Chapter 8: High heels and lipstick on me

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A/N: Picture on side is Louise, Louis' girl personality. Oh yeah, so this is the last update before late August, sorry guys. I am totally going to miss you guys :) One more thing, it is world cup final tonight! (OMG OMG Germany needs to win) Which side are you on? Keep being awesome! Love you perverts <3

Louis' POV:

It was midnight before I left Harry's for home. Harry was pulling a face and giving me puppy-dog eyes in order to make me stay, but he reluctantly saw me off as I walked home.

My sleepiness was blown away by the cold wind and the street lights shined faintly. I yawned, and quickened my pace.

The key turned, and I walked in. The first thing I saw was Niall with tear streaks on his face, and probably cried himself to sleep. I tried to caress his face, but was horrified instead: I couldn't control my body anymore! I saw "myself" move upstairs after glancing at Niall, and ruffle in my closet like she's been there a million times before. "I" pulled out something deep down in the closet, as my eyes widened to no end.

A dress?! "I" pulled out a striped top, my favourite kind, and a tight red skirt. I mentally face-palmed as I calmed down because I came to the realization this was just another one of my personalities. "I" didn't pull on the dress immediately, but instead gestured at "myself". "Aw, I look so beautiful... El will sure be surprised! Oh well, no one can resist Louise's glory!" Louise?! A girl's name, I could see my personalities are quite... Interesting. And how came El knows about this? Why didn't she tell me? Why is she hiding my own personality from me? Are El and Louise friends? A million thoughts crossed my mind as I watched Louise change, looking at my body through a girly (all thanks to Louise) angle.

She (the best way to address Louise) giggled as she changed into the dress, and even dug out a hidden necklace from my socks' drawer. I knew my socks' drawer hid many things, including a weird blue rubber band, but I have never, even in my wildest dreams imagined that there would be a girly necklace there, but as I questioned myself I had to admit that even if I found the necklace, I would just think that El left the necklace there.

I sighed again as I saw Louise appreciating my (or her) body in the mirror. She was hopelessly giggling and muttering to herself about things like, "Oh no, this skirt is too red! It doesn't match my top!" I rolled my eyes, and sadly remembered that I couldn't.

God, please let this girl quit messing around. Louise did a final rummage through her handbag, which was, again, hid in this dark unknown little dirty corner of my wardrobe. I will not admit that this is partly my fault for leaving my things so messy. In my defence, this is obviously organized chaos, and... Well organized chaos is just beautiful, right? I am sure Niall agrees too, with his room, that needs no descriptions. If everything is labelled with a "messy level", his room is probably in "messy heaven".

Finally! A sound of high-heels on the ground alerted me. Don't ask me why I knew the sound, have a girlfriend who wears them everyday, and then you'll understand. Louise was wearing a bright-red coloured high heels, which were probably three inches long, I didn't even have to think to know these heels were dug out of a corner of my wardrobe again. She tottered down the stairs, but then I felt a sharp pain from my ankles.

My reflexes made me touch my ankle immediately, and I knew with no doubt that Louise fell from the stairs. My attention was caught again by something else-Niall yawned. Oops, I guess the noise Louise made as she fell on to the floor His eyes scanned the room, but then his jaw dropped as his eyes landed on me.

"Louis? You alright? Wait, what's your name actually?" I could see from Niall's eyes that he was uncomfortable and cautious. His eyes trailed down from my eyes to my feet, and finally stopping at my heels. I could also feel my face burn up.

"Nialler... It is actually Louis." I swear I saw Niall's eyes threaten to pop out. "No wait, I mean it wasn't me that got into this dress." I gestured towards my outfit. "I think I have one more personality. She's called Louise. And yes, it is a 'she'."

Niall's popping eyes, which had calmed a bit when I said I didn't dress myself up as a girl, just popped out to a humanly-impossible length as I said my new personality is a "she". I am worried that he will somehow lose his eyes due to extreme surprise. However, I continued to tell him my experience and sort-of encounter with Louise.

Niall was understandably still in shock (well who won't be after knowing your best friend and band mate had three personalities, which are all different and weird) and as he said that he wanted some time alone, I wandered back to my room, and cleared my wardrobe.

One corner of my wardrobe didn't bring too much of a shock to me. It was just accessories, make-up, womanly clothes and even some wigs. I put them to a side after a brief glance.

On the other hand, the other corner of the wardrobe shocked me to no end. I will just list some of the contents: Lube, whips, candles, condoms, gags and even more. From all these, I could see my other personality, William, was rather... kinky. I hear Niall gasp. Appearantly, he followed me up with tip-toed and saw dear William's "collection".

Oops. Busted.

"Wait Niall that stuff isn't mine! These are William's! Really!"

A/N: Okayyy here's the chapter. Now comment for William, how kinky he is Vote for awkward moments between Niall and Louis. Follow for the adorable Nouis love! One cliffhanger, what's El doing with Louise?

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