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"Why are you crying? S-stop crying! I'll put my mask back on okay? Just stop crying," I was about to put my mask on in panic but his hand was faster and snatched the mask from me.

"N-no, don't do that! I'm just overwhelmed a-and emotional—why are you so pretty?" He sobbed and cupped my face before pulling me into his embrace. "I honestly want to burn your mask right now for hiding your beauty."

Yes, I finally removed my mask in front of Guk after he brought me home.

I grabbed his wrists before he could leave and he turned around to face me, "I-I'll show you," I didn't give him enough time to react, pulling him inside my house and towards the bench in the garden.

"Okay, I know my face is really ugly—" I cleared my throat when he pouted, upset at my words, "I mean in case it is, I brought you here because 'in case' it is, you can just look at the flowers around."

My hands were on both sides of the mask, taking a deep breath and shutting my eyes before taking it off. Then I heard it, a loud gasp followed by a sob afterwards which lead me to open my eyes to find Jeongguk crying whe looking at me, his hands covering his face.

"The prettiest. The prettiest flower in this garden—wait no, the prettiest flower there is. My prettiest Youngie. You're so pretty I can't stop crying?" He said in between sobs, still embracing me. I don't know how long we've been in this position but I'm not complaining.

"Are you...you're saying that so I wouldn't feel hurt aren't you," He gasped and removed me from his embrace and clutched his heart as if offended by my words.

"Can't I ramble about how beautiful my future girlfriend is? Never mind what I said earlier about burning your mask for hiding your beauty, I'm so thankful it did because I don't want guys lining up for you. Call me selfish but I'm so glad I'm the first to see your beautiful face so when a guy hits on you, I'm already your boyfriend. Ha, sucks to be them."

I know he said a lot but my mind stopped functioning when he said "future girlfriend" and "boyfriend"

"W-wait a-are we a couple...?" I stared at him, genuinely confused and flustered at the same time. His hands gently cupped my crimson red cheeks and grinned, showing me his bunny smile with a hint of mischief.

"If you want to. I already confessed my feeling to you and you already confessed your feelings for me. The only thing that's left is your answer. What do you say baby, will you be my girlfriend?"

b-bABY !!

My face grew hotter, "Oh? My pretty baby is burning up, do you need me to shower you with love and kisses so you'd feel better?" He teased a bit more, causing my face to go the deepest shade of red a human could plaster.

"If you say yes, I'm very willing to do that," For some reason, I couldn't open my mouth so I just nodded, not daring to look at him. An abrupt kiss on my forehead caught me off guard and turned to look at him who was already smiling innocently.

He leaned in once again and planted kisses on my forehead, my cheeks, my nose and on my chin then leaned back for a bit to look at me for permission, which I gladly gave before he leaned in once more to connect our lips.

The kiss was chaste, passionate and filled with love. There was no rush, the pace was right, everything felt right—the fluttering feeling in my heart said so, and my body screamed in joy.

He pulled away, his eyes crinkling as he smiled so brightly, looking at me fondly.


Cheonju was crying, her hands covering her face as she looked at me. Insecurity kicked in once again so I reached for the mask but like him, she snatched it away from me and protested.

"Don't do that! I'm j-just overwhelmed and emotional—why are you so pretty?" Jeongguk, who's beside me, snorted at her words.

"Oh how familiar are those words," He stifled a laughter before continuing, Cheonju still crying while looking at me, "Can you say something else? I already said those words,"

She hissed a small 'shut up coconut' and threw herself onto me, pulling me into a tight embrace. "My baby! My pretty baby omg I love this character development. I'm so proud—the fact that you couldn't even eat ice cream in front of me back then because of your mask and now—and now," She sobbed once again. I rubbed my hands on her back in an attempt to soothe her.

"You know, I've never seen her cry like this except when she couldn't buy a ticket to Lee Jongsuk's fanmeeting. Damn, your power," Jeongguk was clearly enjoying this. If only I caught him on tape when I revealed my face then he wouldn't be enjoying this too much.

Cheonju pulled away from me and gave him a look, "Didn't I tell you to shut up coconut head? And for your information, we must not speak of that in this household,"

"...We're in school..?" Cheonju clicked her tongue in annoyance and turned to look at me. "I pity you for being his girlfriend."



I'm too lazy to proofread this so if you encountered errors in grammar or spelling, ignore that. n e ways this book is ending in about 2 chapters! (idk im not sure) thank you for supporting this book and giving it love though it lacks in lots of ways and the writing is cringey and kinda sucks.

Love you lots yall ♡

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