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I sighed with a heart as heavy as my steps, trudging back to my house coming from the flower shop I work part time at. It was the only job fitted for me since I only needed to arrange the flowers and take care of deliveries, meaning I didn't have to interact with customers. Plus I love flowers so working there is enjoyable and takes my mind off things for a while.

Once reaching the gate to my house, something caught my eye—a flower on top of the mailbox. Uhm? Did someone send this to the wrong house? I picked it up and observed it carefully for notes or cards, and there was but instead of someone else's name written on it, there was my name. Huh? Why would someone send a flower to someone as ugly as me?

"Hi, I wanted to do something for you and you seem like you're fond of flowers so I researched and tried hard to find these. I hope you don't find me creepy :(( I know you know the meaning of possibly every flower but pls just pretend that u don't. To start off, this is an Amaryllis. I wanted to give u this flower first to remind you that you are beautiful. I haven't seen you without your mask yet but just looking at your eyes, I know that you have a very pretty face and you are beyond beautiful so I hope one day, you can have the courage to remove your mask and see yourself as someone who is pretty. Hope you have a nice day mask girl :D

- your flower boy"

Tears welled up in my eyes whilst possibly flashing the biggest and most genuine smile in my whole life. I looked around, hoping that I'd be able to see a figure hiding but to no avail. Though it seems confusing and a little unexpected, it didn't stop me from being grateful to whoever that person is for cheering me up through this small act and distracting me from the past days.

The next day came and that meant I had to go to school but here I am, still lying on my bed, thinking that another day without going to school won't hurt and that I'll just let this day pass again by staying home and thinking about life. But unfortunately, God has other plans for me when the bell rang. Groaning and lifelessly walking to the window to peek who it is, adrenaline and shock rushed over me as I quickly grabbed my mask and a jacket before running out, stumbling in the process.

"W-What are you doing here?" I stuttered, calming myself down. Cheonju shrieked in excitement and didn't hesitate to open the gate to throw herself onto me for a hug to which I return. "I thought you died!" I snort at that and roll my eyes, pulling away from her embrace.

"How's school?"

"Who cares how school is, it's always the same—boring. How are you? Are you eating well? Do you even sleep oh my gosh look at your eyebags! You look so soulless and tired and stressed! That's it—Junglebook, go to school, I'm staying here to take care of her," I look at her in shock and quickly protest, "What? No! You should go to school too! I'm fine, I can live without food."

"So that means you haven't been eating for days?! Okay, more reason for me to stay, you can't stop me," She states and stomps her way towards my house but I block her before she does. "No! Jeongguk, take her with you!" I plead, looking straight at him with desperation burning in my eyes and he looks caught off guard and flustered. Cheonju looked back at him, probably threatening him.

"Uhm... c-can I stay too?" whAt?? "Sure!" Cheonju replied before I could open my mouth, turning back to me with a smirk on her face, "Tuck her in muscle pig," she grinned and made her way into my house. 

"Come in...?" I mentally slapped myself for making it sound like a question. He stiffly nodded and obediently followed me in.

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