6. Silly English thoughts

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Si sabes inglés, bienvenide seas. (Me voy un toque por las ramas escribiendo lo que pienso porque no sé. Te doy un beso por cada vez que escribí "kind of" o "like". Also, debe tener una banda de errores pero me quiero perfeccionar) AHRE

In this episode of 'my life is a complete mess and i cover wanting to commit suicide with chocolate milk', I'm here talking to you and with you in a quiet city at a winter evening.

It's all peace and quiet at this time... I'm 5pm at a winter day and you are that sun still shining but it's still cold down here.

I don't know if i'm being understandable, i think not. But most importantly is that you are here, like... here but, wait. no.

You are not here but im kind of like, with you. we are not physically together but one thing i know, is that i'm in your mind right now. And because of that, you are in mine.

I can tell when people think about me or when they are thinking about someone i know...
It's like a power or something. I don't like calling it a power, it's a bit childish but I don't have any other words for that thing I have.

When you look at someone and that person is looking right at the air in front of him or her or whatever... that means, this person is thinking. Obviously. You can't stop thinking.

Thoughtful, that's what you are, or at least that's what people say. I think most people think about someone special when they are stuck in their own reality like that.

Today in school, a partner was talking about someone that she likes but that someone, doesn't like her back. She said that she loves to imagine a world where that person likes her. It's a bit silly, I know. Like fantasies.

But human beings do some other silliest stuff than that.

This partner's friend, told her what i just said. That it was silly because she wasn't living in the real life and that was all illusions. He hated illusions.

But then she said that she didn't care because she loved that illusion. And I thought, all illusions are great, i said it out loud, interrupting their conversation, and she agreed with joy showing on her face.

This is the kind of conversation i have in my daily life, they are kind of interesting and it makes me wanna go to school sometimes. To have this 'talking lessons'...
with people I don't really know, it helps me, or i hope so.

Two years ago i wouldn't be able to talk to someone like i do now. Speaking is good but, to me, it depends on who or whatever.

Going back to you and me. Know that we are here, thinking us, if I die, i want to reincarnate in the golden hour.

I will be the golden hour and you'll be the thoughtful one the next time.

This is hard man.

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