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[Third person POV. ]
[Phat PHAT PHAT smut ahead]

A song played at 7am, echoing throughout the trailer. Emerson couldn't recognize which song due to the time and her tiredness, but shut it off. Her face was marked from the pillow and the couch. She had a bed, but stayed on the couch for some reason last night.
Dragging herself up, she yawned and stretched while making her way to the small bathroom where she took out her toothbrush and paste, and brushed her teeth. She brushed her hair through before stripping and taking a cold shower. It sucked, but she heard its better.. for your body?
When finished, she dressed in a black longsleeve-crop top and a pair of light blue skinny jeans. She applied light make up; just mascara, bronzer and highlighter, and pulled back the top section of her curls, throwing a clip in it.
She exites and grabbed her phone, sending a text to Evans; Meet me at the cafe at the corner of my street.
He didn't reply, but she didnt expect him to this early. However, she still made her way out of the trailer and around the other ones, coming to the back of the building. An odd noise echoed throughout the alleyway. It sounded like a rock against brick.
She walled slowly and peeked her head around the side of the building, catching Hemsworth mid-toss.
He sat against the building wall, in work out shorts and a tank, sweating, unaware of her presence.
She stepped out and breathed. The cafe was a few minutes from where she stood, all she had to do was walk past him.
She began the walk, not eyeing him but did say 'good morning', just to be somewhat decent.
"You're up early."
She slowed a bit as she passed him,"I'm getting coffee with Chris." She stated flatly.
"You don't like coffee." Hemsworth replied just as flatly.
She came to a stop and tucked her hair behind her ear, trying to hide the small hint of a smile that appeared on her lips. "How would you know that?" she turned on her heel to face him, face serious now.
"Because you told me." He stood, tossing his last pebble down and gave her a sarcastic smile. "When we first officially met."
She remembered. It wasn't but a few weeks ago. She held his stare and tried to think of a reply, but nothing came.
"Have fun with him." He smiled one last time before turning and disappearing around the corner.
Emerson stood in silence and bit her lip hard. Damn.
Her phone buzzed, bringing her back to reality. Evans was up.
Evans came back to their small table by the wall with their coffee's and Emerson's muffin. He sat across from her, and she grabbed her coffee, taking a sip. Her nose scrunched up. This was not her usual Starbucks order, complete sugar with just a bit of coffee.
"Do you not like it? I can get you something else," Chris offered, watching her and chuckling.
She shook her head and chugged some, her face completely covered with disgust. "It's fine," she gasped. "I don't even like coffee.." the statement was more of a reminder.
Chris looked confused,"Then why are you drinking it?"
"To prove." She wiped her mouth and tried to ignore the after taste.
"Prove what?"
"To prove he doesn't know me." She spat it out and sighed in defeat. Because he did. Even if it was just a little, he did.
Chris simply nodded and sipped his coffee. He couldn't understand fully, but he understood enough. She was feeling like Hemsworth had; feelings don't just disappear overnight.
Emerson glanced at him and ripped a piece of her muffin, offering it to him. Maybe it represented her friendship and love for him, but she didn't know it then. She could never be what he wanted, but she would always be his friend. In the end, he'd never have her to hold forever, but he took the muffin bit, accepting the everlasting friendship.
They smiled at each other, and finished eating in silence.

Chris left her to film that morning, telling her to call him afterwards if she'd like. She'd be on set for most of the day, training and filming, so she doubted she'd be up to talk by the evening.
After changing into more comfortable wear- leggings and a tank- she made her way into the building. Mats were laid out on the left side of the large space, along with other things. A handful of men and women were already working, including Hemsworth. He threw a punch at his partner, nailing them in the hand. It wasn't hard, but she knew he could end someone if he wanted to. An imagine of him pinning her to a wall came to mind, but she brushed it off and swallowed, making her way over.
"Well well well," a mam spoke up. He'd be teaching/training her and Chris, showing them their moves and helping them out.
Emerson stepped onto the mats and forced a smile,"Hey."
"Welcome," he spoke, shaking her hand. "Emmett."
"Emerson." She said and nodded back. "So am I getting my ass kicked, or kicking ass today?"
"Sadly, you're getting your ass kicked." He shrugged and began to teach her, showing her where and how to punch correctly, and where she would be aiming for at Chris.
Emmett stepped out of the way after a good 40 minutes, letting Chris step forward. She smiled sarcastically at him and threw a punch, nailing him in the nose. He winced and nubbed it.
"It's okay- I'm fine," Chris cut Emmett off, and sniffed, putting his arms up. He cocked a grin and threw a punch back, but Em dodged it as she was supposed to. He swung again, over her head, and she ducked, and aimed for his gut. She didn't actually make contact this time, and kept moving with him. At one point, she rolled between his legs and was lifted onto his shoulders. He managed to turn her around though, and pinned her to the mats, hovering dangerously close over her.
She panted quietly and swallowed,"You done?"
He licked his bottom lip,"Not yet." His reply didn't make sense. He stood back up right after speaking and held out a hand to her, which she took and stood. He gave her a smile and moved back into position, ready to run through it again.
Filming started.
Chris and Emerson were going hand to hand as practiced earlier that day.
She slid underneath him, kicking the back of his knees and standing.
She spoke as Thia,"Why did you lie?" Her voice was shaking, full of rage.
"I didn't- lie," Luke sputtered, kneeling on the ground.
Quickly she turned, taking her place on his shoulders, but was swung around. Chris pinned her to the pavement roughly, securing her arms beside her head.
They both panted, trying to catch their breath.
Emerson squirmed,"You were supposed to tell me." In the movie, clones were created at some point during the future. The experiment wasn't supposed to affect the original humans but it did, giving them certain abilities such as accelerated healing, increases in speed, or manipulation using just the mind.. The government of course didn't want that for regular citizens, and shut it down and cloning/clones became illegal. Thia had a clone and acquired abilities, but no memory of it. But Luke, Chris's character knew and hadn't told her, being undercover watching her. Protecting her, really.
"I trusted you." Emerson choked.
That wasn't just script. That was her. How she really felt. Betrayed, used, forgotten.
Chris almost froze, staring into her tired, red eyes. He breathed,"I was protecting you, Thia."
"From what?" She fired, squirming again,"You should've told me- we could've worked something out."
His grip loosened a little,"It's not that simple.. I had my orders."
"Fuck your orders, Luke." That didn't come out as hard as she meant for it to. She shut her eyes and exhaled,"You were supposed to tell me."
"I know, I'm sorry." He said quietly.
Emerson opened her eyes and watched him shut his for a moment,"I was wrong. I'm sorry."
She gulped and froze when 'cut' was called. Chris stared back at her, his face a tired mess, but then he got up.
She rubbed her wrist, not from pain. She longed for his touch.

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