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"Mrs. Park, can I talk to you?" I ask, my classmates leaving the room for lunch break. Mrs. Park gave me a look before nodding her head, following me as I walk towards the bench outside—where we last talked.

"What do you want to talk about?" I stared at her for a moment, bit my lips and finally opened my mouth after two whole minutes.

"What is your relationship with the woman who abandoned me?" Now that I finally let out the words I've been wanting to, my breath became heavy and I tried to control my anger as flashbacks of her making me feel unloved popped in my mind. She gasped in surprised and tried to stay composed, but her stuttering betrayed her.

"W-woman? What do you mean?" I scoffed at her response. She's clearly caught in a lie but she dares speak like she's innocent?

"Stop acting, I saw you and that woman yesterday, hugging and all that bull so stop pretending like you don't know who I'm talking about!" I snapped, my voice raising with every word—but I don't care, no one's here anyway.

"She—" Mrs. Park bit her lips and looked away, avoiding my gaze. "she's my sister..." I knew it. I knew it at the back of my head but I just had to confirm. Even so, I still couldn't believe it when those words left her lips. All I could do was nod, my brain processing what she just admitted. "Hwayoung-ah—"

"Don't. Don't touch me," I muttered as I pulled my hands away from her. "I should've known when you acknowledged my existence in class, when you tried to get me to take off my mask, when you asked me if I was okay..."


"Where have you all been all these years? Where were you during those times I was mourning in that empty house because of loneliness? You were nowhere! And now you're just gonna come back as if I would accept all of you with open arms? If you haven't came back all those years, then you shouldn't ever have came back because if back then I kept disappointing myself every single day when I come home to an empty house, now I just feel worry and disgust creeping up to me whenever I think that one of you might come back. So please, do me a favor and teach somewhere else other than this school. If you don't want to then I'd be happy to leave this hell hole," I spat before running away from that place, ignoring her cries.

Without noticing, I bump into a person, my vision blurry as I step away and bow to that person.

"Sorry!—wait, Hwayoungie?" A voice speaks and I look up to find Cheonju. "Oh my god, you're crying! What happened to you?" She asked and led me to an empty classroom, sitting me down and hugging me whilst I cry my heart out.

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