Ch. 14: No, but fire

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It was night now. Temporary darkness had cast itself over a small town in Tennessee. There was a full moon on this night, and the stars added more light to the deep navy canvas above. On the ground, there was silence, barring the occasional wind that shook the trees in the distance, rattling the leaves and causing the branches to sway. All was calm, but the atmosphere couldn't faze the cloud of anxiousness that clouded the minds of the group walking down the road. Not the gentle corn fields nor the clear road could affect their mindset.

So they walked, shoulder to shoulder, with Oberon fluttering close by Lucifer, and Botolf mumbling about how Andy interfered with the teleportation. Between Botolf and Mother, Briana walked, but with the exact same confidence as the two on either side of her.

Soon enough, the corn ended on the right side of the road and gave way to a large, fenced in lot. Signs reading "CAUTION" were placed at regular intervals on the chain link.

"Here," Mother said, pointing to the area inside the fence.

The group stopped and looked at their battleground.

"How are we supposed to get in?" Botolf asked.

Lucifer stepped forward, as if on cue, and motioned for Botolf to assist him. They approached the fence, and Lucifer made a series of sounds.

"You just want me to pull on it?" Botolf questioned with uncertainty.

Lucifer nod his head in the affirmative. Botolf just rolled his eyes and pulled on the fence while Lucifer simultaneously melted away the chain link around Botolf's hands in a space big enough for all of them to get through. When enough of the fence was melted, the force created by Botolf pulled the section backwards. He held it down as the others went through, then he passed through himself.

Behind the fence was a nuclear power plant. It was long abandoned, but it still sat on the large piece of land. The structures were rusted. The grass grew wildly with weeds mixed in. Towards the center of the complex, an administrative building sat. It's outer walls were graced with grime and numerous broken, dusty windows. After walking in and surveying the landscape, Mother stopped bid the rest to do the same.

"Where is he?" she mumbled to herself.

"I think we'll have to look around some more, Mother, don't you think?" Botolf suggested.

"No, no, he was supposed to be here, I," Mother paused, "I checked, before we left, I did, I checked, now where is he?"

Briana spoke, "Perhaps he walked somewhere else?"

Just then, Lucifer grunted and pointed to the building at the center of the plant. Through one of the dank windows, a faint light shined, then died out after a moment. Briana was the first to start on her way to the building. She was ready for the kill. The others followed, trying to discuss a plan of attack, but they couldn't settle on anything. It seemed everyone had something to hold against Andy, therefore, everyone wanted the final kill.

"Look, I suggest we do what Briana wants. This is what was promised to her when she died, after all," Botolf proposed.

In a quiet scream, Oberon proclaimed, "But he insulted me! And took my soldiers! I should at least get one hit!"

"You'll get your hit," Mother assured, then under her breath, she grumbled, "I'll just get mine first."

The door to the building was unlocked, or, rather, the lock had completely rusted, leaving the door open to whoever wanted to go past the threshold. Barely any light made it into the building. From what Briana could see, the interior walls had collapsed for the most part. Old desks still stood, some with chairs, some without. Piping was exposed, and one toilet had already fallen through the floor of a higher level. Others were bound to follow. The light had come from the third level, so Briana went ahead up the stairs just feet from the entrance. Botolf held her up.

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