Chapter 2: Whale Watching

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That was all filler. Introduction, whatever you wish to call it. This is where our story really begins. We open on the couch in a nondescript living room in Canary Wharf, where our two protagonists (or one antagonist, however you wish to see it) are seated, watching some documentary about ocean life or what have you.


"George" Will whined. He scraped at the bottom of the plastic bowl, coating his fingers in buttery grease and groaning overdramatically in an attempt to capture his friend's attention.

"What?" George replied, not really focused on Will, instead, his eyes were glued to the graphic depiction of an orca mutilating a seal on the screen. It was a wonder this film was rated pg.

"The popcorn's gone... Can you get us some more?"

"You mean you some more. I've barely had a handful."

"Oh you know what I mean," Will elbowed George. The shorter man was unfazed, still focused intently on the TV.

"Can't you go get it yourself?" George tore his eyes away from the screen for long enough to shoot Will a glare. "If you haven't noticed, I'm actually interested in the movie."

"Fine, but you won't be getting any more popcorn. You had your chance." Will grumbled and reluctantly heaved himself off the couch and walked to the kitchen.

This was George's first mistake.

As Will made his way to the kitchen he noticed something outside the window. Placing the bowl on the table, he walked over to have a peek. There was Stephen, cutting the grass, without his shirt on. Will would not admit he was staring, because that would be weird. He was just... making sure Stephen was doing it properly, that's all.

It was like the Stacy's Mom music video, but a thousand times more attractive and only slightly less creepy.

Will must have stood there for a while because what felt like only a few precious moments of staring at Stephen's toned figure was long enough for George to realize that something was up.

"Will?" A voice came from right behind him. Will jumped, eliciting a laugh from his slightly younger and much shorter friend.

"What the fuck?!" Will screeched, latching onto the counter for balance. George was doubled over, gasping for air.

"What could possibly be so interesting out there?" George tried to get a look, but Will kept moving to block his view. "You were staring out the window for 40 minutes!"

"N-Nothing!" See, Will knew that George wasn't too fond of Stephen, and he understood his jealousy, I mean, Stephen was a god among men. He wasn't trying to hide Stephen from George. He was just... Well, he figured someone would end up dead if he didn't.

George narrowed his eyes at Will, who began to sweat nervously. "Well..." George started carefully, "You missed the best part of the movie. This absolute unit of a sea lion started-" George began to make grim noises and hand motions, acting out one of the things he saw. Will just laughed along, trying his best to act casually and just let the little guy talk.

When he thought that George had forgotten about the whole thing, he offered up a game of FIFA. Will was eager to just get out of the kitchen, and more importantly to keep George away from a potential felony charge.

"Lemme just grab a snack and I'll be right there," George said, heading towards the refrigerator. Will didn't think anything of it, against his better judgement, and went on upstairs to his room.

Once Will was gone, George ran to the window, eager to see if whatever had caught Will's attention was still out there.

To his dismay, he found nothing but a freshly cut lawn.

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