Chapter 10: If I lose myself tonight, it will be by your side

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A/N: First chapter after getting back! And thanks again for the 1000 reads (exactly) for #Random. Just thanks. I have no words to describe my appreciation for this. Love you guys. By the way, there will be weekly updates (at least once a week) for Nouis now, just because I love you guys and I want to end this book before 2015.Anyway, here's the chapter, enjoy!

William's POV:

I cleaned both myself and Niall by tidying up the lube and the remains of our desire. As I attempted to leave the room to have a bath, I felt Niall's hands holding me tight. "No, don't go..." He whimpered in his sleep, eyes shut and moving uncomfortably, sleeptalking. "Shush babe, I'm not leaving, I'm just going to have a shower, it's alright, you're my baby, I'm not leaving you." Niall didn't talk anymore, instead rolled over, but his clutch on my arm was not only as tight as before, but possibly even stronger. I can't help but smile a little at his childish actions. I bowed my head down and kissed his cheeks. The height difference never helped here, because I'm just taller than Niall by two centimeters. Well, that's better than nothing. 

I moved on to a few parts on Niall's neck, the lucky ones that were not covered by the hickeys I scattered on Niall's body. "Baby, I love you... Look, even the hickeys on you show that you are mine, and now you can't leave babe." I could see Niall's eyes fluttering, but then abruptly stopped, and only leaving his eyes rolling. I smirked, knowing that Niall forgotten the fact that I could see him rolling his eyes under his eyelids, and that he was woken by the peppered kisses.

"If one day, we get together, but then break up..." I felt Niall shiver a bit under my hand, but I continued as if I felt nothing. "I love you way too much to leave you, so if we break up you must have left me. I'll kill you babe. Break your pretty neck." Niall shuddered, as I caress his neck softly. "Baby, don't ever try or think of leaving me... It would be such a waste to break your pretty neck. So pretty, so fragile..." Niall paled, as I chuckled.

I patted him so as to let him sleep. After checking that his breathing was calm and slow, and that he was finally asleep, I kissed his forehead and muttered, "I'm sorry for making you scared, but I have to do this to make you stay with me... I know I'm never ever even going to be good enough for you, but I'll rather handcuff you to my side than let you be happy with someone else... I love you. Either be mine, alive, or be someone else's, but a dead body. Mine. Always mine."

I stayed awake, even as I heard Niall's soft and gentle breathing. Maybe it's time to call Harry and talk about Niall. After all, he knows about us. Me and Louise. I know Harry probably haven't slept, it's one of his bad habits to stay up until three or four, but wake up in the afternoon, three or four again.

"Hey Harry? I think we need to talk about Louis and Niall."

Harry's POV:

(The Italics means William is speaking)

"Hey Harry? I think we need to talk about Louis and Niall."

I didn't even have to think who that was as I recognized William's voice. It was deeper, and a bit more raspy. I never exactly understood how Louis' personalities can have different voices, but now I can recognize them all. Louis' voice is often light and humorous, while Louise is always giggly and girlish. They are three different people, like somehow William loves unconsciously rubbing his left eyebrow, while Louis fidgets with his watch, and Louise turns her bracelets round and round.

"What happened? I thought you guys were fine?" And you got laid. I muttered silently under my breath, holding back a smirk, even as I knew William can't see it.

"We are, at least me and Louis and Niall are, but I don't really know about Louise. I think Niall will freak out, as he did a little before when he saw Louis in girl outfit. I have this bad feeling in my guts that tells me Louise and Niall will not go right together." I could hear William sigh.

"Wait what? You mean Niall saw Louis in girl outfit already? Do you mean Louis or Louise? and how did he even react?" I bombarded William with a chain of questions, concerned about Niall's reaction.

"Whoa whoa, slower slower. Firstly, yes, Niall saw Louis in a girl outfit, which was a striped top and red skirt, which was mini, may I add, if you want it precise. Secondly, I meant Louis. Louise sprang her ankle, so Louis came back, and the only one Niall saw was Louis. thirdly, I think Niall was simply freaked out, and he calmed for a bit as he knew it was Louis, but I came back as soon as Louis mentioned my name, and well... I guess you could say I distracted Niall for a bit. He's now sound asleep, so I don't really think he had been really horrified, or else he couldn't have fallen asleep so quickly. Hopefully, tomorrow Louis is going to explain to him, and maybe Louise can show herself to him slowly, because me and Louis are both male, but knowing a female personality lives in your boyfriend's--" William was cut off by my snickering. "Well, your future boyfriend's, or for now, your friend with benefits' body, it is quite creepy."

I had to roll my eyes even as I agree. Knowing your boyfriend have three different personalities was probably a even bigger shock, so I am pretty sure Niall can take this one well, as he had, as it seems to me, accepted William. Maybe it is just because of the "benefits", but hey that's the first step to success.

A/N: Well, vote for this cute Hilliam conversation! (Sorry, I am bad at making up couple names. Feel free to tell me if you have a better one.) Comment for our dear Niall's reaction! And finally follow for Nouis, Nouis and Nouis! xx


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