40: Chicken Dinner

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"I hope Bee is feeling okay," Jungkook said, hugging his chicken to his chest as he walked towards the house with Yoongi, "I don't want her to have to be locked up, she's done a lot for us and she's so nice,"

"Yeah," Yoongi agreed. He stared up at the very top of the house, where Bee and Jimin's bedroom was. He still wasn't sure why she had forgiven her husband for leaving her to die in a horde of dead ones, and it irked him a little to know that she was with someone like that. She deserved better.

He stopped dead in his tracks, his eyes wide as he came to the sudden realisation that at some point during their time together, he had started to develop feelings for the Sergeant's wife.

"Shit," He muttered, "That's a definite no,"

"Hyung?" Jungkook asked, "What is it?"

"Nothing," He smiled, "Come on, let's get back inside. Jimin wanted to have a meeting,"

By the time they had gotten back inside the building, everyone was already sitting down, ready to eat. Jungkook rushed his chicken upstairs because he didn't want to upset it by making it watch him eat 'one of her friends'.

Yoongi was glad to see that Bee was sat at the table eating with them. Hoseok had protested, but Taehyung threatened to cut his tongue out if he didn't stop talking, much to the shock of the rest of the table, so he quickly quietened down, his face pink.

Taehyung seemed to be in an extremely foul mood and that in itself was making the silence at the table very uncomfortable.

"Bee?" Jungkook broke the silence, his voice quiet, "Are you feeling better? I was worried,"

The scientist gave a tight smile, "I'm alright, Jungkook," She said, "Thank you for asking," She shot a look to Hoseok, "At least you asked before demanding I be isolated,"

"If you're sick," Hoseok snapped, "You could give it to everyone. We don't have the medication to deal with a disease, and we could all die,"

"Yes," Bee agreed, "But I'm not diseased!"

The tension was slowly rising at the table.

"How do you know?" Hoseok cried, "You're just saying that so you don't get locked u-"

"Because I'm pregnant!" Bee yelled, jumping to her feet, "It's not a fucking disease, Hoseok, it's a goddamn baby, so shut up before I-"

"Bee," Jimin cut her off gently, "It's alright, calm down,"

"I'm not going to calm down!" She said, yanking out of his grip, "How can you be so calm?! This idiot is mouthing off when he knows nothing, and I'm probably going to die!"

The room was thrown into shocked silence until Taehyung spoke.

"I won't let you die," He said confidently, "I promise,"

There was more silence. Bee lowered her gaze and let out a huff of air that sounded like she was attempting a laugh, "I'm going up to bed," She said quietly, "Say whatever the fuck you want about me, I don't care," 

She left the table and the sounds of her footsteps going up the stairs were the only sounds for quite a few minutes.

Jimin hesitated. He clearly wanted to go after his wife, but he needed to address the group of people sat at the table. With a sigh, he sat back down, running his fingers through his hair.

"She's pregnant?" Jungkook was the first to speak, and everyone continued to stare at the Sergeant, "That's great news!" He smiled, "I'm happy, congratulations, Jimin!"

"How is that good news?" Hoseok asked, surprised, "How is bringing a baby into this world a good thing?! How is she going to run if there's any danger, or stop a baby from screaming in the middle of the ni-"

"If you say one more word," Taehyung growled, getting to his feet and slamming his knife into the surface of the table, "I'll-"

"Enough," Jimin snapped, "Sit down, Taehyung," He turned to Hoseok, "Like I said to her, bringing life into a dying world is not a bad thing. There will be complications, of course, but this is a blessing. We are in a remote area, we are safe. We have a constant supply of food and water and there are enough of us to cover the work without making Bee do too much,"

"Jimin is right," Jin spoke up, "This is a good thing. We all need a little hope, and this gives us something to look forward to, doesn't it?"

"She'll need a lot of things," Hana spoke up, "Folic acid is important right now for her, and we'll need to make sure she gets the right nutrients throughout the pregnancy. Then there's the bir-"

"I've already got it written down," Taehyung cut her off, "I've got it covered,"

"Can I see? I actually did assist in a few births back in med school," Taehyung slid a sheet of paper over towards her and Hana went over it.

"So there you have it," Jimin said, "My wife is pregnant,"

"I'll lead the supply run to the hospital," Namjoon spoke up finally, "I want to make sure both Bee and the baby have the best stuff available,"

Jimin shook his head, "No, Joon. I want you to stay here. Taehyung will come with us on the run, so I want you to protect her and everyone else,"

Namjoon paused and nodded, "Alright, Sarge,"

"I'll go, too," Yoongi spoke up, "You'll need an extra gun, right?"

"And me, I'll go," Hoseok suddenly spoke up and frowned when everyone looked at him, "What?"

"Fine," Jimi said, "Taehyung, Hoseok and Yoongi, that's the team,"

"And me, of course," Jin said, "The bus isn't reliable, you need me,"

There was a pause, "Then Hoseok stays. I need to make sure there's another reliable set of eyes looking out for the manor house,"

"I'll add a few things to the list," Hana said, "But I think Taehyung covered all of it,"

"Good. We'll leave first thing tomorrow," He said, "And we'll need to make two stops. Everyone get some rest, we're going to be busy tomorrow,"

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