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"Youngie!" Cheonju shouted, bursting through the door and scaring the shit out of me. She plopped down on the seat beside me and brought out a paper bag while staring at her in confusion when she placed an ice cream tub and chocolates on my table.

"What..? What's all this?" Why is she giving me ice cream when we only talked for less than a week?

"I just felt like buying you ice cream," I smiled at her kind gesture and muttered a thank you before a frown appeared on my face again when I realized that I have to take off my mask to eat this.

"What's wrong?" I pointed at my mask. "Oh... it's okay! I know you're not comfortable taking it off while people are around. It was stupid of me so you don't have to eat it," I could see the disappointment in her face even though she was smiling. She got up to throw the ice cream away but before she could do so, I grabbed her arm—making her look at me.

I could feel my heart beat at a fast pace as my hand went over to the mask covering my face. Should I? She's the first person to talk to me at school and we've only talked for less than a week but she's been nothing but kind. She even bought me stuff even though she doesn't know me that well. I should right? But then again, after what happened last night, I'm reminded that I'm ugly and I might scare her. Yeah I might

"It's okay, really," She flashed a genuine smile. "You don't have to force yourself. You matter more than ice cream, okay? I'll be right back!" 

Why is that the sweetest thing I've ever heard? Great, now I feel really bad.

When she came back, she engulfed me in a hug and at the same time, Jeongguk walked inside, eyeing us judgingly. "What are you doing?" He questioned, sitting on Cheonju's seat.

"Is your coconut head not functioning again? I'm hugging her, that's so obvious," I laughed silently at her remark. "Oh! Do you want to come join me and my friends for lunch? They're nice and.. okay that was insensitive of me whoops sorry," She rubbed the back of her head and looked away in shame.

"Thank you for the offer but, I'm used to being alone so it might be awkward plus my mask.."

"Yeah, sorry I didn't realize what I was saying until I said it,"


I heaved out a sigh, gazing at the sky and at the ground beneath, watching the students hang out with their friends—laughing, talking, and just having a great time together. Everything seemed peaceful but of course, it was only for a moment before I saw something I think I shouldn't have.

Mother? And... Mrs. Park?

A small gasp escaped my lips whilst standing up and leaning over to see if I really am right.

"Yah, what are you doing?" I jumped a little and turned around, my body losing balance and almost falling from the roof if he hadn't ran and caught me. I was breathing heavily and my heart couldn't stop racing. "What were you doing?! That was really dangerous!"

I didn't answer him, instead I looked over if they were still there—if she was still there, and she is. My blood boiled when I saw the two of them hugging, tears brimming in my eyes, and fists clenched.

"Yah, are you okay?" Jungkook placed his hand on my mask-covered cheek and made me face him, worry written all over his face.

"I'm—I'm okay," He pursed his lips and stared at me for a second before pulling me into his embrace, stroking his hand on my back, while swaying me back and forth.

"Youngie... It's so obvious that you're not okay, so if you're not gonna tell me why then you have no choice but to be stuck with me cheering you up the entire break," My breath hitched when I felt his lips on my forehead.

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