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Lance's birthday rolled around in July, but he'd kind of forgotten about it, along with everyone else. Except Hunk. Hunk remembered his best friend's birthday, and was determined to have the ultimate surprise party. Lance was turning 19, and should've graduated from the Garrison the prior May.
Hunk had noticed that on the day of graduation, he was quiet and kept to himself. Hunk would've graduated in the following year. So, Hunk wanted to make up for his buddy's missed graduation.
Hunk was planning. The first item on his list was to consult and inform Keith. Lance and Keith had a bit of a thing after an Altean drinking game gone wrong. After that was to consult and inform Pidge, the master of party games. Then, Allura. Allura and Lance had bonded after she'd taken out her anger on him once. Allura shouted at him and Lance ran away with tears in his eyes. Since then, they've had weekly sleepovers and god knows what happens then. Hunk would then make a list of any and all party supplies and ask Coran to take him to the space mall. He'd also arrange for Coran to be able to send those looking for gifts down over the course of the week before his birthday. Then was to inform Shiro. They'd always had tense relations, and it'd grown worse since the thing happened. Then they were gonna decorate the afternoon of his birthday while he was sent to the Balmera to "get a crystal." Of course, they didn't need one, but they'd put it on reserve.
Hunk found Keith in the training room with Lance. They were sparring the bots, back to back.
"Stop simulation!" Hunk shouted. Lance and Keith turned to him with disappointment on their faces. "Keith, can I talk to you real quick?"
Keith reluctantly followed Hunk away from the training room. "What?"
"Okay, so Lance's birthday is in two weeks. We're-er- I'm planning a surprise party. What do you think should be at the party? With any luck, we'll have shuttles to and from the Space Mall next week." Hunk spit out.
Keith smiled. "Awesome." He suggested Lance's favorite Earth games and some other stuff. Hunk wrote it all down.
Hunk then found Pidge in the Green Lion's hangar, as usual. Pidge said lots of food and confetti and balloons, plus Altean drinking game.
Allura, on the other hand, mentioned his family. Lance was a family man, and struggled with going to the Garrison. Hunk said they couldn't do that, unfortunately. Allura had some other ideas too.
Coran supported Hunk's idea and Hunk went to the mall. He went to the Earth store, which had grown in popularity and size with the human pilots of Voltron. It was easy to find the classics and basics, but some of the games were expensive.
Hunk checked out. He was okay on money, plus the cashier gave him a discount. He went back and found Shiro waiting.
"Shiro, can I talk to you for a sec?"
"What's up?" Shiro asked.
"So, Lance's birthday is two weeks from today and I wanted to throw him a surprise party!" Hunk nervously shifted.
"Okay?" Shiro frowned. "Do I have to do anything?"
"One favor," Hunk said, "Can you send Lance to the Balmera to collect a crystal on his birthday, in the afternoon, about one?"
"I can, Hunk, I can," Shiro smiled a little bit.
"Thank you!"

Finally came the day. Lance didn't act differently, and everyone else tried not to give away what was coming. They had training sessions and after lunch, Shiro sent Lance to the Balmera. He took Red, since Red was bigger and could comfortably hold the crystal. They set to work on Blue's hangar. Decorations were put up, presents wrapped and set out, and  after an hour, it was complete.
"Hey guys, I got the crystal! I'm headed back," Lance said from his lion.
"Okay, we're helping Allura groom Blue!" Coran said.
"Alright!" Lance would be back in twenty minutes. They checked that everything was perfect and turned out the lights and sat very quietly.
"Okay, I'm docking," Lance said. "You guys still in Blue's hangar."
"Yes," Coran said. "You'll want to see Blue! She's squeaky clean!"
They heard the Red Lion enter the hangar.
"Aren't the Lions self cleaning?" Lance wondered aloud.
"Yes, but they appreciate the attention," Coran explained, grimacing.
They heard the door open. The lights turned on and they all yelled "Surprise!" Lance was speechless for a moment and stumbled back.
"Guys, I- thank you!" Lance was possibly teary.
"Thank Hunk!" Pidge shouted. Lance ran and hugged Hunk tightly and laughed.
"Thanks, man," Lance muttered.
"Of course," Hunk smiled.
They played Uno (Shiro won) and had a Battleship tournament (Coran won). They played spoons and BS of which Lance won both. Truth or Dare, drinking games and the Altean drinking game of which Lance kissed Keith. They were all tipsy and laughing when Lance opened the presents.
Hunk had knitted him a sweater and given him a diffuser. Allura got him some face masks and somehow got a hold of the latest Garrison yearbook. Coran had gotten him a mug and a cookbook of mug cakes. Pidge had bought Lance "The King's Invaders 4," the newest edition to Lance's favorite saga of video games and a 3D printed Blue Lion.  Keith had gotten Lance the entire set of Harry Potter and Percy Jackson, since he'd discovered Lance loved reading, but didn't have any books with him. And Shiro, to Lance's surprise, got him a simple silver journal. He thumbed through it and found, on the first page, a picture of Lance and his family and another picture of Lance with the team. Lance teared up a bit, then saw the "Love, Shiro" at the bottom. Lance smiled, thanked and hugged all of them.
"I love you guys," Lance said as they all went off to bed.
"Love you too, Lance," everyone called back. Lance smiled wide and let a single happy tear fall down his face.

WC: 1012
A/N: You all are much more than welcome to comment and just interact with me! I love talking to you guys. And you have every right to point out misspellings and grammatical stuff! <3

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