4: Boxes

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Jungkook stretched and opened his eyes, immediately seeking out Yoongi. He relaxed when he saw him standing by the window, calmly looking through the glass.


Yoongi turned to look at Jungkook, "You're awake,"

"Did you sleep at all?" Jungkook asked, pushing himself to his feet and moving to the window, "You didn't, did you?"

Yoongi shrugged, "I'm fine. Let's have something to eat and get moving. We need to get some distance behind us today,"

Jungkook nodded and returned to the seat, grabbing a breakfast bar from the small pile and tearing it open, "You too, Hyung,"

Yoongi sat on the chair next to him and quickly wolfed down a couple of bars, before taking a drink and shoving the remaining food into Jungkook's bag, "Let's go, Kook, we can't stay here any longer,"

Jungkook nodded and pulled the bag over his shoulders. He followed Yoongi to the door and helped him quietly move some of the barricades, but as he reached for the handle, Yoongi grabbed his wrist and shook his head.

He leaned forward, pressing his ear to the door, listening for a moment.

"Not safe," He whispered, pulling back, "We'll have to take the window,"

"But we're on the second floor," Jungkook whispered back, "It's too high,"

"There's a ledge," Yoongi insisted, "Come on, we have to move,"

Jungkook nodded, trusting his friends' judgement. Yoongi had gotten him out of plenty of tough situations before; he knew there was no way he would intentionally lead him to danger. However, as he moved to follow the older man, his foot caught the leg of a chair that had been used as a barricade, and it was pulled out from under the pile they had made just next to the door. The rest of the chairs and the table that was piled on top came crashing down, the sound deafening in the quiet of the morning.

He squeezed his eyes shut in shame, praying that none of the dead ones would have heard it. But just a few moments later, there was the sound of moaning. Then came the insistent crashing against the closed door.

"Shit," Yoongi muttered, grabbing Jungkooks wrist and dragging him to the window, "We gotta go, now!"

The banging on the door became louder and the door trembled under the force of the gathering dead ones behind it. Yoongi slid the top pane of the window open, forcing Jungkook towards it just as the door finally burst open. 

"Out, out, out!" Yoongi yelled shoving Jungkook harder. Jungkook quickly climbed out through the window, moving to the side to allow Yoongi to follow. However, just as he got one foot out, he looked back with a curse. The first of the dead ones had already reached him and had grabbed his leg, pulling with its rotting fingers on his ankle.

He kicked out, catching the dead one on the jaw with his heel, and scrambled through the window, slamming it down shut behind him. Before Jungkook could even ask if he was okay, Yoongi was pushing him along the ledge.

"No time," He muttered, "Move,"


Jimin bent at the waist, picking up the fallen ring and inspecting it carefully.

"What's that, Sarge?" He heard Namjoon behind him and slipped the ring into his pocket.

"Let's get these supplies onto the bus," Jimin said, ignoring his question. Taehyung boarded the bus from the front, looking around with excited eyes.

"How much of this can I-"

"None," Jimin snapped, "The supplies, nothing else,"

Taehyung pouted, but nodded and began grabbing boxes and piling them high, before tottering back towards their own bus.

"What was he talking about?" Jin asked as he also gathered boxes, "What else did he want?"

"None of your fuckin' business," Namjoon snapped, "Just get the boxes," He jumped down, a pile of heavy boxes in his arms and headed back to their own box.

"Honestly," Hoseok said as he also climbed off, "Taehyung scares me more than you and Namjoon for some reason,"

Jimin fixed him with a stare, "He should. Trust your instincts. Let's get this done quickly,"

He crouched down, grabbing a few of the boxes and carried them back to their own bus. Namjoon was inside, organising the boxes and strapping them to the over seat compartments so that they wouldn't get in the way of any of their exit routes if something were to happen.

"They just left them under the seats," He was muttering as Jimin placed his boxes on the nearest seat, "No wonder they couldn't get out in time,"

Jimin nodded in agreement, "Good job. I'm going to check the bodies and once the last boxes are in, we will move. It's already getting dark and we need somewhere to hide the bus so we can rest,"

Just as he went to leave the bus, Namjoon called after him.

"Sarge," He turned and looked over his shoulder at his comrade, "Was it a good idea to bring Taehyung with us?"

Jimin took a sharp breath, "I follow the orders given. You know what happens when you question orders, Namjoon,"

"Yeah, I know," Namjoon said, "But Tae-"

"I'll keep him under control," Jimin assured him, "Finish up with those boxes,"

He turned back and hopped off the back of the bus, making his way to the bodies to inspect them. Taehyung was ordered to come on this mission, so he suspected that they would be needing him at some point. 

However, Namjoon had a point. Taehyung was not the best Medic to have been assigned to work with two non-Ghost members. They weren't even military.

He narrowed his eyes when he saw Taehyung stood outside the other bus. He had a pile of boxes in his hands, but he was stood staring down at one of the bodies.

"Tae!" He barked, "Boxes, now!"

Taehyung jumped to attention and rushed to their bus and Jimin sighed quietly. 

"I'm going to have to keep an extra eye on him," He muttered, reaching the body of the fallen soldier and crouching down, "Now let's see what you can give me, private,"



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