost in the thoughts of the guild that changed them both for the better.

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