Chapter Ten

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I wake up outside the hotel. I smile and look at me hand. Instead of my music box, a Sabortooth guild mark is in my hand. I pull up my hood. I scoff and run to the colesiem. I walk up to my team. I look over at Sabortooth. I see a new member on the team and Sting. The cocky bastard waving my music box around. I growl and look down.

"What's wrong, Liz?" Mira asks. I growl.

"Sting. Stole. My. Music. Box." I state through my teeth. I hold myself back and growl again. Mira looks at me and points at my hand. It is covered in green flames. I take a deep breath. I lean on the barrier and play with my fire, making sure Sting can see. You've made enemies with the wrong person, Sting. I play with my magic as the challenge round plays out. Erza dominates, as always. The battle rounds catch my eye. A cat person named Milliana dominates Quatro Puppy's guy. Then, a guy from Blue Pegasus against Rufus from Sabortooth. Rufus destroys the poor man as always. I still hate his guts. Can't wait to beat the pulp out of Sting. Natsu kind of beat up that guild last night, can't wait for my turn.

The next battle is Laxus vs. Alexi. Laxus, you better not lose. God. I have a terribly bad feeling in my gut.


Everything we saw... was an illusion. Well, we won. That's all that matters. Wendy vs. Shelia. Interesting, give it your all Wendy!


You did good, Wendy. I will fight for you when I get to go. I smirk. I walk out of the colesiem. I wait by the entrance for Sting. Sting and his guild walk out. I look up at Sting's smug face. I grab him by the neck and hold him up.

"Give. It. Back." I state through my teeth. I growl. His guildmates continue walking on. The other dragon slayer turns around and walks over to us. He stands by, idle. Sting smirks.

"Give what back?" Sting asks innocently. I growl again.

"My music box." I state. Sting pulls the box out of his pocket.

"This music box?" Sting asks. I set him back on the ground. I nod. Sting walks closer to the edge of the bridge. "What if I were to, say? Drop it." I take a deep breath.

"I would have to have my guild mates hold me back everytime I see your face. That is very important to me because mother gave it to me. If you were to, say, destroy it. It would be the end of you winning the games. It would fill me with enough determination to destroy anyone in my path. I would crave any revenge possible, because that box is the only thing keeping my rage at bay. The rage of being abandoned, the rage of being bullied, the rage that feuled my crime, the rage that would be your downfall, Sting Eucilffe." I state calmly. My vines have almost made it to the music box. Sting moves it away at the last second, and let's it go. I dive after it, my rage fueling my movements. I grasp it and wrap myself in fire, shooting back into the sky. I land next to Sting, music box in hand. "Thanks for the determination, I'll need it." I wink. I turn around, smirking.

"Jellal?!" I hear a voice shout. Damn it, Jellal. What did you do this time? I run towards the voice, joining the crowd.

"I see that someone finally removed your mask, Mystogen." Yagima states. Yagima then explains who Mystogen is and they split. I smirk. Thanks, Yagima. I follow Jellal.

"What the hell was that?" I ask. Jellal whips around to face me. "Be more careful." I punch his shoulder.

"Sorry, Liz. You should know you were a good cellmate. Did you ever get a new one?" Jellal asks.

"Actually, since you escaped, they didn't trust me enough, I guess. I needed the alone time anyway. I turned myself in so I could be alone with my thoughts." I explain. I hear a small chuckle. "Oh! Is the Great Mystogen chuckling at my expense?"

"No." Jellal's voice turns serious. "Council, be careful. Big bad Green Blaze." I smirk.

"I will wittle Mystogen." I state in a baby voice. I keep my head down as the council reps walk past me. The shady second in command grabs my arm.

"Green Blaze." He states. I flinch at the sudden contact.

"I paid my time. I was let go early, get off me." I whisper. The man grunts. "Make sure you win, Liz." I cringe.

"Okay." I answer. The man nods and continues on. I let out a breath. I walk away from the coliseum. I play my music box's sweet melody. I sway and hum to the music. It soon becomes dark. I find myself in the meadow. I smile at myself and sit on the ground. I sing along to my lullaby.

Quite a long time ago
A human fell below
Climbing the mountain peak
But was soon found by me

And so I took care of them
No longer lonely then
A sullen prince no longer
Now promoted to 'brother...'

Nothing could tear us apart
Vows made by crossing hearts
Our world was full of Hope
For this new miracle

But then came that dark day
When you were taken away
You really left a mark
Because my world went dark...

And so us two became one
How I regret what I'd done
And oh I wish I knew
How to see straight through you

You dragged us straight to your home
To kill all those that you know
With your 'determination'
You wished extermination

But with my own will power
I held back our true power
As humans wished our deaths
I smiled with no regrets

So on that day we died
Oh how our mother cried
But then our father swore
A brutal bloody war

Returning I was soulless
Chances to feel were hopeless
Bitter to my bare core
Wishing to reset all...

But then a while ago
A human fell below
Climbing the mountain peak
And stumbled on me...

Hateful and full of spite
I wanted you to die
But I had warned you still
'Its either kill or be killed...'

You look so much like them
And made me think of back then
But now I am no longer
A worthy type of brother

And after all you did
You saved me from the darkness
Although I made you suffer
You forgave me regardless...

And now I must say goodbye
And though it hurts inside
Thank you Liz forever more
The friend I wished for

I smile at the end of the song and fall asleep curled around my music box like a kitten curled up for a nap.


"Mommy, I love you. Promise to never leave me?" A young Elizabeth asks her mother.

"Dear, I would never leave you unless I had to. I love you more than anything, darling." Elizabeth's mother tells her child.


"Dear, I'm sorry to leave you, but I must, for your safety. I love you, my darling. I want you to have this." The woman tells her young child. The woman hands her child a little box that fits perfectly in the child's hand. "Play it when you miss me the most. You will remember the song. It's your lullaby after all." The young woman smiles sadly and leaves her child behind. The child curls up on the meadow grass around the music box, playing the sweet melody. The plants around her rising with sparkles in sync with her calmed mood. The child's tears slow then come to a stop.

"I miss you already, mommy. But I understand. Maybe, I'll stay here with the plants." The sad child states, giggling to herself. The lullaby lulls the small child to sleep, thoughts of her mother clouding her mind.

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