13: Out Of Gas

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There was silence inside the bus as every head turned to look at Jungkook, who was now hiding behind Yoongi's arm.

"I guess that's why he's top priority, huh, Sarge?" Namjoon piped up, breaking the silence and taking attention away from Jungkook.

"I wonder if he-" Taehyung started, getting up from his seat.

"Sit down," Bee snapped, "You're not to come within two meters of him,"

Taehyung immediately sat down and Hoseok turned to Jimin, his eyes wide. Jimin wanted to smile proudly at how much control his wife had over his most troublesome comrade, but after what he did, he wasn't sure she even wanted to be his wife anymore. There was no way they could just get a divorce with how the world was, but she could simply tell him that they aren't married and that she didn't want to be associated with him anymore.

Bee turned and looked at Jungkook, "Don't go near him, or be alone with him at any time, okay?"

Jungkook nodded, his eyes wide, but Yoongi frowned, "Why?" He questioned, eyeing Taehyung up with a scrutinizing look.

"You don't know him?" Namjoon said, surprised, "Are you sure you're military?"

"I only know Sergeant Park," Yoongi snapped at him, "And I know of his infamous wife and the rest of the Ghosts. I don't recognise any of you by face,"

"Huh," Namjoon huffed, "Well he's Frankie, so listen to Bee when she gives you advice about him,"

While the rest were talking amongst themselves, Jimin decided to just sit down. There wasn't much he could do to ease the situation between him and Bee at that moment; besides, he was still on his mission. Top priority was to get Jeon Jungkook back to Alpha Sierra safely.

"Sergeant Park?" Jimin turned when he heard a small voice, surprised when he realised it was Daisy talking to him.

"Are you alright?" 

He frowned a little, "What do you mean?"

"You seem very tense. I didn't really thank you for saving me, and I'm not much help around here, but you're all looking after me anyway. The least I could do is listen if you have a problem,"

"I'm fine, thank you," Jimin replied, a little more sharply than he originally intended, "How is your leg?"

"You know," Daisy said, her voice still soft. She had a sad smile on her face as she looked at him, "I have- had a big brother. He was military too,"

Jimin was quiet, unsure of where Daisy was going with this sudden information.

"He was the best brother anyone could ask for, really," She said, "When everything started happening, he came to save me and our mother and protected us all the way to the camp. He got sent out on a mission, and I was made to go with them as an extra pair of hands," She paused, looking down at her lap. Jimin could still hear the others on the bus talking amongst themselves, but he zoned them out as he listened to Daisy.

"We had a huge argument," She said suddenly, "He didn't want me to go. He asked his CO to replace me with someone else, but I wouldn't let them. I wanted to help. He was worried that I'd get hurt, and we argued," She took a deep breath and looked back up at him, "He was thinking so much about the argument, that he didn't pay attention as much as he should. He made a mistake, and he got swarmed,"

Jimin wasn't quite sure how to react to her words. It was obviously a very painful memory for her, but in a way, he did know how she felt. Everybody had lost someone important to them after the breakout.

"Jackson died and I didn't even get to apologise to him. I didn't get to thank him for everything he had done for me and mum. I didn't-" She swallowed a lump in her throat before taking a breath and speaking again, "I didn't get to tell him I loved him,"

After a moment of silence between them, Jimin finally spoke, "I'm sorry for your loss," He said honestly, "And I'm sorry for how it ended,"

Daisy smiled a little, "It's hard," She agreed, "But you have to move on. In a world like this, dwelling on things that have happened in the past will kill you," She nodded at him a little, "You should try and talk to the woman you keep staring at. It's really tense between you, I can tell, but you should at least try. You can't get yourself killed and leave us here alone, can you?"

Jimin sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. Daisy was right, but the main issue wasn't him not wanting to talk, it was her. And he didn't blame her. He was the one who had left her behind. He left her for dead in this unforgiving world, all alone.

As he opened his mouth to speak, the bus jerked to the side, coming off of the road and into a patch of long grass to the side. He immediately got to his feet, his shotgun in his hand and stepped towards Jin.

"I'm sorry, Jimin," The driver said apologetically, "We're out of gas. I simply can't get the bus moving until we get some,"

"Shit," Jimin muttered, looking out the window. There were no cars in sight, "Alright, listen up," Jimin raised his voice, and all chatter ceased, "We're out of gas. We can't abandon the bus, because there are way too many precious supplies on here, so I'm going to need to go out and find some more,"

"It's getting dark, Sarge," Namjoon pointed out from the back of the bus, "That's not safe,"

"We have no choice. I'll go alone, make sure all lights are off and you are quiet, so if any dead ones come by, they'll keep walking,"

"I'll go with you," Namjoon stood up, holding his rifle, "I can't let you go alone,"

"You need to protect the bus," Jimin said, "You're staying,"

"You can't go alone," Namjoon insisted, "It's dangerous, and you'll need extra hands to carry the gas,"

Jimin was quiet. Namjoon was right.

He looked over at the individuals on the bus, processing them quickly in his mind. Yoongi was a good choice, as he was military, but there was no way he would leave Jungkook - and taking Jungkook on the mission was pure stupidity.

Hoseok and Jin would be no good, as they weren't trained in combat, and Daisy was hurt. Taehyung needed to stay in case they needed a medic, and Namjoon needed to protect the bus.

That only left one choice.

"Bee," He said, wishing he didn't have to take her, "You're coming with me. That's an order,"

Bee's eyes turned steely, but she stood up from her seat and stepped into the aisle.

"Taehyung," She said, looking at the Medic. He immediately jumped to attention, a smiled on his face as he looked at her, "You protect this bus and the people on it, understand? And don't touch anyone,"

"Yes, Ma'am," He said, saluting her. 

She paused, "Good," 

Without even looking at Jimin, she swept past him and out of the front door of the bus. Jimin sighed and handed Taehyung his shotgun, before glancing down at Daisy.

"Wish me luck," He muttered, "She's as stubborn as an ox," 

With that, he followed his wife through the door and into the dim light of the evening.

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