35: Chicken Little

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Jungkook was tired. He had seen to the goats and pigs, and had befriended a little scrawny looking chicken that followed him around while he helped Daisy clean. They had spent hours in there cleaning out the pens and feeding and watering the animals, and once they were done, he reluctantly locked his little chicken friend in the garage and went to help Yoongi in the greenhouse.

He had done a good job by himself, so by the time they had gotten in there to help, all the old vegetables that couldn't really be eaten were already piled up in one pile, with a pile of weeds beside them. Yoongi had already begun to plant new seeds, so with Jungkook and Daisy's help, they had managed to get it done fairly quickly.

Once that was done, the three of them had gathered up the unedible vegetables and split them into another two piles; one for the ones that the animals could possibly eat, and another pile for a compost heap.

He then went back to the garage to see his chicken while Hoseok, Daisy and Hana made dinner (they were taking the first turn).

"Hey Kook," Jungkook looked up when he heard Yoongi's voice. He was sitting on a wooden stump in the garage, and the small chicken was on his lap, "You made a friend," He laughed, "I wondered where you went,"

Jungkook beamed up at him, "It's been following me around. She's kind of cute,"

Yoongi nodded and sat down next to him, "Yeah. What's her name?"

"I can give her a name?" Jungkook was surprised. He had never had a pet before, so had never been able to name an animal.


"Little," He said, petting the chickens head, "I used to love that story when I was young, and this is the smallest hen here, so yeah. Little,"

"Cute," Yoongi smiled, "Hey, are you alright?"

Jungkook turned his attention to Yoongi, "What do you mean?"

"Well, you've been through a lot, and I was just wondering if you were actually okay. I know you have dreams about what happened, but I think for now, we're safe. Bee and Hana won't do what those men did to you, and I won't leave you again,"

Jungkook smiled, "You're the best, Hyung," He said, "But I'm alright. I've never been given a job to do before, and now I have the animals to look after, so I'm pretty good. We've not even spent one night here yet, though,"

He continued to pet the chicken, smiling as it cooed at him, "Do you think I could bring Little to my room? I really like it,"

"I don't think it'd be a problem, Kook," Yoongi said, ruffling his hair, "I'll take one of the mini coops up, she can stay in that,"

The pair looked up when the door to the garage opened and Jimin came in, hauling a huge bundle of dry grass behind him.

"Oh, you're in here," He said, shoving the grass to the corner, "You can use this for bedding for the animals at some point,"

"Hey, Jimin," Jungkook said, standing up and holding the chicken in his arms, "Can I have the chicken in my room with me? As my pet?"

Jimin glanced at Yoongi and shrugged, "I guess, as long as you clean up after it and it doesn't make any noise,"

Jungkook grinned happily, "Thank you!" He rushed to the corner of the garage where the small coops were, and grabbed one. He stuffed some of the dried grass into it and carried it out of the garage with one hand, the chicken nestled in his other arm.

"He seems happy," Jimin muttered, heading out of the garage. Yoongi followed and closed the door behind him. It was already dark out but most of the initial work had been done. There were no signs of dead ones, either, so Yoongi was actually feeling a little relaxed.

"Yeah," Yoongi said, "I've not seen him this happy before. He's easy to keep content, but this is different. I think he's comfortable with everyone here,"

Jimin nodded, "But they're going to start researching tomorrow," He said, "I think they'll need to take some blood from him,"

Yoongi shrugged, "He doesn't have a problem with that. That's nothing compared to what has been done to him,"

As they entered through the front door, the scent of cooking wafted to their nose, and Yoongi's stomach rumbled.

"That smells good," Jimin commented, "I think I'll get the table rea-"

"Did you speak to Bee?" Yoongi interrupted, "I don't really want to listen to you arguing again,"

Jimin narrowed his eyes at him, "That's none of your business, lieute-"

"If you want our little community to thrive," Yoongi interrupted, "We all need to get on well. And you don't outrank me anymore. You might be in charge, but we are technically deserters. I don't have a CO anymore,"

Jimin was silent for a moment. He looked down at the ring on his finger and sighed, "Yeah, you're right. I'll go speak to her," He clapped Yoongi on the soldier, "But I am still in charge until everyone decides otherwise, so go and get the table ready,"

Yoongi huffed out a small laugh and shook his head as Jimin disappeared down the stairs to where Hana and Bee had set up their labs.

Honestly, he thought Jimin did have a point, but Bee was also not in the wrong. If they just communicated and let go of the past, it would be better for both of them.

As he headed towards the large dining area, Jungkook came thudding down the stairs, the small chicken in his arms.

"Where are you going, Hyung?" He asked, "Do you want to come and see Little's new home in my room?"

"I'm going to set the table," Yoongi explained, "I'll have a look after,"

"Alright!" Jungkook said happily, "I'll help!"


AN: Kind of a calm filler chapter.... I hope you like it!

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