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I kept tossing and turning, but I still couldn't sleep. I sat up straight with a sigh, what Cheonju said is really getting to me.

"There's this girl who I know loves Jungkook. I don't know how much she loves him but I know, she loves him more than I do. I know just based on the flowers she gave and the notes attached. But then, I interfered. I took all her credit and she's probably very devastated right now so I broke up with him, because it's her who deserves him,"

Knowing that I'm the reason why she broke up with him isn't very pleasing. She's wrong, she deserves her more than I do. She's pretty, nice, friendly—the total opposite of me. I know I did nothing wrong but I'm the reason. Why couldn't I just watch him from afar and keep myself from doing something?


"Hey, Jeongguk and I are going out, wanna come? Wait no—you're gonna come with us, no buts," I stared at her in disbelief, as I shook my head. Didn't she just say she broke up with him? and why me?

"What are you doing?" I heard Jungkook question her but she just shushed him. "We don't have plans on going out??"

"What are you talking about? Your coconut head surely isn't functioning. Of course we're going out," She gave him a smile that I can't decipher, but it seemed like she was trying to threaten him.

"Uhm.. I gotta get home asap so I think I'll pass, sorry," I awkwardly stuttered, trying to get myself out of this.


"Oh come on, it'll be quick Hwayoung,"

"Hwayoung..?" I involuntarily blurted out quietly while Cheonju glanced at me and smirked. Come to think of it, her voice does sounds similar to Hwayoung's, though I haven't talked to her in months.

"I-uh sigh okay,"

"Great! Let's go," Something inside me snapped for sure because after Cheonju called her Hwayoung, I couldn't stop taking a glimpse of her. 


"So," Cheonju started after gulping down her drink. We're currently at a café to rest. "Hwayoung-ah, why don't you tell us about yourself?"

"Me? Okay.. Uh, I don't think there's something interesting about me,"

"I'm sure you're a very interesting person! Do you have any hobbies? Like playing games?"

"Well I do play overw—overturn.. yeah overturn," I squinted my eyes for a second and heard Cheonju mumble a 'gotcha' before looking at her phone.

"Oh! I gotta go now, I'll go ahead and you two just hang out without me okay? Bye!" Before I could protest or stop her, she was already out the door.

"Uhm.. I think I should go too..?" I turned my head back to her direction. Wait no! Don't go!

"Oh.. I can walk you home. It's already night,"

"Nonono! I mean—no it's okay, you don't have to," She refused but after insisting, she unwillingly agreed.


The walk is silent and awkward as none of us have the guts to talk or we just have nothing to talk about. I mustered up my courage and talked,

"So.. you were about to say overwatch back there right? which hero do you usually play?" I notice her tense and she looked like she was having an internal battle in her mind.

"I usually play d.va," The Hwayoung I know also plays d.va a lot..

Lost in my thoughts, I didn't notice her stop in her pace. I turned around and confusion took over me when I saw her in shock, fists curled, her breathing a little heavy as she stared in front. I looked back and saw a woman standing in front of a house, observing it.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I waved my hand in front of her and that seemed to snap her out.

"Huh? It's nothing. You should go, my house is near," She insisted. "Thank you Jeongguk-ssi," All I could do was nod and walk away, but I didn't leave. My gut was telling me not to leave so I hid, behind a fence and moved as close as possible without getting caught.

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