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"Hwayoung-ah," Cheonju called, making me look at her. She told me we have something urgent to talk about and now we're on a bench near the soccer field. "Jeongguk and I.. we're not a thing. Yes, we were a couple but now, we're just bestfriends,"

"Uhh.. okay..? Why are you telling me this?"

"Because I know," She stared at me, probably waiting for a reply but I just stared back in confusion which made her sigh. "I know you're the flower girl," My breath hitched as I tried to force myself to say something, but what was there to say? I'm caught in a lie.

"N-no? What flower girl? haha stop joking around,"

"I also know you're the Hwayoung who is Jeongguk's online friend," I tried to think of something to say—anything, so that I won't be exposed.

"You must be mistaking me with someone else. I don't even play overw—" I pursed my lips, mentally slapping my mouth for exposing myself. Cheonju gave me a knowing look and smirked, muttering a "gotcha."

"I'm sorry for what I did—for saying that I was the flower girl. I shouldn't have and I regret that so now, I'm letting you claim what's originally yours—his heart,"

"wha—no! That's so wrong. I can never—"

"That's why I'm telling you that we're only bestfriends now, no hard feelings. Besides, I once worried that he might leave me if he found his flower girl but getting to know you now, I realized that my heart beats ninety-nine times faster when I think of you two together and I think 'dAmn I gotta get these two together before I die' so I suggest that you listen to me and win yo boi's heart,"

With a bright smile on my mask-hidden face, I tackled her into a hug saying, "I love you so much and I'm thankful you exist! But then again, if I ever see you with a glint of hurt written on your face—that's that. I won't come near Jeongguk ever again, deal?"

"Pfft yeah yeah, deal."

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