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double update uwu



"Jungkook," Cheonju sternly said in which I returned with a hum as we sat on the grass under a tree near the school field. "I think we should break up," My head snapped in her direction as my eyebrows scrunched.

"Haha, nice joke go back to calling me muscle pig,"

"No, I'm serious," I scanned her face to see if she was joking—who knows? maybe her lips are slightly curved upwards while waiting for my reaction, but no—there was none. She really was serious.

"Why..? Did I do something wrong? Just days ago you asked me if I will leave you if I found her and I said I won't, so what's the problem?"

"I think I found her—your flower girl. She's really nice you know? and I think you two really are fated since she's also someone you talked about back then,"

"So this is about her again? I told you, I don't care if I found her, or if she comes to me and admits she's the flower girl. You're the one I love okay? Now stop talking nonsense," I replied, a little pissed.

"No. Jungkook, you're missing the point here. You and her—you're fated, I just know it. I'm just interfering between you two. She loves you more than I do. We should just be friends, I'll even help you two. You have no say to this okay? So shush—besides, I ship you two,"

"You can't just break up with me just like that, that's unfair for me—for us. Why are you being so casual about this? Don't you care about how I feel? Stop being selfless for once! Who cares about her? She's not the one I love, you are! and if you're still going to continue with that nonsense, then why am I even here?" I hissed and stomped away from her, ignoring her pleading cries to stop.


Do I go up to her? She's crying and as someone who's nice, she deserves to have someone to comfort her right? aaa should I really go there and comfort her? She might think I'm weird or creepy—wait no, that doesn't matter. She's crying and needs someone to comfort her so I should go. Okay here I go.

"Hey.." I muttered as she looked up at me. "Is it okay if I..?" I gestured and she flashed me a smile before nodding. 

"What are you doing here? I don't mean it to sound rude,"

"It's okay, it's not rude. I saw you crying and thought I should at least go comfort you," She sniffled before smiling and mumbling a thank you. "So, mind telling me what happened?"

"I.. broke up with Jungkook, he didn't want to but that's my final decision"

"Huh? Why? I ship you guys,"

"He wasn't supposed to be mine from the start,"

"What do you mean by that? It doesn't make any sense..?"

She chuckled before responding, "That's what he said too. I just so happened to confess to him and stole someone's credit because I panicked. There's this girl who put an effort to send him flowers, and I feel—no, I know she loves him more than I do so, I let go of him for her—for his flower girl and for him too," She eyed me waiting for a response or a reaction.

"..flower girl..?" was all I could say.

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