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[Third Person POV.]
[Phat smut ahead]

Emerson didn't want to wake up. She turned onto her left side, facing the wall with a window, and shut her eyes tight. It was hard to stay asleep even though she was still so very tired. She didn't have work until that evening, and didn't need to do anything else. All she needed to do, was sleep. And probably eat.
Beside her a man stirred, sliding closer until his chest and front was placed tightly against her back.
"You up?" Light kisses were placed on her shoulder while fingers traced her arm lightly.
"Que hora es?" She mumbled and shivered.
"3." He replied and pushed her hair further up the pillow to reveal her neck.
"In the morning?"
He whispered into her ear,"Afternoon, love."
"That's so late.." she breathed and turned her head just enough to be in reach of his lips. But he neglected her a kiss and placed it on her cheek. "Tease."
"Says the tease," he scoffed and kissed her cheek once more,"Don't worry though, I'm not done." He stood and climbed out of the bed,"Tell me your kinks."
Emerson rubbed her eyes and sat up,"You're shitting me," she yawned.
Chris shook his head,"No, seriously, I'm curious." He took a seat on the small sofa and crossed his legs.
She shrugged and undid her braid, setting her brown waves free. "I don't know... rough stuff.. hair pulling- but not too hard, I'll snap.. Choking- chOkE mE dAdDy!" She couldn't help but fake a loud moan and throw her head back before laughing and continuing her list. "Fighting? Like sparring in a way- you know. Pinning too."
Chris nodded, taking mental note of it all,"We have a dinner event tonight. So get up, I'm taking you out." And with that he stood and walked in to the bathroom, closing the door behind him.
Emerson rubbed her face and yawned, confused, excited and tired all at once.
While their things were being moved to their trailers where they'd be filming for the next week, Chris took Emerson out.
They walked along the streets of Paris, hand in hand.
"Where on earth are we going?" She nudged him with her elbow.
He smiled down at her,"To get you a dress."
"A dress? Dinner is gonna be that fancy?" She looked back at him.
He nodded,"Yep. Don't worry, you'll be fine."
She sighed and shrugged,"I'm kind of a slob."
"True, but you're cute so you kinda get away with it."
Tate hid her blush and punched his arm softly,"Shut up."
He chuckled and kissed her hand.

They entered a fancy looking store with beautiful dresses of all lengths and sizes. From what she saw in the front, Tate knew they were going to be expensive.
The couple split up to search for fitting dresses and would meet by the dressing rooms in the back. The store was rather empty so there would be no line.
Tate gazed around, overwhelmed and surprised at the amount of decent options. She pulled a thigh-length black, spaghetti strapped dress from one of the racks, along with a floor touching, tight red dress with a slit in the side for a leg.She came about a small shoe area and picked out a pair of black stilettos.
With her items, she made her way to the dressing room and found Chris waiting with two other dresses in hand. One was a dark purple and the other maroon. Both were long and seemed fitting.
An employee unlocked om of the rooms for her. Em took the dresses and entered.

The first dress she tried was the darkest, the purple one. It hugged her small but visible curves tightly and showed way too much cleavage. The front slit dipped down to her abdomen until it closed and became the rest of the gown. She bit her lip in thought and opened the door.
"Whatchya think?" She stepped out and gave a short twirl. "I feel like my boobs are trying to jump out."
He eyed her and nodded in agreement,"Yeah, it fits but it doesn't match you."
Emerson raised a brow,"You're good at this huh. I shall return," she went back in to try the next dress.
The maroon one was nice; it hugged her curves and covered decently. It was short in the front and longer in the back.
"Well, it's not a no." She shrugged and picked a wedgie out of her butt.
"Hot, and yes it's nice. Try on that black one." Chris suggested and leaned back against the wall, eyeing her. It was getting harder and harder to just watch.
She obeyed and came back out in the short, somewhat loose dress. It hugged but the loosened at the waist. It was silky.
Chris nodded, bititng his lip hard. 'I like that one,' was all he could manage. Emerson noticed he was struggling and smirked to herself.
"Last one." She disappeared to change into the last red dress she had picked and slid on the heels.
When she stepped back out, her hair was down and sort of messy. It fell over her shoulders, making her eyes seem darker than they were.
Chris's jaw tightened,"Turn around."
Slowly she spun, making sure she didn't trip or rip the dress.
Chris swallowed, his eyes stopping at her ass.
Emerson grinned and walked closer to him,"You like it?" She didn't have to stand on her tip-toes now to be eye level with him. She still stood just a bit lower, but close enough.
He could only nod and forced a smile. "You seem to be struggling with your words.." she leaned closer and placed a hand on the top of his pants, slowly sliding it downwards.
"Em- stop," his breathing quicked.
Her hand stopped on top of his now growing bulge. "Or what-," she paused and whispered in his ear,"-daddy?" She gently squeezed before backing up and licking her bottom lip.
Chris's face was bright red. He glanced around quickly before backing her up into the dressing room and closing the door behind them.
He pinned her against the wall, breathing heavily,"Not out there.." he whispered, kissing and biting aggressively at her neck. She smiled as his hand pushed up her leg, the slit on the dress proving useful. He gripped her thigh hard and pressed into her.
She moved her head and managed to capture his lips in a rough, heated kiss. He used his free hand and brush hair away from her face and cup it, holding her close and still. Em bit his lip and grinned,"Fuck me," she whispered against his lips.
Breathlessly he replied,"Say the magic words.."
She licked her lips while staring into his eyes,"Please, daddy."
He smirked and attacked her lips, making her jump and grip onto his shoulders. His lips moved to her neck again while he pushed her dress aside enough to slide his hand further up.
She chuckled lightly,"I knew you had a daddy kink.. typical." She wasn't meaning to be offensive, but every big man likes daddy right? Maybe?
Chris chuckled against her skin and slipped his fingers past her damp underwear, gliding them along her folds. She moaned out as quietly as she could and coughed,"Chris-"
"Yeah?" He pushed two fingers deeper, causing em to bite her lip hard.
She sputtered,"Not here-" she whimpered as he begun to move them in and out. "It's too quiet."
He whined quietly and pulled his fingers back out after pecking her lips once more. He cleaned his fingers with his tongue while holding eye contact with her, and then smiled. "I like that one the best." He winked, nodding to the dress she was in, and exited, leaving her a mess against the wall.
She caught her breath and grinned wildly to herself.

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