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"What are you doing here?" I fumed as I marched towards her. She gasped in shock and tried to form words. I was already tearing up when I saw her, but I don't want to cry—not in front of her so I closed my eyes for a moment.

"My pretty flower.." That's what my father used to call me..

"No, you don't get to call me that! After leaving me for 11 years? you just come back here like nothing happened? like you never called me useless, ugly, monster, and every downgrading names you made? like you never abandoned me?" I ranted, my voice getting louder and louder with each word.

"Hwayoungie, you know that's not true. You're not ugly nor useless—"

"Well you made me believe it's all true. Leave. I don't want to see you ever,"

"No, Hwayoungie please.. I just want to see your face please—please take off your mask," I scoffed in disbelief and looked away for a second.

"You made me put on this mask, so stick with it til the end, because I will never take off this mask—especially not in front of you. Now leave," She took a step forward while I took a step back, refusing to look at her. "Leave!"

She forced a smile and choked out, "Okay, I'll leave—if it makes you happy. I hope you know I regret doing that. I'm the true monster.. I love you my pretty flower," before leaving.

The tears I was trying to hold back finally flowed out of my eyes as I crouched down and sobbed. I don't care if I look like a weirdo crying on the sidewalk, no one walks here at this hour anyway—so I cried, for what seemed like hours, before weakly stumbling to my house.



( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

what ?

that lenny face is scaring me

What happened after I left?

You're up to something aren't you

It was awkward and something happened but she didn't know I witnessed it

Im not telling u either

We just broke up and now ure keeping things from me :(

I just moved down one level so technically im ur bestfriend and as ur bestfriend i deserve to know bc she is also my friend now so i deserve to know sO TELL ME COCONUT HEAD

Uh that's the point ?? we just broke up and we're being so casual with each other?

and as u said we're technically like bestfriends now yet here u are keeping sht from me

Im not keeping anything from u

I see through u

Alright i am keeping something from u but if i tell u dat would be very no fun

and can u just plEASE tell me what happened ffs muscle idiot

jesus christ alright ill tell u

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