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Another school, another hell day and as usual, I didn't pay attention to the teachers in front. That is until—

"Ms. Lee, please come with me to the office. I need to talk to you," I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion and hesitantly stood up to follow her. I thought we were heading to the faculty room but we didn't. Instead, she led me to the bench outside. Uhm?

"What do you want to talk to me about Mrs..?" Crap. I don't know her last name.

"Park, Mrs. Park. You haven't attended class ever since that day. Are you okay? As a teacher, I'm worried about my students' well being," What?

"Uh—yes, I'm.. fine," This is awkward.

"Are you sure? If so, can you take off your mask?" I felt my heart abruptly stop. "U-uh I'm not really comfortable doing so. Can I go back to class now?" She just gave me a symphatetic smile before nodding. I bowed at her before I shuffled back to the class.


"Hi!" A voice exclaimed, startling me. I looked up to see her as she waved Jeongguk out, who was looking at her weirdly before going. Once he was out of sight, she sat down beside me and displayed her bright smile. Why is everyone suddenly talking to me today?

"Uhm.. Hi..?" I greeted, unsure of what's happening.

"I heard days ago that your favorite flower is smeraldo so I searched it up and it looked very pretty! and since I never really got to talk to you even though I sit near you—not that I'm ignoring you though! You just looked kind of intimidating..? No offense! It's just because you cover yourself up and look like you don't want people to bother you so.. anyways, all I'm saying is that, I want to talk to you and I finally found a topic you're interested about,"

"Is that okay with you? I mean, me talking to you or do you want me to leave you alone? Oh gosh, I'm annoying you am I? I keep talking sorry, I won't talk anymore I promise, really—if that's annoying you—oh god why am I still talking? Oh gosh, I should just leave, I'm sorry! I'll leave no—"

"No, i-it's okay. You can stay. I'm not annoyed, I promise," I gave her a genuine smile—though she can't see it because of my mask.


"Hmm, I'm glad you talked to me,"

"I'm glad too! Okay, so uh—this sounds rude but, what's your name?"

"It's Hwayoung, Lee Hwayoung. I already know you so no need for introductions."


This is my first a/n ever since book 1 so yall know it's serious,,

don't bash my bb cheonju 😤 as much as possible, I want other girls other than the main character to not be bitchy unlike other books I have read in which the gf of the main boy (who isn't the mc) is bitchy and tells the mc to stay away from the main boy.

I don't have a problem with those books okAy, i just got tired and thought that not every girl, who isn't the mc nor her friend, is bitchy or fake.

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