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"I think I shouldn't do this, I think I don't even have feelings for her," I tell Cheonju, receiving a glare from her.

"I can't believe that after all this—after exposing your whipped ass to me, you're out here saying you think you don't have feelings for her? I sense bullshit,"

"I'm just.. confused? I don't know, maybe I'm attracted to her because of what she did or maybe because she's actually someone I know,"

"Junglebook, if you don't stop spewing nonsense," She raised her right hand pointed at it with her other hand, "this hand will high five your head like a bitch. Now go win your flower girl, I wanna see y'all kiss already," with that, my face scrunched up in disgust.

"You're gonna watch us kiss? You're sick ew get away from me," She snorted and rolled her eyes and mumbled something.


I took a deep breath as my eyes observed the building in front of me, searching for any sign of her because I might actually pee myself if there is and run off. When there wasn't any sign of her presence, I placed the flowers and shakily rang the doorbell before bolting away from there and ran all the way to the park, where Cheonju was waiting.

"I'm—I did it," I sighed heavily, catching my breath. "Finally! it took you y—" I turned my gaze to her just as she spun around, her face looking somewhat shocked, flustered and disgusted at the same time.



"Did you pee yourself?!"


iM ALIVE !! I haven't updated for weeks so blame school for that *coughs* and also my laziness *coughs* anywhooo,, i think there's only 2-4 chaps left and this book is done ! I have a kth arrianged marriage!au after this book so stay tuned for that ;) thank u for supporting this book and don't forget to vote !!

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