Chapter Three

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I wake up to Jellal mumbling very quietly. The frog man guarding our cell turns to Jellal. "What was that, Sir Segrain?" The frog man asks. Another lizard man floats down to the frog man.

"Jellal! Or did that already slip your feeble mind. Segrain was the fake name he used when he was a member of the Magic Council." The lizard said.

"Sorry, guess old habits die hard." The frog apologizes.

"Look at him, this is the guy who destroyed our council building? 'Cause to me this dangerous criminal looks like a caged, stray dog. " The lizard man yells. Jellal continues mumbling.

"Do you think he's trying to cast a curse on us?" The frog man asks.

"He couldn't cast anything, even if he wanted to. As long as he is in here, he is as weak as a newborn." The lizard man states. "Wanna put him to the test? The dangerous Green Blaze too."

"What do you mean by that?" The frog man asks. The lizard man sticks the head of his staff through the cell wall. The staff lights up and Jellal and I get shocked we both begin to groan in pain.

"What did I tell you? They are nothing more than helpless animals in a cage." The lizard man states.

"Okay, you've had your fun, knock it off." The frog man said. Jellal and I fall into a kneeling position, our groans getting louder.

"Curious, what were you mumbling about just a moment ago?" The lizard asks. "Saying a prayer?"

The lizard laughs and increases the pain. Jellal and I start screaming. The lizard then turns the staff off and pulls it back to his side. We both collapse to the ground.

"You know what I just realized? You both probably haven't had a decent meal since you got here. Have you? Bet your stomachs are trying to eat themselves." The lizard man pauses. "Well then, if you say please feed me Sir Nadu, I might consider it. Five little words and you'll be feasting like kings in there."

"That's enough." The frog man said.

"However if you don't say it, I'll make sure the taste of food becomes a distant memory." Nadu threatens. An image clouds my vision. I see Erza, laying on a tree trunk, beaten and battered. "Speak up."

"Er-za." Jellal and I say in unison. Both creatures look taken aback by our responses. "Don't give in. You can do it, Erza."

Erza's eyes open and she let's out a soft grunt. I tune out Nadu and the frog. She gains flashbacks of me and Jellal. She coughs as she sits up. I focus on Erza. The determination in her eyes. She won't give up. Erza's voice echos through my ears. Her thoughts.

I heard Jellal and Liz's voices, was I just dreaming? Stop it! You don't have time to be selfish! Clear your head, don't cling to phantoms of memories. Now that you have found the strength to stand, find the strength you need to win this!

Erza attacks over and over, not hitting her target once. She gets close. But, a branch stops her. She gets attacked and dodges the attacks.

I almost closed the distance, even if I get that close again, I'm not sure I have enough power to take him down. But, what I lack in power, I make up for in conviction and purpose. Purpose he forced on me. He has backed me into a corner and it will be his downfall. I will protect what I hold dear. The guild, my friends, I will win for them. I must!

Erza attacks and gets attacked in return. She blocks or dodges every attack. The branches confine Erza. Her opponent blasts her with a high amount of magic power. Erza harnesses the power of her bonds to her friends and uses Tenrou's power to defeat her opponent. Jellal and I sit up. The image disappears. We smirk in unison. "Good job, Erza." We say.

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