11: Destination Reached

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The group of dead ones had moved past the cabin with no incident, luckily, so Yoongi and Jungkook rearranged the bedroom as Bee did a quick sweep around the cabin to make sure that no dead ones were left behind. 

Usually, there was no way Yoongi would let a woman go out on her own to check, but she had given him the order of staying inside while she went to look. If it was anything bigger than the small cabin they were in, he would have insisted he go with her anyway, but seeing as it wasn't large, and she was a Ghost, he followed the order.

She outranked him anyway, and she could probably easily take him in a fight.

"Hey, Hyung," Yoongi turned to look at Jungkook as he settled himself down on the sofa again, "What's a Ghost?"

Yoongi sighed and went to stand by the front door, ready in case Bee called for help, "The most elite. The best of the best. If she wanted to, she could walk through that door and murder us both and we wouldn't even hear her. She could be in the room with us and we wouldn't even know, that's just how good they are," He huffed out a laugh, "They're allowed to do that, as well. They don't get in trouble for killing humans unless they are essential,"

"You mean she could kill both of us and would get away with it?" 

Yoongi smiled and shook his head, "Kook, I'm a non-essential. She could kill me no questions asked. She's not allowed to kill you. Besides, even if it killed me, I wouldn't let anyone hurt you. I promised, remember?"

Jungkook smiled up at him, "Then if someone like her tried to kill you, I would stop them,"

"You wouldn't be able to, Kook," Yoongi grinned, "You can't even throw a good punch,"

"I don't need to," Jungkook said, "I just need to stand in the way so they can't shoot you. If they aren't allowed to kill me, then they won't be able to get you, right?"

Yoongi raised his eyebrows in shock, before gently smiling again and shaking his head, "Kook, they'd still get me. But that's not the point. If ever something like that happens, I don't want you to risk yourself for me. You're important,"

"You're important," Jungkook argued, "To me! And I won't go with any rescue team if they want to kill you,"

"I appreciate it, Jungkook, I do," Yoongi reasoned, "But you can't be so selfish. I'm expendable. You aren't,"

The door swung open before Jungkook could reply. Bee walked in, holstering her gun, "It's clear," She said, "They're all gone," She looked at Yoongi sharply, "And if you must know, I won't let anybody hurt you, either. You saved me with that food, and you were kind. I owe you for that,"

Yoongi shook his head, "How much of that did you hear?"

"All of it," Bee shrugged, "It's a small cabin, and you were talking very loud. Also, a correction, if I may," She looked at Jungkook, "I'm a scientist, not a soldier. I'm trained in combat but I value life, unlike... The rest of my regiment. I don't kill people unless I have to,"


"There, it's ahead through those trees," Jin said as they came to the edge of the forest.

"Stop here," Jimin said, peering out through the window, "If it's a trap, we want to be able to get away,"

Jin pulled the bus to a halt, and Jimin turned to look at the rest of the crew.

"Listen up," He said, "Jin is going to stay here with Daisy; we don't want her in unnecessary pain or danger. He's also here in case we need a quick getaway. Hoseok, Taehyung and Namjoon, you come with me. We won't split up this time, we will go straight for the front door," He turned to Namjoon, "Give a gun to Jin,"

"Yes, Sarge,"

Namjoon pulled a gun from his belt at the back of his trousers and handed it to Jin, "Don't use it unless you have to,"

Jimin led them from the bus, his Glock in his hand. Namjoon brought up the rear, Taehyung in front of him and Hoseok behind Jimin. As they reached the cabin, he could see that the curtains were all closed, but he could hear some voices from inside. Two men?

After a quick look back at Namjoon, Jimin raised his fist and banged on the door.

It went silent for a moment, and then there was the sound of a bolt being slid free. The door slowly opened, and Jimin raised his gun, aiming directly at the man who appeared at the door; who was also holding a gun.

"Who are you?" The man said. His voice was calm, but he was obviously tense.

"Identify yourself first," Jimin ordered, the hands that grasped his gun steady. 

However, before the man could answer him, a hand appeared out of the side of the door, slamming down on his wrists hard enough for the gun to be knocked from his hands. As the gun clattered to the floor uselessly, the man in the doorway was shoved out of the way, and Jimin saw a flash of blonde hair before a fist hit him directly in the face.

"You goddamn son of a bitch!"

Jimin staggered backwards, just about able to keep his footing as he instinctively grasped his injured face. However, before he was upright again, the woman was coming towards him, clearly ready to hit him again.

Jimin dodged this time and hooked his foot behind her, pushing at her shoulders so she fell back and into the outside wall of the cabin. He pinned her flailing hands above her head, and before anybody else could register what was going on, he was leaning forward and kissing her hard.


AN: Sorry, it's a filler lol

Also, guys.. if you're upset its a straight fic.. just don't read it ok? Enough of the "ew" comments. If you saidthat on a gay fic people won't accept it, why is it ok to write it here? Answer: It's not.

If you follow me you know I rarely write bxb unless they're one shot or side characters.


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