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[Third Person POV.]

Emerson woke up to a throbbing, aching head and something smelling good. It smelled like cologne, most likely Chris's, but she wondered why.
She tried not to think too much though or her brain just might've exploded.
She sat up in bed, alone, and winsed, mumbling a obscene word.
"Hey hey hey- take it easy," her favorite voice cooed. A large hand was on her shoulder, helping her ease back into the pillows. Reflexively she pushed it away and blinked.
"Why is my head.. throbbing?" She hissed, not at her friend, but more at herself.
The bed sunk slightly beside her due to his weight,"You hit the drinks pretty hard last night."
"Ah," she gave a small nod, her eyes meeting his for the first time this morning. He was smiling. "Why are you smiling?"
He shrugged a shoulder and ran his eyes along her body. "You just look so beautiful. Even after throwing up in front of the toilet."
Emerson jerked her head back up,"I didn't even make it in? God.." she groaned.
Chris chuckled at her comment,"C'mon, let's get you cleaned up. You passed out right after."
The big man guided her up and out of bed, keeping one arm around her waist. He helped her back into the bathroom, which she hadn't noticed was clean thanks to Chris, and set her on the edge of the tub.
She rubbed her eyes and yawned, gagging at her own breath. She stood and leaned heavily against the counter, brushing her teeth as fast and thoroughly as she could. When finished, she sat back down on the edge while Chris ran water for her.
She watched him closely. "Are you going to bathe me?"
He paused at the question and made a few awkward noises before replying,"Kind of? I'm just getting the water started."
Emerson nodded and stood up, pulling her shirt over her head. "I think that's sweet," she mumbled and continued to strip.
Chris glanced back at her and froze. "I'll be outside-" He quickly stood and made his way out, closing the door behind him.
Emerson shrugged and switched the bath to a shower.
[Time skip a day]

Today they had filming. It was a Monday. Outside it was chilly, very chilly, and the wind didn't help. A pale sun just sat in the sky watching everyone freeze.

"Look, Chris we gotta hury, I'm gonna show up late with my work buddy." Em called to Chris from her kitchen. Her mouth was full of oreo ice cream, her favorite early morning snack.
"Are you done?" Chris jogged into the kitchen and stopped to watch her shovel one last spoonful in.
She swallowed and nodded while putting everything away,"Yeah. I want Starbucks on the way."
He looked at his watch,"Do we have time?"
Em shrugged and exited the townhouse, locking the door behind them. "Hopefully."
When they turned to face the street, the paparazzi could be seen about a block down, waiting for them. Creepy.
"We need a cab. Quick." She bit her lip hard and stared down at the sidewalk as they walked to the curb. She didn't like pictures.
Chris grabbed her hand reassuringly,"I called one- ah there it is." The cab pulled up to them. She quickly let go of his hand and climbed into the vehicle. He climbed in after her and closed the door quickly.
The loud slurping was almost enough to make Chris rip his hair out.
Emerson hadn't realised she was being obnoxiously loud while she stared out the window. She was stressed. She knew why but refused to think about it then.
Finally setting her empty cup down, she sighed quietly and leaned against the car door.
"How's your head?"
Em looked over at her friend and forced a small smile. "Fine. Thank you.. for taking care of me."
He smiled back,"No problem. I got you water, make sure you drink it, okay?"
She rolled her eyes and held up the water bottle as she opened it, flashing a sarcastic smile. "I will, dad."
"Hey, I'm not that old." He shot back and faked a pouty face.
She chuckled and took a sip. "You're a nerd, you know that right?"
He gave her a nod and nudged her with his shoulder.

They arrived at the set for their last few scenes in the city, and got out, quickly making their way inside the largest center building.
They weren't late, but still noticeably not quite on time.
Em chugged the rest of her water to make sure Chris would stay off her case and that she didn't pass out from dehydration.
Wardrobe changes happened, and quick line rehearsals before Em and Chris were face to face on set.
They were Emerson's character, Thia's, bedroom. Thia had just took Luke, Chris's character, in after her stood at her apartment door, nearly begging to be let in. She had no idea who on earth he was, but something felt familiar so of course she allowed him in.
"What exactly do you want?" Thia asked, facing Luke. Together they laid on her bed, facing each other.
"Nothing." Luke replied, staring into her eyes deeply.
"Strange." She breathed as they got closer. Kissing now wouldn't be as hard for her and Chris being that they already had their first make out, which Em didn't remember much of.
They connected their lips softly, scooting closer to each other. Em's body erupted in tingles, and her cheeks burned.
She almost forgot her next move, and quickly pushed him back by the chest.
She rolled off the bed and brushed her dark, wavy hair back behind her ears.
"What the hell? You just got here- I don't even know you! What the-"
Chris's light chuckle echoed,"Sorry."
She folded her arms tightly over her chest and tilted her head at him. "Whatever. You can take the couch."
'Luke' nodded and stood, making his way to the bedroom doorway. "Night, miss Thia." He said with sass and exited.
'Thia' bit at her lip and sat back on her bed, thoughts running through her head.
"And CUT!"
Emerson laid back on the bed and smiled to herself, her heart racing. Acting was pretty fun for her.
Chris strolled back into view and began talking to the director. He caught her stare and winked, causing em to heat up. She hated blushing but she still felt her heart race and a smile tug at her lips.
Chris made his way over to her and plopped down on the bed. "So there's a sex scene later on."
Her head jerked up on its own,"I am aware. Why, do you have something planned?" She cocked her head and raised an eyebrow at him.
"I mean practice makes perfect, right?"he cocked an eyebrow back and smirked.
"Ask your wife to ride you, big man." She patted his arm and stood.
"That's not fair, you know what's going on." He pouted and followed her.
Em furrowed her brows and scoffed,"I know exactly what's going on and that's why I'm saying no." She stopped and turned on her heel, facing him. "Listen, we had our moment yeah but you're still married Chris. And I'm just your friend. We can't, Chris. We can't."
His gaze was intense, he laid his hand on her shoulder. "I know. I'm sorry, I just.."he drew his hand back and ran it through his hair. "I'll see you in five."
She watched him walk off and rubbed her bare arms. Chris is such a good guy, he wouldn't just want to smash out of no where. She felt like something else was wrong.. or maybe something was right.
The brunette sat down in a chair in a darker corner of the set, checking her phone.
Loud whispers echoed outside behind the building. She was sitting next to the back door and turned to it when she heard what sounded like arguing. It was a male voice she heard.
Fighting her instincts not to listen in, she walked silently to the window and peeked through it. On the phone, Chris was arguing with someone. He seemed to be really stressed and paced. It looked like he was trying not to lose it.
Emerson bit on her lip and tried to hear but she couldn't make out what he was saying. After about a minute, he hung up and walked off around the side of the building.
Em figured he might've been talking to his wife and felt bad for him. She didn't think things were that bad. Apparently they were.

Shooting ended for the day, so Em and Chris went their separate ways. He said he had to go home and do some important things, and Emerson understood and didn't push. She decided she was still exhausted and decided to go home and sleep.
When she arrived home, she quickly shed her clothing and crawled into bed, cuddling a pillow and staring at the large bay window. Thoughts of Chris ran through her brain, but they quickly vanished.
'I won't,' she thought,'I dont even like him like that.' She did her best to force herself back into the friend zone mentally.
Maybe it worked, maybe it didn't.  She'd just have to keep telling herself that until things straightened out for her friend. She wasn't going to ruin his life. Things can be so easily messed up.
Her eyes fluttered shut, brain tired from processing, and she dozed off.

This chapter is lowkey so fluffy

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