
397 10 18

[Third Person POV.]
[Phat smut ahead]

"Wake up." Emerson was being shaken by her shoulders. She jolted up and headbutted Evans by accident. They both groaned and sat back, mumbling curse words.
"Why are you waking me." She growled and curled back up.
Chris hovered over her,"Your phone keeps going off. Its annoying." He laid back on his side, facing Em, his face serious.
She stared at him and sighed, rolling her eyes slowly. "Do I have to handle it now. It's.."
"7 in the morning,"
"-7 in the morning, and I'm tired. Also hungry," she finished whining and held his gaze. His lips curved into a smile.
"I'll order something, you get up. And shut that damn phone off." He said while getting out of bed.
Emerson watched him, and waiting til he left to grab her phone off the nightstand and unlock it. There were a couple missed calls from Hemsworth and texts. She went through them, her face blank.
He wondered where she was, said he was confused and nervous about her not being at the hotel after the event. He didn't say he missed her, which was okay.
She sent him a reply: I'm fine. See you on set. Satisfied, she got out of bed and washed her face. Her hair was a mess, even though it was tied up.
After cleaning up, she left the bedroom and made her way to the kitchen area. She sat at the bar on a stool and rubbed her eyes.
"What did you get?" She yawned.
"Eggs, pancakes, sausage, orange juice, and hashbrowns," Evans listed off, and placed a few plates in front of her.
"I literally don't deserve you." It was everything she loved for breakfast. But a box caught her eye as well,"Is that cereal?"
Chris handed her the box of Froot Loops,"Your favorite." He smiled.
"Boy you know me so well." She picked up a fork, folded her legs somehow without falling over, and began eating. "I have to- go back to the hotel for my shit later," she said, mouth full.
Chris tossed her a fatherly 'language' look,"Hey, and alright. I'll escort you." He rested his arms against the counter, standing across from her and ate his portion. "You're filming this evening, right?" The pancakes on his plate looked so good, she almost wanted to take them, but she had her own. Which were just as good. But everythings better on someone else's plate.
"Yeah, at like 6." After she swallowed, she snuck her fork over and stabbed one of his bites, taking it for herself.
"Hey!" He pushed her fork back with his and chuckled,"You have your own."
Flashing a grin, she shoved the bite in her mouth. "I loovvee you."
"Sure you do." He rolled his eyes and smiled, and continued to eat.
"I do! I adore my long term booty-call," she said that in her head about 3 times, making sure the line was right. It seemed about right to her.
He snorted,"Is that what I am?"
"Do you want to be?" She gave him a look, brow rasied. It was a joke, she thought. They're like old best pals. But she'd still sit on his face. They did have a few fun times back when they talked more frequently.
"I dunno," he averted his eyes and shoved more food in to his mouth. "Things are different."
Em shook her head and swallowed,"Nothing's different.. people are still dicks and I'm still gullible. But at least i still have my best frienddd."
Chris finally looked up and smiled at her,"Why didn't you call, Em?"
She cleaned her plate and set her fork down. She wasn't hungry anymore, even though there was more to eat and her stomach told her to keep going. Her shoulders moved,"Why didn't you?"
She stood and walked around the island to the fridge for juice. She opened it and stared inside,"I thought y-"
"It's here." He said flatly. Em turned and saw him holding up the bottle, still piling pancakes into his mouth. She walked over and took it gently, and Chris swallowed. She slid a glass over in silence and poured herself some juice, ignoring the awkwardness.
Her body turned to leave, but an arm wrapped around her waist and pulled her closer to the only other warm body. A soft hand cupped her cheek as her head turned in shock, and soft lips met hers. Her eyes widened in shock, even though she had no real reason to be shook. This was bound to happen from the moment she said hi to him last evening. Her eyes fluttered shut as she allowed the kiss to deepen, her heartbeat steady.
Their lips parted when they needed breath.
Chris slowly opened his eyes and gazed into Em's, face bright. "I wanted to call- I-," he sighed and inhaled deeply,"After a while, I just thought you'd be better off."
She felt slightly offended, her brows drawing together. "Better off? Chris I loved you. I love you. You're my best friend." Her hands rested on his neck, her juice glass abandoned on the countertop. The tip of her fingers lightly traced circles onto his skin.
"Best friends don't kiss each other," he laughed softly and bit his lip.
She nodded slowly, staring at his lips,"They usually don't fuck either."
Their eyes met. "Language.." he mumbled before leaning down and closing the space between them again.
Even after all the time, they still moved perfectly together. They fit like a puzzle.
Chris tapped her hip, signaling for her to jump, which she did. Her legs wrapped around his waist tightly as her arms curled around his neck. His hands held her in place by her hips as he carried her back to the bedroom.
Evans placed her gently on the bed, climbing up after and hovering over her. Never did the kiss break, even as they fumbled to remove clothing swiftly and squirmed.
His hands roamed her bare body, pressing into her hips when she pressed her knee against him. He was already hard. Emerson's fingers ran through his hair and held his head close.
"Protection?" Chris asked, leaving open mouthed kisses along her jaw.
"I know you're fully capable of pulling out," she murmured and squeezed his shoulder.
They both chuckled, but her breath caught when he pushed his length in. Her head tilted to the side, her breathing slow.
"You okay?" He questioned, studying her. She nodded and smiled softly at him. He smiled back and kissed her deeply, sending sparks through her.
Something in her told her she wasn't supposed to feel like this. Not for him, but she didn't care right then. She deserved to be happy, and he always picked her up.
Chris moved slowly, his pants quiet but audible. His lips and teeth left marks on her skin near her collarbone and breasts. Her legs wrapped around his waist and forced him closer. She panted and arched her back slightly,"Faster," she demanded.
He picked up the pace, not moving too fast just to mess with her. Soft moans gradually began louder, filling the room. Even though they were already close, he still wanted her closer.
They were both close to the edge, her hands gripping at his back and arms, and his grip tightening on her hip.
"Chris-" she sputtered,"-promise me you'll call. If anything happens again. Promise."
He slowed down, looking into her eyes,"If you promise to answer."
She nodded quickly, and kissed him, feeling calm. His hand moved from her hip to her cheek.
Sweaty and tired, Chris and Em laid sprawled on the bed, still tangled together and in the sheets. Emerson rested her head on his stomach and ran the tip of her index finger along his v.
"You've never been that gentle before."
His brows furrowed,"I haven't?"
She chuckled and shook her head, twisting to look at him,"Not from what I remember."
"Well.. did you like it?" He shifted and ran his hand through her hair. She nodded, smiling.
"Yeah, I did." She sat up and straddled his lap, leaning down and kiss his cheek. "Thank you, Chris. Really."
He held eye contact and smiled sadly,"Whenever you need me, I'm here."
She scoffed,"I'm not using you.. am I? Are we?" She folded her arms on his chest and rested her chin on them.
"Ehh, it's beneficial on both sides," he folded his arms behind his head. "I get you for however long, and you get a break from whatever's troubling you."
Her lips pressed together and she thought. "I hate that."
He shrugged his shoulders,"I don't mind. Whatever makes you happy."
"But I'm not happy. You're not happy, Chris." She sat back up on him, causing him to swallow hard, holding back a small groan. "Tell me how you feel."
He eyed her,"How I feel?"
"About me." A small nod.
After taking a deep breath, he begun."I like you a lot, you're still my best frien-"
"The truth, Evans." Of course she already knew but she wanted to hear him say it.
"Maybe I like you a lot."
A grin appeared on her face."I adore you."
He met her eyes again,"You dont think that's weird or anything?" Slowly he sat up and wrapped his arms around her waist.
She slid her arms around his neck,"Nah, but," she bowed her head,"I don't wanna seem like some slut. First Hemsworth, and no one knew but I know. And he knows. And now I'm back on your lap- I just don't wanna keep jumping," her sigh echoed.
"Then don't." His voice was smooth, gentle. "Stay with me."
She eyed him through long lashes and tilted her head. "That doesn't sound awful."
He snorted,"Ouch."
"Let's try." She chuckled and pressed their foreheads together. "I really missed you." His smile made her heat up. He connected their lips.
"Wait- Get dressed, we have to leave."
She climbed off him, confused."Leave? Why?" She covered her chest with the sheet and searched for her bra and underwear.
"Not leave-leave- I wanna show you something. But we have to hurry." He rushed to get dressed, throwing on jeans and a black long sleeve. He handed her the items she was looking for.
"Chris I don't have any clothes." She dressed and brushed her hair back. "All i have is that dress."
He scanned her and bit his lip,"Right, want me to go get you something? There's a shop right outside," he offered.
"Please," she sat back down and folded her legs. He smiled and pecked her cheek before running out. "What did i do to deserve you," she whispered to herself. Her phone buzzed. Reluctantly she reached for it and viewed the new rext from Hemsworth.

Where are you?
She sighed and replied 'With a friend.'
His replies were quick. Alright, will you be back soon?
Yeah, only for a sec though, I'm going back out.
He took longer to reply this time, the dots kept moving until they stopped. Oh, see you soon.
That was awfully awkward. But she wouldn't say anything. Even when she showed up. Yes. She planned everything, tried to think of what could and would happen.

Chris returned with a pair of shorts, a long sleeve shirt and black slide ons. He was an angel.
He set the bag on the bed for her,"Your clothes, ma'am."
"Thank you, dork." She quickly changed and pulled the shorts out of her butt. "Wedgie."
"You look good," His eyes ran along her body. "Let's go."
She took his hand and shoved her phone into her butt pocket,"I have to stop by the hotel first. My hotel." She told him. He nodded, saying they'd stop there first.
People surrounded the car when Emerson stepped out, camera flashes almost  blinding her. She covered her eyes and pushed through, making her way into the hotel she stayed in with Hemsworth. When she made it in still in one piece and decent vision, she inhaled deeply, preparing herself mentally. People roamed the lobby, sitting on the nice sofas or checking in or out. At the front desk, Emerson spotted blonde hair. In a ponytail. She didn't mean to be a creep, but she watched her for a moment. The female turned just enough to reveal her face and caught Em's eye. Else stared back at her, suddenly looking slightly nervous and turned back to the desk lady.
Emerson flared her nostrils and tucked hair behind her ear, quickly walking to the elevator. She nearly punched the button and dashed in when it opened.
It felt like forever standing in that cold elevator. But when it finally opened to the floor her room was on, she walked out a bit calmer and composed herself. She made it to the room door without exploding and knocked.
Almost instantly it was opened to a blank faced Chris. There were bags under his eyes. No one would notice, but she did, he usually didn't have them.
Chris stepped aside for her, and she rushed in, trying to move quickly so she didn't leave Evans waiting. He was sitting in the car waiting for her.
"You disappeared last night," Hemsworth stated loudly.
"Yeah, I know. You've mentioned that multiple times." That came out sassier than she intended but it didn't matter.
He ran a hand through his hair, nostrils flared,"Why? I was worried sick-"
"Really? You seemed pretty preoccupied." She flashed a glare at him and walked off into the bedroom to grab her only bag here. She adjusted it onto her shoulder and bit her lip hard, walking back out swiftly. She made it to the door but so did he, his hand closing the door back.
"People were watching." He said, trying to convince her it meant nothing.
"Bullshit, Chris- Just Bullshit! You didn't have to kiss her?" Emerson shouted stepping back from him. "Maybe I'm being dramatic, but seriously?" Her arms seemed to cross themselves.
Chris rubbed his face,"I-I don't- We were seeing if maybe it could work again-"
"Work again? So you've been screwing me while making up with your wife. Fantastic." She gasped and chuckled. "I was right. Fuck."
He looked at her sadly, trying to think of words. He really did care for her, and he should've told her everything. But you can't just get over someone so quickly. Things with his wife were tough, but maybe they could power through, for the sake of his kid and his career.
"Em, just listen-"
"You're full of shit..I know it's complicated, but you were supposed to talk to me.." Em looked at the ground and took deep breaths, trying to remain calm. "I trusted you."
Chris swallowed hard. She walled to the door and opened it without him trying to stop her,"I'll see you later."
She closed the door behind her and walked swiftly to the elevator, not looking back.

Sorry for typos!! ♡♡
Hopefully more will be up tonight:)

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