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'Close your eyes,
Take a deep breath and clear your mind.

You're not at home,
You're not safe,
You're probably going to die,
But keep it cool.

You're about to jump off a building and you doubt you'll make it. You cannot go back, only forward. If you don't jump, you'll probably still die.


Her eyes shot open and narrowed, staring at the building ledge opposite to her.
The jump to the next roof was dangerous being that the space in between was at least 30 to 40 feet.
She glanced down at her feet while inhaling deeply and shut her eyes tight. When the sounds of feet and yelling men grew closer, she walked back towards the roof entrance, and broke into a run.
'THERE' she heard as she pushed off the building's ledge towards the opposite one. Gunshots peirced the crisp air around her, one hitting her left arm and sending her leap off course. She inhaled sharply and reached for the ledge- her finger tips inches away before falling.
She halted midair and coughed- the belt around her stomach tight.
"Ow.." she mumbled and exhaled softly.
"CUT", the director yelled. "Em, that was truly fantastic."
Emerson dangled above the green flooring with a wide smile,"Thanks. Have to remember I'm not actually dying."
"Not yet you're not," he replied as she was brought down and detached from the harness. "Now, we need to talk."
Emerson furrowed her dark brows and followed him back to his favorite seat, where she stood beside him and wiped her neck. "About?"
He sighed,"Thia and Luke."
"What about them?" She breathed and stared off onto set, watching everyone move around doing their jobs.
"They have chemistry. A bond."
Em nodded, listening to him and processing.
"They're intimate, partners- literally in crime."
She breathed,"Yeah?"
"I need to see that bond on set. You and Hemsworth barely spoke two words and it's been quite some time already." He practically whined.
She didn't know what to say. She basically worshipped the guy, but she could never actually have a conversation with him.
"You have a couple days til we start filimg you both. I wanna see a healthy relationship by then, alright?"
"But I-"
"Thank you Emerson." He grinned.
"You're welcome," she grinned back and bit her lip as she walked back onto set.

As soon as Emerson finished filming her scenes for the day, she rushed to get outside.
The curly haired brunette stood on the curb of a busy street in New York, taking in the pale sun and breeze.
She glanced down at her phone and read 3:34 PM. Her breath came out in a white puff and disappeared swiftly. She looked out at the street with bored eyes and huffed once again. "What to do.." she whispered to herself,exhausted but still wanting to do something.
Suddenly she was bumped slightly and dropped her phone on the sidewalk. "SHIT-" she hissed and squatted to pick it up just as the nuisance did as well.
"I am so sorry-" a deep male voice began.
"It's fine, I got it-" she paused and coughed when his hand fell over hers.
She drew back, disgusted and stood up without looking at the stranger.
"Here- it's not broken?" The voice spoke again.
Em took a deep breath, controlling herself, even though she was too tired to yell, and looked at her attacker.
"Jesus-" Foggy blue eyes stared back at her while she cleared her throat.
She grabbed her phone which he was holding out for what must've felt like an eternity.
"Thanks," she forced half smile and looked over her phone to make sure it was okay.
The man chuckled slightly,"I uhm- Im really sorry."
Em shook her head,"It's fine. It's not broken so you don't have to buy me a new one." she looked up with a serious expression.
He chuckled again and then cleared his throat,"You're serious-"
"I'm just joking," she laughed to herself and looked out at the street again. "I'm Emerson."
A small smile spread across the man's face,"Chris," he replied while holding his hand out for her to shake.
It was then she realised, her eyes widened,"-Hemsworth- Oh my God. Thor!" She firmly shook his hand and grinned. "I loved you since forever." She realised what she said and rolled her eyes,"Sorry."
Chris laughed,"No it's fine. Always nice to meet a fan." He winked.
"Or co-worker." She grinned back sarcastically.
His brows drew together until it hit him,"Right! You're Emerson!"
She rolled her eyes again and nodded, chuckling softly,"That's me."
He gasped quietly,"God Im so sorry- let me take you out for coffee. Do you like coffee?"
She shook her head slowly,"No actually. But i wouldn't mind Wendy's." she said with a shrug and began to stare at a passing car.
"Wendy's then," Chris chuckled and nodded. "Number?"
"What?" She snapped out of her trance and looked back up at him.
"Your number. So i can call you," he half smiled.
She nodded and held out her hand for his phone,"Oh- yeah."

After they exchanged digits, he asked where she was headed.
"Not sure actually. I'm done filming for today," her phone buzzed in her back pocket but she ignored it.
"I wish I was," he sighed. "This movie's a long one."
Em nodded and smiled,"Yeah. I really like it though."
Chris nodded and looked at her,"Me too."
They stood in silence for an awkward moment before Emerson spoke up with a deep breath. "Are you supposed to be filming now?"
Chris stared at her for another moment,"Yeah actually.. Yeah- shit-what time is it?"
"Shit-" He ran a hand through his hair in frustration and called a taxi cab over. He opened the back door and looked at his colleague,"Need a ride?"
She shook her head,"Im good, thanks."
"Alright, I'll see you tomorrow, fan." He winked and disappeared into the vehicle.
His voice rang in her head, echoing until she processed his words.
"Tomorrow?" She called but the cab had already begun to drive off.
She watched as it drove off and mixed with the sea of other cars and sighed,"Tomorrow. Sure."
She then called her own cab and headed home.

This is lowkey shit, sorry!💗

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