15: Different

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Jimin walked with Bee by his side down the thin country lane. He was sure that on the way to the meeting point, there was some kind of fuel station. It was probably completely out, but he was hoping that there would be cars around to syphon from.

He desperately wanted to reach out and take hold of his wife's hand, but he knew he couldn't, as he had to keep his hands free in case of an attack. Instead, he settled on letting her walk ahead just a little, so he could watch the sway of her hips, and her blonde hair swing behind her.

Even though she was wearing a pair of camo pants and her hair was dirty and pulled back into a ponytail, Jimin still loved how his wife looked. He loved everything about her, in fact. He loved how he could still make her blush, even though they'd been together for years. He loved her independence and her strength, but he also loved her vulnerable side. Strangely enough, he also loved her foul temper and her tendency to fight back and not just give in when they argued. Back at the camp before the incident, their arguments were legendary; he always ended up apologising.

He loved how good she was at her job, and how intelligent she was, as well as her occasional ditzy moments where he could tease her until she pouted. He loved that even though she cried frequently, she didn't let it bring her down. He loved that she was able to make level-headed, sometimes cold decisions that made her infamous within the military.

 He was so preoccupied with watching his wife, however, that he didn't see the dead one stumbling towards him until it's grimy, bloodstained hands were already clutching at his clothes. 

"Shit!" He cursed, staggering back away from the gnashing teeth, the rancid stink filling his nose as he used all of his strength to keep the rotting corpse off of him. He staggered backwards, catching his foot on an unseen rock on the ground and losing his footing. As he tumbled to the ground, the dead one fell with him, still moaning and grunting as it tried desperately to get Jimin's flesh between its gore covered teeth.

Suddenly, the dead one went completely limp, collapsing over the top of him. With another curse, Jimin heaved the body off him and looked up at his wife, who was wiping her knife with what looked like some of the dead one's clothing.

"Why aren't you paying attention?" She snapped at him, sliding the knife back into her belt.

Jimin grinned a little and got to his feet, "I was staring at your ass,"

Bee's eyes flashed, and there was a look of hesitation on her face as she tried to decide whether to be amused or angry.

"Well, don't," She muttered, turning and carrying on their journey, "Stupid,"

Jimin huffed out a small laugh and followed her, "Sorry,"


Jungkook was feeling a little overwhelmed. Everyone on the bus had introduced themselves to him, and once he had remembered their names, he just sat and listened as they quietly spoke to one another.

Daisy, the injured woman at the front, seemed to be a little closer to the driver, Jin. He wasn't sure if they were in a relationship, but they were the two who hadn't shown up at the cabin to collect him, so maybe they had gotten closer then. Namjoon was fairly quiet, only speaking every so often from his position at the back of the bus. Jungkook could tell that he was keeping an eye out for any signs of life - or death, outside so they could act appropriately.

Hoseok, the navigator, was talking to Yoongi, asking a lot of questions that went unanswered. Jungkook could tell that he was a little nervous without the Sergeant, and his eyes kept flickering to the medic, who was sat behind him.

Taehyung. The medic. He hadn't said a word since Bee and the Sergeant had left the bus, and instead was just staring out the window as if he were locked in a trance. Bee had warned Jungkook not to go near him, and he was most definitely going to follow that advice. There was something wrong about him, and his mere presence seemed to put everyone on edge; including Namjoon, whose attitude had changed as soon as Bee and Sergeant Park went to find gas.

"Taehyung," Hoseok said finally, turning his attention to the medic, albeit a little nervously, "I don't want to offend you, so if you don't want to answer, please don't,"

Taehyung turned to look at him, and tilted his head to the side, waiting for him to continue. The navigator cleared his throat a little before gathering his courage and speaking again.

"Are you in love with the Sergeants wife?"

There was a shocked silence, broken by Jin's low voice.

"Seriously, Hoseok?"

"I want to know," Hoseok insisted, "He changed a lot when he saw her,"

"In love?" Taehyung said softly, "Not in love, but I suppose I do love her. She's different,"

"What do you mean, different?" Hoseok probed as everyone fell silent. Even Namjoon seemed to be listening in, and Jungkook shifted uncomfortably on his chair. Taehyung made his skin crawl.

"She's different," Taehyung repeated, "Like me. Bee is like me,"

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