31: In The Dark

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Jimin raced towards the bus with Bee in his arms and Taehyung at his side. As he rounded the corner, he could see that Namjoon had had some trouble with some of the other soldiers but by the bodies littered around near the bus, it was obvious that he had taken care of it.

"Sarge!" Namjoon called as Jimin got to the back of the bus, "We gotta go, Sarge, they keep sending more people! The Genera- Jesus Christ, Taehyung, did you bathe in blood?!"

"The General's blood," Taehyung said proudly as he stepped on the back of the bus after Jimin. Yoongi closed the door behind them and the engine; which was previously rumbling with anticipation, waiting to move, roared to life.

Jin sped towards the gated areas, but called back over his shoulder, "Sargeant Park, they're blocking the way,"

"Turn right," Jimin said, carefully placing Bee down on a seat and pulling his gun from the holster as he headed to the front of the bus, "Everybody get down!"

The passengers sunk down under their seats as Jin turned the bus, and there was a chorus of gunshots from the gates.

"I didn't want to do this," Jimin muttered, "There are a lot of innocent people inside here,"

"We have no choice, Sarge," Namjoon said, "The soldiers are quick, they'll mend it before anything can happen,"

"You don't mean to crash through the fence, do you?!" Hoseok cried from the seat behind Jin, "The bus might be wrecked!"

"There's no other choice!" Namjoon snapped, "If we drive through the gates, Jin could be shot,"

"There's another way!" Bee got to her feet and stumbled down the aisle. Taehyung jumped up and caught her, before helping her until she was at the front, "Circle round, Jin," She ordered, "There's a back route,"

Jimin frowned, "What back route? I've walked these walls so many times, I've never seen any other way-"

"Stop talking, you're confusing me!" Jin snapped, "Which way, Bee?"

Jimin shut his mouth and narrowed his eyes as Taehyung grinned.

"You know about this, don't you?" He accused. Taehyung just grinned even more.

"Stop here!" Bee said, and Jin slammed on the breaks, sending them flying forward. Bee opened the door and slowly climbed out, followed by the soldiers.

"No way," Namjoon gasped, "The gate through the tunnel was welded shut. We can't get through there anymore,"

"We can," Taehyung grinned, "Where do you think I used to go to get my samples?"

Jimin stared at Bee for a moment, "You went with him?"

"On the Generals orders," Bee said, "Can we talk about this later? We need to move!"

The soldiers moved to the fence and after Taehyung unlocked the hidden padlock, he pushed at the gate until it swung open. Jin switched on the lights of the bus and drove through, and the gate was closed and locked behind them.

"The tunnel is dark and dangerous," Bee said, "You need to be quiet. There are a few dead ones hanging around in here, but they can't see us. When we get to the mouth of the tunnel, all the dead ones along the fence will be able to see us,"

Jin drove slowly and carefully through the pitch black of the tunnel. The sound of moans and shuffling feet past them every now and then, but there weren't any incidents until they reached the light at the end.

"Speed up," Taehyung said as the light began to flicker, blocked by the bodies of dead ones that had heard them coming out of the tunnel, "Or we won't make it through,"

Jin put his foot down, the tires squealing as they struggled to keep a grip on the ground at the sudden burst of speed. The passengers held on as they shot through the ever-shrinking gap at the mouth of the tunnel.

Jimin swung his arm out, grabbing Bee as she wobbled and pulling her into his body. As soon as they were through, he let her go and helped her to her seat. Jin slowed down to a more acceptable speed and drove carefully down the road, just fast enough to leave the dead ones behind.

"Why were you going into a dark tunnel like that by yourself?!" Jimin suddenly cried at Bee, "That's one of the most stupid things you've ever-"

"She wasn't alone," Taehyung interrupted, "I was with her,"

"This is nothing to do with you, Taehyung, so back up before I make you,"

"I'm not going to back off when you're yelling at Bee!"

"Do you have to have a domestic in front of all of us?" Yoongi muttered, "It's making me uncomfortable and you've barely started,"

Jimin sighed and dragged his fingers through his hair, "This isn't something that can be ignored," He said, "We need our head in the game, we're out here with dead ones, and we have the cure with us. People will be after us,"

"I needed samples for my research," Bee said, "And the General thought that if Taehyung were allowed to gather samples, his..." She trailed off a little, "He would keep calm. Besides, like I said, the dead ones inside the tunnel are attracted to noise because they can't see in the dark. We were fine,"

"You didn't even tell me!" Jimin exclaimed, "That's so dangerous, but you didn't even trust me enough to tell me?"

Bee paused, "You're right. I should have told you, I'm sorry. But your job is just as dangerous. Stop being hypocritical and pointing fingers, Jimin,"

"Awkward," Yoongi said from behind them.

"She has a point," Hana spoke up, "Besides, it's over and done with, can you just leave it in the past?"

There was an uncomfortable silence on the bus before Jimin spoke to Bee.

"When we get to our destination, we need to talk about this," He muttered, taking a seat opposite her.

"Looking forward to it," Bee replied sarcastically.

"Yeah, about that," Jin called from behind the wheel, "Where are we going?"


AN: Thank you so much for 18k followers omfg I don't even know how to thank you all!

AN: Thank you so much for 18k followers omfg I don't even know how to thank you all!

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Me rn ^^

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