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[Third person POV.]

Thankfully Em made it back to the car quickly enough before the paparazzi came back. She set her bag on the floor and shut her eyes for a moment, clearing her head.
"Everything okay?" Evans asked.
She nodded and swallowed,"Yeah." No more questions were asked, thank God. Tired, she laid her head on his lap and curled up on the seat.
Chris gave the driver directions to where he was taking Em. He still hadn't told her where exactly that was.
"Where are we going?" Em yawned, gazing up at him.
His head shook,"Can't tell. But I know you'll love it."

Buildings turned into trees, and the sky was clear except for a few clouds blocking part of the sun. Emerson watched through the window, her head still rested in Chris's lap. Seeing the countryside roll past put a smile on her face. She felt like she knew where they were going.
Soon enough the car came to a stop and Emerson rushed out, taking her bag with her. Her feet met pavement and she frowned.
"Don't be so disappointed already, we're not quite there yet." Chris chuckled at her and took her hand.
They walked into the train station. It wasn't some big modern area. There was a small building in the center, flanked by benches and coverings.
Chris claimed to have tickets and led her to a bench where they waited.
"So you're taking me on a train." Emerson stated flatly, hiding her excitement as best she could. She's always loved trains.
Chris eyed her, squinting from the sun,"You don't like it?"
She couldn't help but grin,"No I love it. Thanks." Her hand found his and intertwined their fingers.
"You still haven't been on one right?" He asked.
She shook her head,"No sadly. But there's a first time for everything."
The train approached, and came to a halt with a screech. Only a handful of people made their ways off the train and dispersed. The lack people made both Chris and Em relax and release the breath they were holding.
Together they boarded, Emerson grinning widely. They weren't many people on the train as well. A couple sat in their seats, gazing out the window or talking quietly with one another.
"They have sleeping cars?" Emerson questioned, watching someone come from further down the train and take a seat.
Chris nodded to her."We have a room if you want to go to it now."
She grinned wider and nodded her head. He led her down the walkway and looked around.

Emerson sat her bag down on the bed and sighed. This must've been expensive. The room was unrealistically large, and held two beds, a decently sized table and two armchairs which looked very comfortable. She sat on one, and Chris sat across from her in the other.
"Did i mention I missed you?" She joked and folded her legs. Chris smiled and shook his head,"No, I don't think so."
"Really? Coz I think I did." She furrowed her brows and smiled back. She quickly stood and moved the chair closer to his and sat back in the same position. "Are there any stops?"
His tongue slid across his lip as he thought. "Yeah actually, there's this really pretty place-"
"Wait- I don't wanna know. It'll be a surprise." Her lips thinned into a smile,"We're spending the whole day together."
"All day up until 6." He corrected her.
"All day up until 6," she repeated. They sat together in comfortable silence and peered through the wide window at the hills. Country rolled by quickly but it felt like an eternity. Never ending fields of grass, a few farm houses spread across, animals roaming. It was so peaceful.
"Have you ever meditated?"
Chris looked at her,"No. Have you?"
She stared back,"No. But I wanna try. Try with me," she crossed her legs on the chair and placed her hands on her knees."Like this."
Chris struggled,"I dont think i can do that on this chair.."
Emerson laughed and placed her hands on his knees,"It's okay. Now just close your eyes."
He cocked an eyebrow and closed them,"Dont pull anything."
She laughed again,"I won't I promise."
While waving her hand in front of his face, she snickered quietly. She kicked her shoes off and sat on her knees on the chair. She leaned close to his face and smiled, admiring him. It was weird, but oh well. Her fingers traced his jaw before cupping his cheeks. She leaned closer, brushing her lips against his. His parted, hoping to catch her in a kiss, but she sat back, grinning.
His eye cracked open,"Pretty sure that's not how meditating works." She erupted in laughter and slouched.
"Okok- close your eyes again." He rolled them and closed once more. She gently climbed onto his lap and straddled him. Her hands cupped his face again, and she gave him an actual kiss. Tingles ran up her spine, even though it was a simple, sweet kiss. Chris smiled into it and wrapped his arms around her. The passion in it was unbelievable. She couldn't remember kissing you know who like that..
They parted for air. Emerson smiled down at him, brushing her thumbs against his cheeks. "Your beard tickles."
He chuckled,"Is that bad?"
She shook her head and studied his face. "Not at all."
Their eyes locked, and for several seconds they sat in silence. She placed another kiss on his lips and sighed. "I should've called sooner," those words were quiet.
Chris shut his eyes tight,"Me too." She tilted his head up with her finger.
"But we're here now." He nodded and connected their lips roughly, and deepened it as he lifted her. He carried to and placed her on the bed carefully, hovering over her.
He broke the kiss and laid beside her,"I love you, Em."
Her cheeks tinted pink for the first time in forever, a smile plastered on her face. "You dork.. I love you too, Chris." She faced him and pecked his nose.
Instantly after she said those words, she knew later on she'd regret them. But it was okay. She deserved to be okay right now. Chris made her feel better than okay. And she did love him. She just didnt know how.
His fingers played with a strand of her hair, curling it around them.
Her eyes closed on their own, the ride so peacefully quiet. Chris pulled her closer and pulled the sheets over their bodies. His head rested on the pillow, and they both drifted off.

This is just some MAJOR fluff for yall because Evans is too soft.
Ill post more tea tomorrow□

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