Laser Tag Surprise

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-Asleep Midoriya POV-

I wake up from the feeling of someone kicking me. After jumping up from the sudden force I relised that Ochako spend the night.

"Come on Deku! You've been sleeping forever! You need to get up!" Ochako yelled still nudging me with her foot.

"Okay, *yawns* okay. I am up!" I say groggily which causes Ochako to stop kick me.

"Well get up! Come on we got to meet everybody over at laser tag," She yelled.

"Fine give me a second." I said still tired and started to get up making her leave.

-Time Skip brought to you by Deku's pure and innocents-

Me and Ochako finally got at the laser tag place. We were greeted by Tenya, Tsu, Eljiro, Kacchan and Todoroki. I said hi to everybody and freaked out a little because Todoroki smiled at me when I greeted him. 'God I have the biggest crush on him'. Ochako teases me all the time and once almost ask him out for me but, I get flustered all the time. Before I relised they already walked away to start the game. I ran up and threw on the laser suit and the game started. 

I started to run to a wall that blocked me and I shot Tenya and ran to a tower and try shoot Todoroki and trip which caused him to try to shoot me and I start to ran after me. Soon after a lot running Todoroki cornered me walking up to me now. Since I can't escape I just watched him slowly walk up to me. Soon enough he was face to face with me.

"Do you want to go on a date with me?" He said with his raspy voice looking at me directly in the eyes.

"W-Wait, you-just-ask-me-out-and-I-didn't-even-know-you-liked-me-and-I-like-you-but-still-mph!" I was cut from my ranting by Todoroki's soft lips and he also put something in my hand, then he shot me.

"Call me if you want to" He said and ran and I just somberly walked to the place you sit when your out.

I just was recalling what happened while placing a finger on my lips and just thinking through if I should do something. I look at what was in my hand and figured out it was a phone number, so I made the contact and still just dumbfounded. 'Todoroki likes me. Heck he just kissed me!' Soon enough though I did call him and we went on a date and now I am his boyfriend! I cannot believe it!


-Bonus scene because why the fluff not-

Me, Eljiro and Kacchan where hanging out and my phone started ringing, but before I could grab it Kacchan did.

"Pfft you still call your dad 'daddy' how pathetic!" He mocked answering the phone still laughing.

"Hi Izuku do you still want to go on that date tonight?" Todoroki voice came from the phone.

I kid you not Kacchan face looks so dumbfounded I couldn't help but laugh even though I was a blushing mess.

(Word Count:556)

Heyyyyyyyy I am back! I've been trying to write this but somebody is setting off firework really frickin' late and my dogs are going insane so yeah that sucks but still the fireworks are cool to watch and there great because I didn't have to pay for them. Happy almost-but not-quite-yet 4th of july! (If you celebrate it if not that is okay)

Thank you for reading this chapter! I hope you liked it! :3 

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