34: Jobs

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Jimin stared at the huge pile of dead ones at the side of the building. There had been only a few trapped inside, and when Namjoon fired off his gun to get attention, another group had appeared behind them.

Once they had double checked to make sure there were no more dead ones in the grass, they had done a sweep of the grounds, looking for weaknesses in the fence.

"Sarge," Namjoon called as he came back, "I'm done,"


"No weaknesses, everything looks solid and strong. My guess is that the group of people staying here let in an infected and they turned,"

"That'd be my guess, too," Yoongi appeared behind him, "There is a medical bay inside the house, and there is food growing in the greenhouse. The garage hasn't got any cars in it, but there are some goats and pigs that are looking really hungry,"

Jimin nodded, "This place is perfect," He said, "I'll go and get the bus, you guys do one last sweep and wait by the gates. We'll need to assign tasks to everyone,"

Both soldiers saluted and Jimin handed Namjoon the padlock before he headed back around to the front of the lands and out through the gate.


"Hey, Daisy?" Jin's voice was quiet, so Daisy got up from her seat and moved a little closer to him.

"You're supposed to be resting," Daisy smiled, "Sergeant Park told you to sleep,"

"I can't," Jin replied, "Until we're inside. It's not completely safe. Anyway," He cleared his throat a little, his cheeks flushing pink, "I was wondering- I mean, if there aren't enough rooms, you can share with me, if you'd like?"

Daisy blushed, but just as she opened her mouth to answer, Bee rushed past her to the front door, throwing it open and shoving her gun out and into the face of someone who had walked up towards them.

"It's just me," Jimin said, "Don't shoot,"

Bee lowered the gun and stepped back, allowing Jimin to climb onto the bus.

"It's clear. We'll drive through the gates and lock up, and then we'll assign tasks,"

"Is Hyung okay?" Jungkook asked Jimin, "He's not hurt?"

Jimin narrowed his eyes, "We are all fine. Come on, let's get inside so we can get some work done before it get's dark,"

Jin put the bus in gear and drove to the gates. Yoongi and Namjoon were waiting and pushed them closed. There was a rattle as Namjoon wrapped the chain around the bars and locked it again, and Jimin directed Jin to park the bus at the side of the building.

Everyone climbed out and Jimin led them into the manor house and through a door to the right. After everybody was seated at the large table, Jimin sat down and began to talk.

"To get this place up and running, everyone needs to be assigned a task," He started, "The garage has some animals that need taking care of, and the greenhouse needs to be cleaned and have the vegetables picked and replaced. The bus needs emptying, and the grass needs cutting on the lands, as well as a secondary fence put up around the iron one," He looked at everyone, "We need to restock and clean the medical bay, and set up a lab, and the dead ones need to be taken off the land and dumped somewhere else where the smell one attract more of them,"

There were a few nods around the table and Jimin took a deep breath, "Right, here's what we are going to do. Everyone is going to empty the bus and Namjoon will go with Jin to dump the bodies. Bee and Dr Yoo will set up a lab in the basement, and Tae will clean and restock the medical bay," He turned to Jungkook, "You and Daisy will see to the animals and then help Yoongi in the greenhouse. Everyone understand?" After a murmur of agreement, Jimin stood up, "Good. We'll empty the bus and everyone can pick a room, and then we'll get started,"

As everyone filed out to empty the bus, Bee pulled Jimin aside.

"Jimin," She said, "I saw-"

"Bee, is now really the time?" He muttered, "We have work to do,"

"Don't talk down to me, asshole," She snapped, "Stop being so butthurt and just listen,"

Jimin narrowed his eyes, "Fine. What is it?"

"I saw a shed near the fence as we came in," She said, "Towards the back end of the land. I think we should give it to Taehyung,"


"Do you know why the General sent Taehyung with me and not you?" She asked, "And why she allowed him to have his little... Hobby, while we were there?" Jimin shook his head, "Because it made sure he didn't go completely insane,"

Jimin crossed his arms, "You're telling me, you want to let Taehyung keep body parts in the shed?"

Bee nodded, "Give him his own lab and fence off the area, and he will be much easier to deal with,"

Jimin hesitated a little, "Let me think about it,"

"Jimin, it's the best way to keep his urges under control,"

"It comes with complications," Jimin said, "You should know that. I'm going to empty the bus. Go and pick a room,"

Bee sighed as Jimin left the room. If she couldn't get him to stop sulking soon, things were going to get very unpleasant for everyone.


AN: Again, not the best chapter, sorry

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