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I entered the class, expecting Cheonju and Youngie talking but the latter was nowhere to be found and the bell was about to ring.

"Where's Hwayoung?" I asked whilst approaching Cheonju, earning a frown from her. "You haven't seen her? like around the school? I tried to contact her since yesterday but she wouldn't pick up. I'm worried," Of course she wouldn't go to school, not after what she had just heard.

"Cheonju-yah, I've been wanting to ask you this since our conversation, do you know something about Hwayoung that I don't?" she was taken aback by my question but regained her composure after a while.

"Let me rephrase that, do I know something about Hwayoung that you haven't realized yet even though I threw obvious hints at you? yes. Yes I do,"

"Realized? So you're saying I do know something about her but haven't realized it yet?" She put her hand on her forehead and sighed, making me think as if I had said something completely stupid.

"No shit, Sherlock. You literally said what I just said oh my god, can you get dumber than this?" I pursed my lips, feeling a little hurt at her comment. A sigh escaped her lips once again once she saw my expression. "Look, does she not remind you of a certain someone at all? Actually no, TWO certain people,"

"Pardon?" I'm genuinely confused so why does she look like that one emoji with steam coming out from its nose? "Do I really have to go straight to the point? Is that how clueless you are?" She asked in frustration, her facial expressions softening when she saw me pout whilst nodding.

"One, she plays Overwatch and has the same name as your overwatch buddy. Two, doesn't her voice seem familiar to you? does it not cross your mind that—"

"My Overwatch buddy Youngie and Hwayoung are one person? yeah it did but I wasn't sure of my suspicion,"

"Then why did you not tell me sooner I'm—I'm so done," She fumed and I honestly think Yoongi hyung is shaking right now. "Yeah yeah, but here you are still talking to me. What did you mean by two certain people?"

"What was the reason why we broke up?"

"Uhh...because you're an ass?"

"okay bitch? you wanna fight me? no! It's because of the flower girl remember? and guess who's fond of flowers? ring a bell?"

"...waitwaitwait—you're telling me that the mask girl Hwayou—"

"Mask girl? really?"

"Let me finish! mask girl Hwayoung, flower girl and my overwatch buddy Youngie are the same person?"

"Took you long enough," I blanked out, processing everything and it was as if my mouth has a mind of its own because only then, I realized what I said when it came out of my mouth.

"Help me make it up to her,"


henlo! it's been more than a week since I've updated jshdishd sorry but I guess publishing this chapter now is a good timing considering what happened today, at least this chapter is positive and we all need positivity after everything. Anywho, let's all stay strong and we'll get through this, we'll be fine and our angel will be fine, I'm sure of it :)

You probably heard of this on twt already but please censor kth's name to avoid trending and let's all respect his and his family's privacy.

I purple you all! 💜

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