16: Stealth

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"Bee is not like you," Namjoon said suddenly, breaking the shocked silence in the bus, "She's nothing like you. She's a scientist, she has samples, not collections,"

"The reason doesn't matter," Taehyung said, "She enjoys her job,"

"It's not the same," Namjoon insisted, looking at the others, "Bee is not like him,"

"You love her because she's the same?" Daisy asked, trying to change the conversation.

Taehyung turned at her and shook his head, a smile on his face, "I love her because she doesn't hold back. When we first met I became a bit obsessed with her and Jimin didn't like it-"

"-Obviously," Namjoon butted in, "You were obsessing over his girlfriend and you're a psychopath,"

"But it went too far," Taehyung ignored him, "I've never wanted something so bad in my life, and when I went to take it I wasn't fully sane-"

"You're never fully sane, asshole," Namjoon cut in again. As before, Taehyung ignored him.

"-And Bee wasn't going to let me get away with it. Instead of calling for help or giving in, she stabbed me in the side," A dreamy look came over his face, and Jungkook felt a shiver go up his spine. This man was dangerous.

"Then she cared for me until someone could come and fix me. She has my complete respect," He narrowed his eyes a little, "If I hear any bad talk about her, I will get mad,"


"The place is crawling with dead ones," Bee whispered quietly to her husband as they crouched behind a car, peeking out towards the fuel station. The car itself had nothing in it, and unless they wanted to walk even further to get to the highway, here was the only place they had to look for gas.

"We don't have much of a choice, Bee," Jimin said, his voice low, "If we don't get any gas, the bus won't move. We're too far away from Alpha Sierra to walk back, and there are incredibly valuable supplies on the bus,"

"I know that," Bee snapped, "But this isn't safe! I don't have any formula if you get bitten!"

"What if you get bitten?" Jimin said, "I don't have any formula for you, either!"

"Oh, you always have to one-up me, Park Jimin," She muttered to him, "The point is if you're bitten-"

"-or you are bitten-"

"We don't have any formula. I don't even know if Taehyung has any,"

Formula was the drug that had been created by the military science division to slow down the effects of a bite from a dead one. It had been discovered by a brilliant woman who was working with Jungkook, and they were trying to further develop it to work as a cure and vaccination when the incident at Echo Bravo took place and everything was set back. However, they were overrun not long after that, so all studies had ceased.

"Well," Jimin smiled a little, "I guess we'll have to not get bitten then?" He reached out, smacking his hand gently on Bees ass, "Let's go,"

She rolled her eyes as he carefully made his way to the next car and followed closely behind him. She kept watch over the shambling dead ones a little further away from them as Jimin quietly began to try and syphon gas from the car. Once again, he came up with no more than a dribble, and turned to face his wife.

"We need to go and check those other cars. These ones on the outskirts have nothing at all,"

"There are at least twenty dead ones Jimin, we can't get closer!"

"We can take them if we need to," Jimin said confidently, "We've done it before,"

"If we use our guns more will come!" Bee exclaimed quietly, "Why are you acting like this?"

Jimin sighed and ran his fingers through his hair, "I just want us to get back home safe," He said, "I want to relax where we don't have to worry too much about being eaten alive. I want to hold you while we sleep and I want you under me in our be-"

"I get the picture," Bee interrupted, her cheeks heating up. He grinned, satisfied with her reaction, and jerked his head a little to the side.

"We'll take it slow, one car at a time, and we'll go for stealth, alright? Kill them before they see us,"

Bee rubbed her eyes. There really was no other choice, and Jimin was right; getting home safe was what mattered.

"Alright," She relented, "But if I die, I'm coming after you,"

"That'd be a change," He smirked, "You always come first,"

Bee resisted the urge to scream, "Just fucking move already, asshole,"

"You got it, baby,"


"They've been gone a while," Yoongi commented quietly to Jungkook as the occupants of the bus sat in silence. Namjoon had ordered everyone to stop the noise, as it was starting to get dark, and they needed to rest.

"I hope they haven't run into any trouble," Daisy said from her position near Jin. 

"Don't underestimate Bee," Taehyung said quietly, "She's tougher than she looks. And Sarge is the most elite person in the entire military,"

"They're fine," Namjoon agreed from the back of the bus, "Sarge will come back with the gas,"

"Hyung," Jungkooks voice was soft as he stared out through the grates covering the windows, "What's that?"

Yoongi leaned over him, peering through the glass, "Shit," He muttered, grabbing Jungkook and pushing him down underneath the windows, "Get down!" He turned to Namjoon, "We got company!"

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