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I screamed.
Well not a scream, more like a deep yell. But loud. Loud enough to alert Chris who was conveniently outside my trailer door at that moment.
He opened the door and rushed in.
I yelled again.
He stared at me, lips parted.
I held the pictures up, jaw tight.
He swallowed.
"I'm going into a protection program or some shit- I am D, O, N, E, done." I huffed and sat on the floor. "Tell everyone i quit."
As soon as my ass hit the floor, he was beside me, pulling me into his large arms. I rested my head against his chest, his heartbeat ringing in my head.
"We're gonna figure out who's doing this to you." It wasn't just a statement. It was a promise. A goal. He wasn't going to give up.
Not on this. Not on me. Wow.
All I could do was nod. I wasn't even scared really. Just completely confused and frustrated.
This could be a crazy ex scenario, but none of my exes were visibly insane. We all ended on decent terms.
Then there was Evans. But he's not publicly insane, and he's the sweetest.
Even then, he's famous. Too many cameras.
"Can we do something? I need to put this together but i can't think about it now." I sighed and looked at his hand wrapped around mine. When did that happen?
Chris nodded slowly and didn't move until I did.
Overwhelmed with emotion as usual, I hugged Chris tight. Then set the photos on the counter and freshened up in the bathroom.

Chris decided to take me out to eat. They weren't allowing me to film at the moment. I needed to finish some tests and psychological evaluations before getting back in. I was gone for nearly a week.
We went to some fancy fast food restaurant and sat in a corner. I had my hoodie on and folded my legs on the booth seat. "I'm starving.."
Chris gave me a wide eyed look,"Are you okay?"
I snorted and laughed,"Yeah. Just hungry, not literally starved. I think- do i look thinner?" I patted my cheeks. Felt the same.
He shook his head and stared at me."You look the same actually."
I shrugged and swallowed, staring at the table.
He ordered for our food, me having three burgers and him having one giant one. Big man.
I devoured my food and tried very hard not to burp too loudly.
Chris chuckled every time i struggled with one. Honestly it made me feel better. To just relax and feel normal, and forget.
But he didn't want me to forget.

When we finished eating, he wouldn't allow me to go back alone. He politely told me I would be rooming with him until I felt more comfortable (how did he know??), and I just listened. I couldn't argue with him. He's being really good to me.
We watched a movie together on his bed, using his laptop. He held me. It was really nice.
I laid my head on his chest as it ended and sighed quietly. "What's next?"
"Comedy or action? Or thriller?" His hands played with one of my curls.
"Thriller? Have you seen The Sphere?"
He shook his head,"I've heard of that one." Swiftly, he began to search it up and play it.
I yawned and stretched my legs out.
As it started, i scooted back into his arms and wrapped them around me. He kissed my head and rested his chin on the top.
The movie is really good. I remembered watching it with my mom at one point, before things got hectic. She and I always loved the same movies. She had good taste.
"Do you remember anything?" Chris's question pulled me out of my trip down memory lane. I swallowed.
"Nothing." My breathing slowed. I felt dead.
He pressed on,"Are you sure?"
I shot him a look,"Yes, Chris, I'm sure. Can we please not talk about it?" I felt alive again. Panic rushed through me, setting my skin on fire.
"It just doesn't make sense." I was frustrated with him now. Why did he want to talk about it so much? Why the hell is it so important?
I shifted out of his grasp and glared at him. But then i immediately softened.
His cheeks were flushed. He was thinking hard, and his jaw was clenched.
Of course he wanted to talk about it, he fucking cares. About me. He always has.
I was a fat sap, in that moment. My heart beat echoed in my ears. He just wants me safe. And with him. And lately, I've been so stressful. He's been a handful too, no angel, but he has feelings too. Shit happens to everyone.
But the worst seems to happen to me.
"We'll figure it out," I caught his gaze and forced a small smile. "Don't think about it too hard. You might pop something."
He returned the smile, his more sad.
I swallowed again and leaned closer to him from my spot on his bed and pecked his lips.
I didn't get to pull away. He pulled me onto him and kissed me with force. I didn't fight it even though i wanted to.
"Thanks." That was really awkward and weird to say after a kiss, in my opinion but I still said it.
He kissed my cheek,"No problem."
We settled back into our positions, me curled up in him, and continued our movie until the next package came. To his trailer door.

Emerson was kidnapped after awkwardly breaking it off with Chris Evans because she realised it was fucking wrong, and she still really likes Chris Hemsworth (of course). She was missing for about a week.
When she escaped, she had no memory of her time in the house or her captor at all. And when she got to her trailer, she received some unsettling photos of her during her missing period as well as photos of her with Evans.
Hemsworth is now staying with her and watching her, making sure she's safe like a dork.

Merry Christmas yall <3

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