8: Sleep

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Namjoon carefully placed the woman down on one of the seats in the middle section of the bus. Taehyung immediately stood up with his medkit in his hand, but Hoseok looked at Jimin like he was insane.

"What if she's infected?" He said quietly, "Aren't your orders to use extreme prejudice against non-essentials?"

Jimin narrowed his eyes at him, "Yes, they are. She isn't stopping us from our mission, so I don't need to shoot her. Sit your ass back down and get to navigating Jin through the dark,"

Hoseok stared at him for a moment, before doing as he was told. Jimin turned back to see how Taehyung was getting on with the woman.

"Aw look, such cute little hands," Taehyung was cooing at her, "And such pretty eyes. Don't worry pretty thing, I'll look after you,"

"Taehyung!" Jimin barked at him, making him jump, "Do your job and nothing else, do you understand?"

"Yes Sarge," Taehyung sighed, pulling a pair of scissors from the medkit, "You're no fun,"

"I won't tell you again,"

"Alright, alright," He cut a hole in the bloodied material of the woman's jeans and examined the wound carefully, "Not a bite," He said, "I'll do a blood test to make sure, but I don't think she's infected,"

While Taehyung swiped some of the blood to do a test, Jimin turned his attention to the ragged-looking woman.

"What's your name?" He asked as gently as he could.

"Daisy," She said weakly, "Who are you people? I haven't seen any military since my camp fell,"

"What camp were you a part of?" Namjoon asked from the other side of her.

"Romeo Whiskey,"

Namjoon glanced at Jimin before speaking again, "But that place fell months ago. You've been out here by yourself the whole time?"

The woman nodded and once again asked who they were.

"I'm Sergent Park Jimin," Jimin answered, "That's Private Kim Namjoon. The Navigator is Jung Hoseok, the Driver is Kim Seokjin and the medic is Kim Taehyung,"

"You can call me Tae," Taehyung moved back towards them, "Blood test is clear. Let me dress the wound. It's mostly superficial with a lot of bruising. It'll be sore for a week or so then you'll be fine,"

"Thank you," Daisy said. It was clear she was exhausted, and now her adrenaline had expired, she was having a hard time keeping herself awake, "For saving me,"

Jimin said nothing. As soon as Taehyung had finished, however, he grabbed a blanket from the overhead storage and pulled it over her body.

"Touch her for any reason other than tending to her wounds, and I'll slit your throat," Jimin threatened Taehyung.

Taehyung giggled, "I love it when you talk dirty," He moved back to his own seat, fairly close to Daisy so he could keep an eye on her while she slept.

"That's creepy," Hoseok muttered from the front, "How you threaten him and how he responds,"

Jimin settled into his own seat, "That's just how it is,"


When Yoongi opened his eyes, he was surprised that he had actually slept. He was sitting on the mouldy old sofa of the cabin, and Jungkook was curled up next to him, his head on his lap. He hadn't expected to fall asleep, and scolded himself a little. He had left Jungkook completely unprotected; anything could have happened in the night.

"You're finally awake," He turned when he heard Bee's voice and his eyebrows raised in surprise. She was drying her wet hair with a towel and although she was wearing the same trousers as yesterday, her t-shirt was clean.

She looked down at herself and smiled, "Yeah, there are a few sets of clean clothes in here, and I just had a wash out in the lake. You and your... friend should clean yourselves up, too,"

Yoongi looked down at the sleeping young man on his lap, "He's not my friend," He said, "He's more like a brother,"

"Sorry," Bee smiled a little, "I didn't mean to assume,"

Yoongi sighed and ran his fingers through his dark, grimey hair. Now that he could see Bee, sparkling clean and fresh, he could feel the dirt on him. There was blood caked around his fingernails, and oil and mud across his face. He probably smelled like shit, too, as he hadn't been able to use deodorant since they had escaped their fallen camp.

"It's fine," He grunted, trying to ease out from underneath Jungkook, "I want to wash as well,"

Bee vanished through the door of the bedroom and came out with a damp towel and some clean shirts, "Sorry, I used the towel," She said, "But the shirts look like they'll fit you both. Your bottoms will have to stay the same though, sorry,"

Just as Yoongi managed to get to his feet and accept the pile from the scientist, Jungkook woke up.


"I'm here," Yoongi said, "Just grabbing a towel so I can go wash,"

"Ah, I want to come, too," Jungkook got to his feet and stretched, letting out a soft moan of satisfaction, "I haven't slept that well in like a year,"

Yoongi smiled, "Me too. Come on, let's go wash up and then I'm going to try and fix that radio,"


AN: I update too much

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