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[Third person POV.]
[Sorry just fluff]

The train came to a stop, waking Emerson from her sleep. She rubbed her face with the palms of her hands and sat up, also waking Chris. Chris kissed her cheek and slid off the bed,"Let's go! We're here!"
Emerson yawned and tried to move as fast as she could.
He took her bag on his shoulder and grabbed her hand, dragging her out of the room and down the train. They chuckled together and made their way off, passing no one.
Emerson stopped, her feet glued to the pavement. She looked around at the fields stretching for miles. There were beautiful trees scattered across the land, along with some visible cows and a farm in the distance. A smile spread across her face, and Chris smiled just watching her.
He squeezed her hand gently and began walking again, Em following beside him.
"So what's the plan?"
He held up her bag,"You art." He said 'art' as if it was a verb, which made em snicker.
"I didn't bring anything?" She stared at him while walking.
He shrugged,"Maybe i picked some things up while i was out this morning and put it in your bag while you weren't looking."
Emerson's mouth hung open,"Don't buy me things- you dork- now i feel guilty." She nudged him with her elbow.
"Why?" He laughed and walked under a tree a little ways from the station.
The grass was tall, but not around the tree. They sat backs against the trunk and Chris opened the bag, pulling out a small sketchbook and a pencil. Emerson eyed him and sighed,"I haven't drawn in forever."
He scoffed,"You went to school for it."
"High school! I'm 26 now!" She yelped and took the book and pencil. He sat in front of her and laid out onto his side, his hand supporting his head and watched her.
"Draw me like one of your french girls." He said, trying to be sexy.
She chuckled and shook her head,"No."
He faked a pout,"Fine." She smiled and leaned foward to peck his lips. He smiled into it and tucked hair behind her ear.
"Did you happen to bring food, Chris?" Opening the book made her anxious. Drawing in front of people wasn't something easy for her, it made her nervous. But she put the pencil to the first page and began sketching Chris while he spoke.
"Uh, I did not think of that no," he admitted and bit on his lip in thought. "We didn't have breakfast did we?"
Emerson shook her head and worked on tiny dashes for his beard, trying to line it right with his face. "Nope," she popped the 'p'. Her sketch of Chris was finished but her hand kept moving on another page. From her memory, she drew the features of Hemsworth. Chris Hemsworth. His smile stained her memory no matter what happened.
The sketch developed, revealing a laughing Chris on her bed at home. A memory.
She inhaled and quickly flipped the page back to the chris in front of her and began adding flowers around the sketch. He peered over the book at himself,"What you need are some real flowers."
He stood and walked off behind the tree and disappeared into the tall grass.
Her face scrunched up,"You're not leaving me are you?" She called and waited for an answer. But she didn't get one.
She closed the sketchbook with the pencil on the page and stood, peeking out from behind the tree. She didn't see him, not even a head poking out from the grass. Her breathing quickened.
"Chris come on- don't be a dick.." she stepped into the grass and pushed it out of her way with her hands. "Flower boyyy..."
A pair of strong arms caught her by the waist and lifted her off the ground,"Flower girl," a voice whispered in her ear.
She yelled and smacked his arm."Don't sneak up on me!"
He chuckled and kissed her cheek,"I got you flowers," in his hand were little wild flowers, all different. She slid them out of his hand, examining them.
"I'd hate to squish these in a book." She muttered. "But for art, we must."
Her body turned in his arms, facing him and pressing chests together. "Carry me, peasant."
He made a face and scooped her up,"Peasant.."
She smirked and went limp, letting her head fall back. Chris carried her back to their spot under the tree and set her on the short grass, leaning her against the trunk. "You're welcome, princess."
"That's actually really cute." She grinned and opened the sketchbook as he sat beside her. She placed the picked flowers over the ones drawn and closed the book back hard. "Thanks for this." She ran her fingers along the black leather.
He shrugged a shoulder,"Anything for you."
She set the sketchbook aside and rested her head against his shoulder. "You're too good to me."
"You deserve it." His arm wrapped around her shoulders, his fingers messing with her hair.
"Do I though?" She mumbled under her breath and closed her eyes.
When she woke, Chris was asleep beside her, still against the tree. Emerson realised she slept a lot. Maybe too much. But he never said anything about it.
She sat up and shook him.
The sun was setting on the horizon, not too low. The sky was flushed orange and faded blue where the sun hadn't touched. Birds chirped quietly and swam across the sky, under clouds.
"Chris, wake up." She whispered close to him. She pulled out her phone and checked the time: 5:10 pm. She was going to be late if they didn't leave now. Had they even slept that long?
She shook him by his shoulder and kissed his cheek,"Chris. We have to go."
He shifted and rubbed his eyes after opening them. "What time is it?"
"Five ten." She said and stood, grabbing her bag and book.
"The train should be back now.." he sat up and slowly stood. "We have to go."
She grabbed his hand and bolted through the grass with him.
They made it back to the station just as the train pulled up, and boarded.
They sat together on the right side, and peered out the window.
"Even though we fell asleep, i enjoyed this time with you." Emerson stated quietly.
He smiled to himself and turned her head, placing a soft kiss on her lips. "I did too."
The train stopped at 5:55, dropping them off at the first station they were at. The couple rushed off with their items and called a cab.
"Shit, I'm gonna be so late.." she ducked into the car and closed the door hard after her. Chris climbed in on the other side.
"We can make it." He stated.
"Don't lie to me."
"We can't make it- but no one's gonna notice!" He stated again and shrugged, hands spread out in the air.
Emerson gave him a look.

Everyone noticed. Especially Hemsworth. He eyed her as she walked onto set, already in character and ready for the next few scenes.
Emerson was quickly dressed and fixed up when she entered.
Evans stood out of site, near the exit and flashed a smile before she got into position. She smiled back.
Hemsworth glanced at Evans and swallowed, his face unreadable.
The director yelled action, snapping both the actors back to reality.

Evans was still there when a break was called. Emerson quickly left Chris on set and rushed to Evans. He handed her a water bottle.
"Thanks," she took a sip and breathed,"I have to start practicing- the fight scenes," she breathed.
"Those are always fun." He nodded and stuck his hands in his pockets. "You alright out there?"
She nodded right after he answered, trying to hide the fact that it took everything in her to hold back from screaming or hugging Hemsworth and just telling him they're okay.
"I'm fine." She stated.
Evans nodded,"It's getting late, so I'm gonna go. I'll see you tomorrow. Breakfast?" He kissed her cheek.
"Yeah," she smiled and watched him leave. Then she chugged the rest of her water and groaned.
When filming finished, Em went straight to her trailer out back. Hemsworth was close behind her.
She clutched her sketchbook close to her chest and looked for her name on the trailers,  finding it near the back. She climbed the steps and opened the door.
His voice was cut off by the door slam.
Chris ran a hand through his hair and sighed deeply. He just needed to talk.
The door locked, and he turned, walking back to his own quarters.
Emerson watched him through the window and sighed in relief when he was gone. All she needed was food and sleep. Thankfully, there was food in the fridge and cabinets.
When she checked the freezer, there was a bucket of her favorite ice cream with a sticky note on its lid.
Hopefully we can talk
She couldn't help but crack a small smile and pull out the carton. Maybe she'd talk to him tomorrow. Maybe.
For now she sat on her sofa with a spoon, the ice cream, her sketch book and a pencil, and sketched some more. It was relaxing. In between bites, she drew him again. His eyes stared back at her, shaded realistically. She bit on her lip and added a few whisps of hair on his forehead, like he normally has it. When that one was finished, she turned the page, filling another with his face until she decided it was weird and she needed to stop.
If either Chris saw what lay on those pages, everything would go to shit.
But her skills were decent. So Hemsworth smiled back at her from 2 pages, and another was him serious. A poser.
She set her sketchbook down and put the ice cream away- what was left of it.
After, she laid on the couch and stared at the door, not sure if she wanted to hear a knock or not. But she fell asleep before she heard it.

This sketchbook boutta spill some serious tea🍵
Sorry for typos, ill get them later

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